And He Was Almost Impressed

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Don't ask me what happened. It was going to be a very light-hearted chapter (if you can't already tell from the John Mulaney reference in the title) but, for some reason, it went a completely different way.

This is my least favorite chapter and I hope it burns in hell. Seriously don't even tell me it's good, I'm planning on rewriting as soon as I can

Like seriously the only parts that matter will be starred

(We're back in Baku's P.O.V)

      I can't believe that Shoto fucking Todoroki just called me, Katsuki Bakugou, an 'asshole'! This is probably the best thing that has ever happened in my fucking life. I have never met anyone with the confidence to talk back to me except my own parents. Not one of my teachers, none of my classmates - especially not shitty Deku - but here comes along this walking bag of daddy issues with the personality of a Microwave Oven close to shutting down, and he is the only one that actually says to my face - while I'm paying attention - that I'm an 'asshole'. I've got to give it to Vision here, he's got balls. Not a single one of the extras would be dumb enough to say shit to my face - maybe Shitty Hair, but he and Dunce Face are missing a few brains.

      Todoroki bluntness is actually fucking hilarious! He always says what everyone's thinking, and he doesn't even recognize exactly what he is saying (or maybe he does, and says the shit anyway). Most times he says something snarky, I'm either not listening, or trying not to laugh out loud.

      We didn't go back home, well technically my home, like we had planned to once we were done with the bookstore. I thought to myself, 'While I'm stuck I might as well do what I want. Who knows, maybe he's worth keeping around? It is possible, sometimes.' We kept walking around, the bag was bumping into my leg with every step we took and I was about ready to yell at it when out of nowhere Todoroki stopped and held his empty hand out, silently asking for the bag. I handed it to him without making a fuss, for once in my life (I know it's a miracle).

      We made a few pit stops in a couple more shops just to browse around, every once in a while I would find something really cool that I wanted, but I never got 'em. Although I was half-tempted to get this giant wall-scroll of Badass Bunny Chick.

      For once in all my years, I was actually enjoying spending time with another Human Being (or an alien in a really horrible disguise).

      As we kept walking, I kept paying more attention to him. I don't know why, something in me was telling me that he was worth it. Whatever 'it' is.

      Now that I think of it, was that all I needed from someone? To be insulted, for someone to pull me off my high horse and yank my head out of my own ass. For someone to tell me that it's not all about me? Cause shit, it worked. It worked so well, that I don't even know how I never noticed how much I was missing about Todoroki. The previous 3 emotions I thought he only knew how to portray (anger, daddy-issues, and hunger) exploded into a plethora of new ones. Just by paying more attention to him, and how his face twists and turns, it was like he was a completely different person. ⭐

      Or did all I need was for him specifically to give to me what I had coming for eons. Was it that it actually didn't matter what was said, or what went down as long as it was that bastard? That Half n' Half? That... Shoto?


      Something feels off about this. I think I'm mutating, something has been forcefully added, and I'm not programmed for it. I'm not meant to handle it, or even know how to.

      How is it that without him even saying a word, I know what he's thinking, how he's feeling? Tell me there is something wrong with me. That is the only explanation for whatever the fuck this is.

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