Todoroki Family Bonding, Now Including Bakugou

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Happy birthday to me! My birthday gift, a chapter to you lovely people.
Now before we start this chapter, a few things to note. you'll notice that the Hiatus chapter was deleted, this however does not mean that I'm entirely back to MHA brainrot. (Rn it's a mixture of Miraculous, Pokemon , Simon snow, and a few other anime's ).
The updates will be sporadic and with long breaks due to school, this is my last year of high school, and I really want to pass it. (Also I've got this huge crush on one of my classmates, she's in my advisory, and my English IV class, and she is so cute and relatable and so easy to get along with, since this is my last year I want to try and befriend her at least)
Anyway! On with the show!
Full Title: Todoroki Family Bonding, Now Including Bakugou (It's Too Late To Escape, Just Accept Your Fate)

Natsuo's P.O.V. (Ooh, change up)

The first thing I expected to see when I walked into my 'home' was in fact NOT my older sister, sitting on the floor and practically foaming at the mouth, nor was it my younger brother slurping down food while the blond kid with anger issues from the sports festival had a look of triumph on his face. But here I am; in that exact situation! (Oh god, what did I walk into?)

I walked over to my siblings, concerned for the most part, especially about Fuyu. "Fuyumi?" I called, tapping on her shoulder, "Fuyumi, what happened? Are you ok?" No response. Okay, now, I'm freaking out, and clearly, it showed.

"Relax." The blond kid scoffed from the couch, "She just couldn't handle the news."

"What do you mean?" I spoke sharply, hoping it wasn't something bad; like something went wrong with our mother, or one of Shoto's friends got hurt, or Fuyumi's dying, or-

"-He just told her we were dating." Shoto's monotone voice replied.

Obviously, my ears are not working, because there is A) no way my youngest brother said he was dating someone, and B) there is no way he is dating the poster child for Anger Issues. "I'm sorry, WHAT!?" I asked just a bit louder than I should've.

"Oh! Natsuo, when did you get home?" I looked over to Fuyumi, who was now sitting up straight and looking around the room.

"Just a few minutes ago." I told her, before getting to the most important thing, "Please tell me that I'm going crazy and that Shoto here is, in fact, NOT dating a gremlin look-alike."

"Hey! I am not a freaking gremlin! You Ice Bear wannabe."

"Ice Bear happens to be my favorite, so thank you!" I shoot back before turning back to Mi-Mi.

"Oh my goodness." She gasped out, laying her hand over her mouth in shock, "He is. You're not crazy."

"Yeah, Natsu. Besides, if anyone's crazy here, it's me." Shoto added, finally done with whatever he was eating.

"The fuck you talking about, Icy-Thot?" The blond asked firmly.

"I'm dating you." Shoto ignored the questionable name and responded like it explained everything. And... It kinda did.

"What is that supposed to mean!" The other shot back. (I should probably learn his name).

"Katsuki. Have you met yourself? The class has dubbed you the 2nd least date-able. If Midoriya didn't speak 'Bakugou' I don't doubt that he would've freaked out if we told him."

"So! That doesn't make you crazy, it just means you have good fucking taste! The only thing that makes you crazy is living with Endeavwhore." Okay, forget anything I ever thought about this child. He is welcomed over anytime he wants.

"I think being with you makes me a little bit crazy. But you're not wrong there." Shoto's eyes suddenly widened and he started looking around frantically, "Katsuki, where's our bags?" He asked, panicky, gripping onto the others' arm.

"Hold your horses, dumbass." He carefully unwrapped Shoto's hand, and gently set it down, "I put them on the counter as soon as we walked in." Katsuki - I think that's his actual name - stood up and walked towards the entrance. (I am just now realizing he was wearing a Hawks-themed jacket, the little wings flapped as his arms swung back and forth).

He came back over with a couple of bags and placed them on Shoto's lap before plopping down on the couch beside him, leaning back, and laying his arms on the back of the couch.

Shoto tore through the bags, searching and muttering. After going through all the bags like a TSA agent would with a non-caucasian's luggage, he sighed in success as he pulled out a tinier bag.

"I got a few things for you two. Fuyumi, I found a few buttons with Mirko on them." He handed Mi-Mi the buttons. She carefully observed them before crawling over to the couch and hugging Shoto so tightly I thought his head was gonna fly off.

"Ooh, thank you so much, Shoto! These are going in my classroom!" She squealed, slowly letting him go.

"You're welcome. Natsuo, I found some All Might pins for you." He called while dropping them into my waiting hands.

"You're the best Shoto." I claimed as I rustled his hair, "These are so going on my bag!" Correct me if I'm wrong, but I swear I just saw Shoto smiling.

"How did you even get these?" Fuyumi asked, still admiring her pins.

I watched as Katsuki's mouth stretched upwards in a Grinch-like grin. Ok, where did Shoto find this monstrosity; the garbage bin behind a burned-down K-mart?

"Borrowed one of Father's credit cards. At first, it was only to get Katsuki a Wall Scroll of Mirko, but he convinced me to grab a few other things."

"Hell yeah, also, this dumbass didn't know that the store would ship items. So if Endeavwhore comes home complaining about an All Might body pillow being sent to his agency just don't mention me, and please send me a video of it."

I think Fuyumi shut down again, her face just went blank and her eyes seemed glossed over. Man, what kind of wizardry is going on over here? "Shoto, where do you keep finding these people? First, the bone-breaking kid who yelled at you, now a Gremlin who hates Endeavor as much as us? What's next, a tiny child who's been traumatized beyond all belief?" I swear he just started thinking about that. Nope, just no, how did he even survive this long. Gosh-dangit!

"Well anyway, we're glad you've got friends, even if how you got them and how they are is a bit questionable!" Fuyumi cheered, having snapped out of whatever spell that was. I nodded in agreement alongside her. "It's just so nice to see you happy. After all these years, I'm glad you have found your own way to thrive, and see things you'd never imagine!" She teared up as she threw her arms around Shoto again. He actually leaned in and wrapped one of his arms around her back.

"Thanks, Fuyu!" He whispered, barely audible to the group.

Fuyumi slowly let go and turned her attention to Katsuki. "Bakugou. Thank you."

"For what?" He huffed out, but it didn't seem ill-intended, "I didn't do anything."

"For staying with Shoto. We know that he can be a bit difficult to understand sometimes, and isn't the easiest to get along with. So thank you for sticking by him and such."

"He's not that bad I guess, so you're welcome or whatever."

Next Up: the Todoroki's try to hid Katsuki from Endeavor. Are they successful? Idk, I haven't thought that far ahead.

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