Cooking...? (Pt 3)

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After talking about what your future would turn out to be like, you decided to change the subject. Soon, you thought of something fun to do, to get away from the negativity and Mirai cooking together, you knew Mirai enjoyed cooking home-made meals. 

" Besides all that, would you like to make something while you're here?" You said.

You looked up at Mirai as you rested your hands against his shoulders. Mirai looked down at you as he smiled, leaning down and kissed your forehead. The action made your cheeks light up.

"Sure, Is there anything specific you'd like to make?" Mirai says, grabbing you by the sides and put you down on the floor.

"Uh..No, n-not really, u-um." You couldn't wrap your head around the kiss on the forehead received from Mirai.

You move your hands away from his shoulders while clearing your throat.

"Are you alright, (Y/n). Did I go too far? I apologize." Mirai says.

"N-no you're okay, Mirai. It was nice." You said with a light giggle.

"C-Come on, let's figure out something to make." You said, scooting past Mirai.

"Alright, If you insist," Mirai says as he stretched.

You walked over towards the cupboard and grabbed a few recipe books, even if you didn't cook as much, it was still nice to have them. Placing the books on the counter and flipped through a few of them to find something that seemed interesting to make on this winter day. While doing so, Mirai went into the living room that was connected to the kitchen and turned on the tv to the news. Turning it up to listen in the background.

"Miso, Udon, Curry, Sushi, Ramen, all of it sounds so good~," you said, drooling.

Mirai looked over towards you with a smile, walking over, and placed a hand against your shoulder.

"How about we make meals for you?" Mirai suggested.

"hehe sure," You said.

With that both of you began getting a few things to start cooking a few meals to have ready for about 2 weeks, allowing Mirai to do most of the cooking, he was a better cook then you, still you helped with chopping vegetables and grabbing ingredients for Mirai. 

During the cooking session, the news played in the background:

"Good Morning Japan! Last night there were over 19 villain sightings, and only 3 of the villain sightings were caught. Recently there has been more villain activity accruing during the night time, so we advise every citizen to stay indoors during the night and lock your doors and windows or stay in large groups when going out." The Newsman said.

You had listened to the tv, sighing lightly. Mirai huffed at the tv, looking over his shoulder towards you, suddenly his mood changed.

"Hey, Don't worry, I could stay for a few nights if you feel unsafe," Mirai said.

You looking up at Mirai, chuckling and shaking your head.

"No, no, it's fine, Mirai, really. I can take care of myself, besides that's not what I'm worried about. In fact, I'm not all that worried." You said.

"Oh? Well, you should be worried, I mean- I don't want you too- It's just- I...I worded that poorly..." Mirai said chuckling nervously. 

"What I mean is, Just, When you go out to the orphanage at night, Please be careful, okay? Stay around a lot of people." Mirai says.

You nodded in response, you knew Mirai was worried. It made you feel better that he was worried about you.

"I will Don't worry." You said.

Mirai chuckled before putting down the things he was holding and went over towards you, leaning down close with a smirk.



"Your flowers are getting in the vegetables," Mirai says chuckling.

"Ah! Oh my, oops. I didn't realize it." You said.

Before you could do anything, Mirai slipped the knife out of your hand and placed it next to the cutting board, picking you up, and brought you over to the couch to relax. 

"Hm? Mirai, What are you doing?" You asked in confusion.

"You should relax and not worry about the meals being prepared, okay?" Mirai says.

You looked at him and nodded, sighing lightly.

"Okay, thank you again, Mirai. You're too kind to me,"  you said, smiling.

"Oh, I only do it for you. Everyone else can see my strict side." Mirai says.

You end up chuckling at his remark. Mirai placing his hand on your head and ruffled your hair as flowers fall off and land on your lap. Looking down with a smile. Soon, Mirai left you be and went back to making the meals. You sat there, looking at the flowers in your lap as you then looked up towards the tv.

You tensed up, your eye peering from the thick flowers crowding your eyes. Showing on the tv were a few villains you've come across before. You look away, maybe you were worried about your safety, just a little bit.

Getting up and off the couch and silently headed towards your bedroom to rest.

You didn't have a good feeling.

//Heya reader, sorry if this is a little short. Even so, I hoped you enjoyed it and stay tuned in for more!//

A chance at love- (AllForOne x Reader!) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now