Hide And Seek With Endeavor, Natsuo, And Bakugou

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EDIT: I am looking for a pre-reader for this story, (basically you get comment privilege on my google doc and get to read my early shitty writing and make suggestions as to what should happen in a certain scene, or where the chapter should (try) to go.
If you are interested leave a comment saying so. (this will help put longer chapters out faster.)

After a year, you'd think i'd have more written, but noooooo.
(Screw the adhd brain. Why did I have to obsess over an autistic, techy turtle named Donatello???!!!)

Full Title: Hide And Seek With Endeavor, Natsuo, And Bakugou (But There Is No Hiding, Since It's Not Like Endeavor's Kids Would Ever Sneak Someone Into His Home)


Todoroki's P.O.V
I watched as Natsuo started walking down to his room, Katsuki following behind after shooting me a look that read 'You'll be fine, dumbass', waiting for them both to be completely out of sight before releasing the breath I'd been silently holding back.

Ok. I've done this before, I have dealt with my father's rage for 16 years - I can handle another day.

I slowly breathed in and out, trying to steady myself before the imminent arrival of my father.


It wasn't long until the resounding booming of Endeavors' shoes slamming against concrete became clearer to mark his arrival, then I watched as the door opened, time seemed to slow down as he stepped in. He tossed his shoes off and stepped over the ledge.

His brow was furrowed, eyes fierce as they dug into my soul.

Inside I shuddered, the fear that I might slip up gasping towards the surface. I steeled myself and went to greet him. "Welcome Home."

He huffed and walked into the kitchen, "Where have you been, Shoto?" He'd asked in his gruff voice. No hint of worry, just pure unbridled rage.

"I was out." I replied, hoping my words were not wavering.

"For almost 5 days?" He shot back, reaching for a mug.

I straightened my shoulders, and rose to my full height, hoping and praying that my nerves were not showing through. "Yes, sir."

"You are to train for the next 3 days to make up. If I see you slacking I will pull you from the upcoming training camp and teach you myself. Am I understood?"

I nodded and said, "Yes."

He huffed again as he took a sip of tea from his mug. "I will look past this childish disobedience for now, but if you aren't in the training room in the morning you will tell me the truth of where you have been, and who that was on your phone 3 days ago."

Shit, I'd almost forgotten about Katsuki's retort towards my fathers demands, back at the bookstore.

I grimaced as I replied, "Yes, father. Thank you."

"That's all for now."


He left me alone for the most part, still glaring at me, but only every few minutes.

Fuyumi had escaped into the laundry room the moment Endeavor had shown up, with the excuse of chores, but she'd come back up shortly after we finished talking.

She pulled me into the front room, finding the area furthest from Endeavor's watchful glare. "Are you okay?" She whispered frantically, peering into the kitchen a few quick times. "What did he say? Are you safe? Should you and Bakugou escape now before it's too late?" She shot off question after question, rapid pace, no time to answer before she was moving onto the next one.

I grasped her arm, pulling her out of her head. I tried to give her a soft, reassuring smile, but I'm not entirely sure what that's supposed to look like. "I'm fine, Fuyu. I just need to make-up training for 3 days. Nothing I can't handle."

She looked at me with worry dripping from her face. She's never been able to handle seeing either me or Natsuo in pain.

"I'll be fine. Now, how about I help you with dinner?"


Dinner was as tense as usual. Fuyumi was pleasantly surprised at my newfound knife skills, but father kept scoffing everytime the knife hit the board, 'like he could do any better' I retorted silently in my mind.

We ate in relative silence, and Fuyumi stored extras in the fridge as 'leftovers' though if I am to take her winking as any indicator, they're actually for Natsu and Katsuki.


Father left not long after, with the promise (threat) that we would start training at 6 am sharp.


After making sure he was truly gone, Fuyumi and I journeyed through the halls, before stopping at Natsuo's.

Fuyumi tapped 3 times, before waiting for a response.

A knock, then another two taps.

Fuyu tapped once and the door opened.

"-Code y'all invented?" Katsuki was mid-asking when we stepped in.

"Yep. Helps keep the bastard away." Natsu replied as he quickly checked us over for injuries.

Fuyumi held her hands up, stopping Natsu in his tracks, "We're fine, I made sure nothing happened. How are you two holding up?"

"Tch." Came Katsuki's apt response.

Natsu hung his head, exclaiming "I lost at Cards Against Humanity!" And I watched as Kat started smirking.

"Damn right you did! Hey, you," he called, pointing at Fuyu, "what are you good at, I wanna beat you at it?!"

Fuyu stood shocked, but still managed to answer, "uhh... baking, I guess."

"She makes killer cookies!" Natsu cheered, wrapping her in a side hug.

"Not anymore!" Katsuki bragged, "How long until the bastard comes back?"

Fuyu checked her watch, calculating, "About 9 hours."

"That's more than enough time for me to kick your ass!" Katsuki whooped, as he grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room.

I guess we're baking???

Alright who let me write this!?

((what kind of cookies should they bake?? Please tell me, I can only make croissants - I have a habit of burning cookies))

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