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After Mirai had finished up making up some meals for you, he ended up needing to leave for some hero work but promised to come back tomorrow and come visit you. You held him to that promise. Once he left, you just sat on the couch sipping some tea and humming to yourself to pass the time. you had some time before you had to leave to go see the children at the orphanage.

Sitting there, thinking about what Mirai said. Tears began to fall, in all honesty, you didn't want him to leave you alone, you wanted him to stay with you. tucking your knees to your chest and placing your face into your knees. 

You weren't okay.

You didn't care that your life was going to end short, it didn't stop you from making a big impact on the world, a good one to be exact. You chuckle to yourself.

"Why am I even crying, I knew this was a curse, to begin with." You said, wiping your tears from your face, exhaling calmly.

"No time for crying, it's time to make a big impact on the world, something everyone will remember." You said as a smile appeared on your face.

Getting off the couch and made your way over towards your bathroom and began to get ready to go out to see the kids early.

You loved seeing the kids at the orphanage you always enjoyed seeing their friendly little smiles, it warmed your heart to see such cute children. If only you could adopt all of them and give them the best life possible, but with your condition, it wouldn't be possible.

After an hour had passed, you were ready. Grabbing your bag and a few treats to give out to the kids and headed out of your apartment. Locking the door and made your way towards the orphanage while shoving your keys into your pocket.

The snow came down heavily, but it wasn't too bad. A few minutes had passed as you soon made it to the little Orphanage, looking up and smiled, flowers dropped at the doorway as you opened the door and walked in. 

"Oh, Good evening (Y/n)! It's so nice to see you again." A Lady said behind the counter.

"Hello, Ms. Susie, It's nice to see you as well." You said.

Taking off your coat and hanging it on the coat rack.

"Very snowy out today, maybe the children would love to go out?" You asked, walking towards the counter.

"That's a good idea, we still have some sunshine out, it'd be for them to get out," Susie said getting up from her chair.

Soon Susie gestured you to follow, following behind as the two of you entered the large living room where all of them were. Without much of a glance, the children got excited to see you.

"(Y/n)! You came early!" A little boy said running over towards you with the rest of the kids following.

You laugh, smiling a nodding.

"haha, Yes I have, calm down, all of you," you said 

The children giggled and still had excitement running through them.

"Children, (Y/n) thought of a good idea, how about we all go out and play in the snow?" Susie asked.

The children got even more excited, and all of them wanted to go out. You couldn't help but laugh at how cute all of them were. The Children then went off to their rooms and got on their winter gear.

"They're all so...Precious..." You said, looking at Susie as she nodded.

"They really are, I'll be right back, I'm going to get a few more adults to come along to watch the children," Susie said, walking off into the kitchen.

A chance at love- (AllForOne x Reader!) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now