Todoroki vs. Vegetables

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Round One... Fight!

I racked my brain for simple recipes that even someone like Todoroki could follow, when I recalled one of the first ever things I made by myself: Curry. It's not terribly difficult, and as long as you know how to properly cut vegetables, anyone can make it.

I dragged him around the kitchen, grabbing the knives and cutting boards first, "Here, take this," I shoved the two boards into his hand, there is no way I'm trusting him with the knives right now. He took them and followed along as I told him how to place them on the counter, laying the knives down faced away from us.

Waiting patiently he asked, "What now?" A sense of wonder laced in his words. I wonder if he's ever even been allowed in a kitchen.

"Fridge," was all I had to say for him to start pulling me towards the appliance. Yanking it open I searched through the drawers for the bastards that I needed. 'Lets see... I'll need 2 of each; onions, carrots, and potatoes.' Upon opening the right cold drawer there was a shit ton of vegetables rolling around. 'Where the hell is...' Not seeing a hint of any stupid potatoes I sighed and tried to grab the other two bastards. Apparently I need four hands to do that. I could hold only one onion, but the second I tried to grab the other one it slipped out of my hand. 'Just ask for help.' If that's the only way.

Changing our positions so we were facing each other I let my arm rest from being pulled constantly. Right arm now free-er than before I laid it across my chest, creating a pocket, "Grab the two onions," I hope he knows what those are. He grabbed the right thing. 'Oh thank Gods,' "Just put it in my arm and grab the other one too." He followed my instructions, giving me the 'Now what?' look when he was finished. "Grab two carrots."

With the needed ingredients we walked over to the counter, "Katsuki, do you need any help?" I heard the old man call.

"Yeah, get over here! You too, you hag!" They both came over without much of a fight.

They waited for their instructions, "What do you need, brat?" The Hag asked.

I pointed at her, "Roux, and not from a damned box," she knew what to do so she immediately got to work. I looked at the old man and stated, "Rice."

"What will I be doing?" I heard from beside me.

"Open that cabinet and grab the big bowl, we're drowning these suckers clean!"

Bowl, down. Veggies, in. Awkward walking to the sink? Done.

Before placing the bowl down in the sink we placed it on the counter. Running my hand under the, now flowing, water I attempted a one handed washing. It's not the most efficient way, but hey, it works. Todoroki followed suit while I dried my hand.

Grabbing the bowl again, we placed it into the sink and filled it a fourth of the way with water, covering everything, "Hey hag, where's the bag of potatoes?"

"They're in the pantry. Masu, dear, could you grab them for our gremlin?" At least she was smart enough to not leave the stove unattended.

The old man walked up with the bag in his hand, "How many do you need?"

"Just two. Could you help, we're a little low on hands here? " He went to work while I dragged Icy-Hot back over to the cutting boards, "Please tell me you know how to use a fucking knife?"

"I wouldn't know. Fuyumi's the only one who is allowed to cook for us." If it weren't for my old man setting down the bowl beside us, I would've straight up strangled Todoroki to death.

'Ok, minor set back. You can get through this without murdering him,' I sighed and handed him a knife, "Try not to stab me!" I warned.


You'd think it'd be common knowledge that it is impossible to evenly cut something with only one hand, but when you're Bakugou Fucking Katsuki (me) you believe that you can do everything... Apparently, I can't do this, and neither can the Half-Baked Elsa, both of us were struggling. Why couldn't we've been stuck with the use of our arms not prohibited. The second they find the Bastard who did this I'm gonna blast him to the 7th Circle of Hell!

Ten minutes in, and we've both only got two slices done - and his were all uneven. 'This is not going to work.' I put down my knife which caused Todoroki to stop, "Put yours down too," I instructed. 'How am I going to do this?'

I slowly moved in front of him, checking every so often that the direction I was moving wouldn't break his hand. The best way seemed to have my right shoulder towards him, but the rest of me turned away slightly. I reached for the knife and handed it back to him, "I'm only helping you because my next choice is cannibalism." He grabbed the knife albeit a little hesitantly, and I grabbed his hand. "Uneven slices don't cook for shit," I explained as he jumped in surprise, "I'm not going to explode you." I showed him how to properly cut, calm, controlled, and perfect.

Once he got that down I released his hand and instead held down the vegetable he was trying to cut. It seemingly helped, each slice came faster and cleaner than the one before, and before I knew it, we got through all six stupid bastards. 'We made a damned good team,' I thought, but I'm not going to tell that Warm Ice-Pack that I did.

I looked around the kitchen and noticed that both the old man and the hag were done, and staring at us, "What! Since you've got nothing better to do, come help us!" They both got up and walked over, the hag didn't even yell, "We're taking a break," I declared, "I'm sure you can figure out what the hell to do next." I dragged the Broken Freezer over to the couches while he thanked them both for helping.


So maybe falling back onto the couch wasn't the smartest idea, but hey, it got the job done.

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