Midoriya Joins The Fray

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A.K.A: Another Chapter I Pulled Out Of My Ass.

I don't know how I keep having a new chapter each day for the past 3 days, but here. I fell asleep writing this, I woke up and wrote this. Enjoy. (Also I finished my Burnin painting)

Side note: I have little control over what my hands write, so I want to apologize on their behalf for this and any previous chapters that have taken a different turn.

      Reluctantly, I stayed by Shoto’s side as he waited for the Fucking Nerd. Why does the world hate me so much?

      The second he approached us, I socked him one right on the cheek. The force turned his head in the direction my hand followed through, but it's not like it'll leave lasting damage, he'll definitely have a huge ass bruise (in my defense, he basically asked for it by being alive in the same area as me).

      It was like some lever was flicked in the Nerds mind, making him slightly less dumb, "Seriously Kacchan?" He cried while cradling his cheek like a baby, Shoto kicked me in the shins. Yeah, you heard that right. Shoto kicked me, in my shins.

      If I didn't hurt so much I would be so proud. "The hell you do that for?" Honestly, I knew why, but I still wanted to hear it from his own mouth.

      "You know darn well why I did that. Either you apologize, or I'm kicking you again, this time in the knees - have fun trying to walk then."

      From personal experiences, let me say that he is not a man of empty threats. I was faced with two difficult choices, I could either apologize to the nerd and stay on Shoto's good side, or I could completely ignore his request and walk home on crutches. One definitely sounded better than the other, but it'd mean acting buddy-buddy with that broccoli rip-off.

      But considering the alternative? "Ugh fine, I'm fucking sorry for punching you in your weak ass face, even though it's an easy target." Turning to Shoto, "Is that better, your Royal Highness?"

      "Didn't expect any less, but it's really up to Midoriya." We both glared at the nerd. Ok fine! I glared, Shoto glanced.

      The idiot waved his arms back and forth over and over and over. Could someone please weigh them down with cement and throw him into a ravine? I will pay any mob to do so. And to make matters worse, he started talking. Yeah, and you thought my life was already tough? "Oh, it's okay Todoroki. I accept his apology, it's the first I've actually ever heard one from him. Actually, what is he doing here, not that I don't appreciate your company Kacchan, is just that you said you weren't doing anything so I just assumed that y'know, you didn't have any plans. I see now that I misread your message, so I'll be going no-"

      "-You didn't misread." If this was a fucking cartoon, Deku's Jaw would have dropped straight onto the floor.

      Bug-eyed and nervous, he stumbled over his words like a preschooler, "But, huh, what? But you're. He's. I don't understand. How could I not have misread it? Clearly, you're busy, and if Kacchan here then he clearly didn't agree on his own terms." Well, he's right about that.

       "I may have blackmailed him a bit, but it's fine. He promised that he'll be passive for at least an hour. You see, we were already in the area when you texted because someone thought it'd be better to drag me outside to rant, rather than wake up his family." Oh good God. How stupid is he, how stupid am I for think this was going to go well?

      "Ah, but, but. That doesn't concern him Sho - Icy-Hot. Listen up nerd, basically, I'll be following this sorry excuse for a candy-cane around for reasons only the two of us should know, and I will leave you alone for the most part. You are not to look at me, stand near me, talk to me, or even breathe near me on the grounds that I basically promised fuckface over here that I wouldn't purposefully antagonize you for an hour at least." Pulling out my phone I set a time for exactly an hour from now, then held it up for the nerd to see, "So when this goes off, and I can still see you Todoroki is no longer liable for me, which mean I have the ability to pounce with explosions blasting and try my improved Howitzer Impact on you. Got it? Okay, let's go."

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