Hide and Seek with Bakugou, Natsuo, and Endeavor

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I hope you like 6 ish pages of Natsuo and Bakugou bonding.

This chapter has a lot more sexual humor than previous chapters for one reason only: Cards Against Humanity
The lovely cards Against humanity lab is to blame for all question cards, and answer cards, I was just in charge of picking good ones.

Anyways. Enjoy this disaster.

Full title: Hide and Seek with Bakugou, Natsuo, and Endeavor (But There Is No Seeking, Since Endeavor Doesn't Know Either Of Them Are There)
Bakugou's P.O.V
Someone's phone ringing broke through the serene aura of the Todoroki house. Fuyumi excused herself as she got up and headed towards the kitchen.

Silence, then, "Dad?" Shouto and his brother froze in place, "Almost home? Yeah, just a couple minutes ago. Yes. I understand. Alright, I'll let him know. See you when you get home. Love you." She hung up the phone and walked back over calmly, before completely freaking out in front of us, "Oh my goodness! He said he was only 10 minutes out! We have to hide Bakugou, he can't know he was over. He's gonna want an explanation for why you were gone for so long, can you provide him one? Should we just send you back with Bakugou? No, I told him you were here! Argh! Why did I do that?" She cried, tearing at her multicolored hair.

"Fuyu, calm down. Bakugou can hide in my room, the bastard never checks it." The other Todoroki sibling replied, gently removing her balled-up fists from her hair.

"C'mon we better hurry," he said, motioning to me to follow him down one of the many hallways.

He turned back towards Shoto and the other one, "Mi-Mi, you and Shoto should stay here, try to think of a reasonable excuse for why you were gone for 4 days. If the bastard asks where I'm at, tell him I'm studying with my girlfriend."

Fuyumi nodded, then said, "You should probably take your shoes up with you, just in case, he might notice them down here. You too, Bakugou." She posited just before Natsu and I were too far down the hall.

We turned back around and headed for the incline just before the door. Grabbing his shoes and leaving his slippers in their place, "I'm sure this will be fine in the meantime." He muttered to himself as he walked back. I grabbed my loafers and followed him back down the hall.

We passed by Shoto and Fuyumi, who were both looking frazzled. I shot Shoto a look, which I hope he took to mean, 'Calm your ass down idiot, I'll explodo-kill him for you if you want.' and headed down to Natsuo's room.


It was an unsurprisingly long walk through the many corridors these pompous dorks call home. Until finally Natsuo slid a door open and beckoned me in.

His room reminded me of the damn nerd's. There was hero merch galore, and a desk piled sky-high with papers, binders, and books (reminiscent of the leaning tower of Pisa). He also had a mini-fridge by his desk, littered with stickers of different heroes and cartoon characters.

I took a seat at the desk while he sat on his bed, decorated with a Gang Orca comforter. "So, what're we gonna do now?" I asked, already bored out of my fucking mind. "Try to take over the world?"

"I've got board games, and card games, take your pick." He got up and walked towards the closet, which he opened to reveal any game imaginable.

"The hell, you've got all these, yet Shoto didn't even know how to play fucking Uno!" I pointed out while I rifled through them.

"You can thank the shitstain we call 'dad'. Choose anything, and don't worry about being quiet, we're far enough away, and he had every room basically soundproofed." He informed me while I pulled out Life, Monopoly, and Cards Against Humanity. He grinned, much akin to how I smile when beating up the nerd squad.

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