Short and Sweet

252 8 4

You're welcome.

Katsuki's P.O.V


"I think I finally realized why Shoto acts the way he does." I spoke up in the middle of mixing my dough. All heads perked up, but the fight was still going on in the background.

"Whatever do you mean, Kats?" Shoto asked, pouring in one too many chocolate chips than the recipe called for.

"-That's enough," I called loudly so I knew he heard me before whacking Shoto's hand with a dirty utensil. "I mean, why you're so..." I did my best Todoroki impression, pressing my hair down so it covered my face, "ʼI'm not here to make friends.'" Then immediately 'cheering up' and continuing, "'Let's go burn down a 7-11, bestie!'" To which Natsuo laughed so hard he started choking, and Fuyumi stopped her mixing in shock.

"Dude!" Natsu chuckled after catching his breath, "Man, are you correct, holy heck! You've know Shoto for what, a week?! And yet you already have him so figured out."

"I have to ask." Fuyumi started, loading her own dough with the cup of chocolate chip Natsuo gave her, "What actually is your realization? I mean, the point you were making before Natsuo so rudely interrupted?"

"Ope. Sorry." Natsuo was quick to shut up.

"He got it from you lot. And I don't just mean he got his nice," I faked a cough, "irritating, personality from one of you, and his rather light dark humor from the other."

Now the older Todoroki siblings were fully listening, bowls and ingredients set aside.

"He may not have seen you as much growing up, but anything you might have said in passing, any of the rare family times you might have had with your mother, or even how you guys hold yourself around your father - he paid attention to how you both behaved.
"This man doesn't have an evil bone in his body, but because you - Fuyumi - know how to word your insults in a way that Endeavor can't understand, he's able to tell him to go 'fuck himself' in the most turn-about way."

Fuyumi beamed at the compliment(?)

"And you - Natsuo - Even after everything Shoto has done - regardless if it was his fault or not - you don't hold it against him. You treat him as family, and that allows him to try and find that kindness in the world around him, even if what it took was being punched by Deku."

"That's very kind of you, Katsuki." Fuyumi cried through choked-back sobs. She quickly bounded to the other side of the island and wrapped me and Shoto in a tight hug.

I didn't fight. I had no reason to.

But I do prefer my own bubble. I started to push out of the hold, just moving backward to signal that I was done. They let each other go, and I took the time to look at Shoto, grabbing his hand - the cold one luckily - and just existing for a bit. Before, "Alright, that's enough." I exclaimed, dropping his hand, "Back to work." I swear to All Might this man groaned out sounds of sadness. I rolled my eyes but reached up to cup his face, regardless of how childish he was being. His irises were mostly hidden by his half-lidded eyes, but what I could see was soft and forever. He held onto my hip on what was probably instinct - or at least, because letting his hands droop didn't feel normal.

And when I looked into those eyes, it was a no-brainer to reach up and kiss him, letting our lips slip together for a quick second before letting him go. I patted his shoulder in support, "Love you too, dumbass, but seriously, I wanna win."

He sighed heavily in defeat, but his eyes were lit up and he kept touching his fingers up to his lips almost in shock.

His brain rebooted in no time as he finally came back to our station.
His hands were coated in flour and raw dough was somehow in his hair. He looked fucking dumb, but I guess that's how I like him. But now my perfectly black pants were coated in handprints, it didn't bother me as much as it would've just a couple of days ago. I found it rather comforting, in fact.

I had him line a tray with parchment as I started rolling tiny handfuls of dough into balls. Lining them up 2 inches apart we got the first batch into one of the many awaiting ovens.
Fuyumi and Natsuo weren't too far behind, but there globs of cookie dough didn't look as superb as ours so...

I let Sho also line the other tray, watching the timer tick down ever so slowly.

Moving some bowls and ingredients over, I grabbed one of the cooking racks Fuyumi had the decency to pull out of Tartarus knows where. Setting it up just in time for my alarm to beep at me.

Taking some toothpicks and some oven mitts, I headed for the sound, turning it off, but not the oven. Reaching in, and grabbing the oven rack, I gently pulled it out about halfway. I stuck the toothpick into the middle of a center cookie and got pure perfection. I pushed the rack back in and grabbed the tray, setting it on the stove as I beckoned Shoto to bring the next tray. We reset the timer and started clearing our station.

Todoroki at least knew where everything went, so that just left me to clean up the dishes. I gathered them up and deposited them in the sink, making sure to scrape anything caked on into the trash before rinsing them clear.

About 15 minutes later most of the dishes were drying, and the oven was finishing up.

All the cookies were placed on cooling racks, and the kitchen was back to near spotless. Fuyumi and Natsuo were experts at cleaning, I actually want Fuyumi to teach me her secrets, after I beat her butt at this competition, of course.

Shoto had taken a seat after everything was all done, so brushing some leftover ingredients off me I made my way over to him, where he was lost in thought. "Sho." I called to no response. "Shoto." I tried again - still nothing.

I groaned, but didn't give up, going for another route. I placed my hand on his shoulder, and that got a reaction. He was now looking up at me, mouth parted just a tad, and eyes sorta glazed over, or more like not here. I sighed and shook him a bit.

"Kats." he whispered. "I don't understand how you can read my mind, but I should verbally let you know that I most likely love you as well."

He is so fucking dumb! I just wanna... Grabbing his face I planted another chaste kiss on his stupid face, and whether this was on purpose, or completely accidental we released with a loud and obnoxious 'Mwah!' and I have never seen this man so red in all my time of knowing him.

Needless to say, I'm going to savor this moment until the day I die.


Happy Holidays to you all!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2023 ⏰

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