Questioning Assholes

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Bakugou's P.O.V

I have absolutely no fucking clue what the fuck is happening to me. I feel fine, perfect in fact. But for some god-damned reason at random fucking moments my stomach will drop, my throat will catch, and my heart will clench. It hurts like hell, and I have no clue what's causing it.


It was a 45 minute trip to the police department where the shitty villain who started this was being held, and honestly - it's not the being seated for that long that bothered me, no - for some reason it's Sho-Todoroki. You'd think after forcefully hanging out with him for an entire day, I would be willing to get along with him, but he just- I just- I don't even fucking know. Something about him pisses me off. He's not even doing anything - heck - he's not even breathing wrong.

I decide to try and just enjoy the ride, and try not to let my thoughts bother me - they aren't even making any sense.

The trip flew past at a moderate speed, but before I knew it we were being forced out of the car and then stumbled into the building. Mr. Aizawa was waiting for us down the hall, next to a closed-door which I'm guessing is holding the asshole.

"Hello, Mitsuki, Todoroki, and Bakugou. Thanks for showing up on such short notice, now let's get this over with so I can take a nap."

Of course...

He opened the door and all of us entered the room. There, sitting right in front of us, is the damned shithead. He was leaned forwards in his chair, hands folded together over the table, and chained onto a clamp on the floor. He's got this smug ass grin stretched across his ugly mug, he looks up at us, and his smile widens, "Shoto. Oh, and Katsuki, what a surprise." He faked innocence, that or he's just really stupid. "So to what do I owe this pleasure?"

Todoroki ignored any ploy he was trying to play, and demanded the simple task we've been wanting to be completed, "Unstick us. Now."

He just laughed. "Why would I do that? I have no reason to listen to anything you say. Seriously, stop being so cold Shoto." For some reason I absolutely despise how he just casually uses Todoroki's first name, he didn't give him permission, so knock it off asshole!

I started to move over to him - to knock some sense into his dense mind - when I was doubly held back by Todoroki not moving, and by him grabbing the back of my shirt. He shook his head. Ugh, fine. "Unstick us this instant, unless you want a face full of explosions!" I let off a few sparks to make a point, but he didn't flinch, just stayed perfectly still.

"Calm down now, Katsuki." the bastard tried to tell me, but all I was seeing was red.

"Stop calling us that! You have no fucking right."

He looked confused, and honestly, so was I. Why was he so creepy? "Now, now Katsuki, you don't mean that. We're practically friends, I mean, after everything I've done for you? You should be grateful."

The hell? Who the hell does he think he is, he's done jack for me. I opened my mouth to yell at him, when another voice decided to do just that. "The hell do you think you are, huh?! My fucking child told you not to do one simple ass thing. So shut your damn mouth, and listen to him, fuckhead!" Never in my entire life have I been so proud of the old hag.

"Oh, hello there," He cheerfully stated, "You must be Katsuki's mother, man, he looks like the spitting image of you." He directed his attention back to me, and honestly, I wanted nothing more than to scoop his eyes out with a melon baller. "I see where you get your looks and personality from, you're very lucky Katsuki."

"Shut your damned mouth and do your fucking job, now stop stalling Fuck Munch!" I was pissed beyond all belief, I wanted to be done with this crap already. I shot a glance over to Aizawa, hoping he would understand - and start beating the crap out of him.

He sighed, and walked over to the bastard, "That's enough. Unstick my students right now, or I'll get someone to force you to."

"Oh, but Eraserhead, sir, I'm helping them. Isn't that right, Katsuki?"

"The hell do you mean, shit face? You're helping no one! And don't use that fucking name!" I spat out at him. Why the hell does he keep repeating that, he's done shit for either of us - least of all me.

"Don't say that," he leaned back in his chair, "surely you've realized... Baku-chan? About..." He stopped suddenly and glanced beside me. I followed his eyes and noticed that they landed on Todoroki. What is that supposed to mean? I noticed what about Todoroki, that he's a dumbass? Figured that out a long time ago.

Todoroki asked, "Realized what? What are you talking about?"

"Poor Shoto Todoroki, you're both too dumb to realize something so obvious. I would gladly tell you both, but," he quickly glanced in the direction of my mom, then over to Mr. Aizawa, and finally back to us, "I doubt you want those two to also know. Ha, would be a bit embarrassing, y'know."

"What the actual fuck are you talking about? Just stop this fucking bullshit and turn your damned quirk off! I'm sick of your fucking games, so shut up and listen to us!" What is he trying to do? What's the entire point of whatever he's doing?

He gasped and actually looked genuinely surprised, "No. Don't tell me you haven't figured it out... Baku-chan? It was obvious from the very start." I kept staring, hoping that eventually, he would suddenly burst into flames - it never happened though, "Wow, say tell you what. I'll release you both from my quirk... if I get a private word with you both. That's my one and only deal."

"Listen here you shitstorm," My mother started, but I quickly stopped her.

"Hey, hag, shut up." She tried to speak, but never forced enough words out to make any sense, "Fine, asshole. You've got five minutes before I blow you up into tiny particles."

"Fantastic! Bye Bye Eraserhead, Mitsuki." He made shooing motions with his hands.

Mr. Aizawa was about to interject, when Todoroki stopped him, "We'll handle this, Mr. Aizawa, please just trust us." I doubt he was going to spend the energy arguing with us.

And I was correct.

He quickly gave up, "Fine, five minutes, then I'm getting someone to do it by force." He led my mom to the door, "C'mon Mitsuki, let's leave the brats alone. They'll be okay." With that, they left the room.

We watched as the door latched behind them, then turned our attention to the bitch. Not wanting to be any closer to him, I forced us back so we could lean against the wall furthest from him. "Talk!" I demanded.

"It's quite simple Baku-chan. The very first minute I met both of you I knew one thing right away," He laughed, "I'm honestly quite surprised that you have yet to figure it out yourself - or maybe you have and you're just in denial."

"Get to the point." Todoroki fired back.

"Alright, alright.

"In Layman's terms: You, Katsuki Bakugou," He pointed at me, "are in love with Shoto Todoroki."

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