Decisions, Decisions, All Of Them Wrong?

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Somehow we (ie: I) found a way to sit next to each other without completely ripping our arms off. My arm was once again going numb from being crushed beside Todoroki, but it was either that or dislocating my other arm, so I suffered through.

Squirming in my seat, forced to be pushed up against Icy-Hot and the arm of the couch. Thinking, 'Hey! Why the hell does he get more space?' No matter how we were positioned on this damned couch it was never comfortable. There was really only one way that seemed best - and that's when we're facing each other.

Looking around, searching for the best possible way to do this without getting impatient and blowing something (Probably Half -n- Half) up in frustration.

There were only two viable options, and I only felt okay with one of them.

Option One: We sit like normal fucking people, uncomfortable, and tired, but less susceptible to explosions. Pros: I wouldn't get as annoyed, I wouldn't end up dragging around a dead body, and maybe I can rest. The Cons, however: I'd have no chance to stretch my arm, I'd be extremely close the Vulpix-with-Daddy-Issues (but considering my second option, this didn't bug me as much), and I'd be bored out of my fucking mind. I've had yet to charge my phone, and to be honest, it hasn't seemed all that interesting.

Option Two: Begrudgingly, if I wanted to... I could, in theory, use Icy-Hot as my personal pillow. Pros: I'd be comfortable and could probably get a micro-nap in, (he might actually work like a heating pad or an ice pack) also I wouldn't have to look at his ugly-ass mug for a while. The Cons: I'd have to lay so awkwardly as to not lose my arm. Literally, I'd have to lay belly down on or near him, it'd be utterly embarrassing and the hag would nag me about it for 10 billion years - I caught her staring earlier in the kitchen.

Neither option was sounding good, now that I think about it. For a moment I thought I was losing my fucking mind when, even after searching for any other option. I found no alternatives. All I ever got were those two choices.

I ran through multiple scenarios of both ideas, factoring in different variables, sometimes the scene worked out, and in one - I ended up tossed into an active volcano Alive. Something punched my arm, and if it didn't, who knows how long I would've stayed in my haze of neverending torture.

Blinking back into the real world, it was quickly realized that it was Icy-Hot who had punched me. Opening my mouth to yell at him, only to be stopped by him shushing me and pointing to the kitchen. Turning my head to look, I saw the old man standing near the entrance, "Katsuki, do you want to come and finish this yourself, or do you want us to for you?"

I was about to shout back my answer when the hags' voice cut through, "C'mon Masu, let's let the boys rest. Katsuki needs to spend more time with his friend!"

"He's not my friend!"

"Oh hush!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" I pulled Todoroki up with me as we (ie: I) stomped into the kitchen, finishing the last parts, and stacking the used dishes in the sink. Reaching into the cabinet, I pulled down two bowls and shoved one of them into Todoroki's hand, "Here." We served ourselves then walked back to the couches, sitting down and eating in silence.

"You know, you really shouldn't talk to your mother like that." Looking up from my food and slowly turning my head, I glared at the idiot.

And gladly retorted back, "And you should really shut your fucking mouth before I murder you, bastard!"

Something, or someone, snuck up behind me, and smacked the back of my head hard, "Shut up, Katsuki. Stop being such a bitch to Todoroki!"

Standing up to launch myself at the hag, only to be pulled back down to the couch and told to stop. I didn't.

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