Finally, we meet (Pt11)

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Hours had gone by, the apartment you were kept in was silent and calm. You were slowly waking up from your deep slumber, being exhausted and hungry. Opening your eyes and looked through the flowers, trying to look at your surroundings even if you could barely move.

After a few moments of being awake, you decide to try and sit up in your weakened state. Using your arms and pushed your body upwards groaning, a few tears ran down your cheeks, gasping for air before coughing up flowers, blood staining them.

After propping yourself up on the bed, you moved a few flowers away from your face so you could see your surroundings better. You had noticed this wasn't your place. You weren't sure where you were, it was strange, but with everything you've been through, it wasn't the strangest.

You had also noticed you weren't in full clothing. Only to wear a coat of some kind, and a pair of boxers, it wasn't the ideal outfit you'd go for, but it would have to do for now. For now, you made an effort to get up.

Shifting your body as you got your legs over the bedside, seeing that bandages covered your legs, sighing and placed both feet onto the floor, slowly getting up onto your feet, wobbling as you steady yourself.


Once you handled walking around, you decide to explore. Leaving the bedroom as you smelled something good, was there someone else in this place. Well, you were just kidnapped, so it shouldn't be too surprising that someone was lingering around somewhere.

With each step you took, flowers fell from your body and lightly glowed on the floor. The smell had gotten stronger with each step you took, hugging close to the wall as you did so. You had soon made it to the kitchen; that was connected to the living room. Peering over the corner of the wall, and noticed there was food on the island table.

"Huh, something smells really good..." You spoke to yourself.

Heading over to the island table. Your eyes lit up seeing 3 onigiri's on a plate. Onigiri is one of your favorites to eat. Looking around as you had a weird sense it was a trap, with everything you've been through; and being hungry, you'd take your chances. Reaching over, and grabbed one of the Onigiri's, lifting the rice ball and smelled it, smiling and taking a bite.

Having real food tasted so good, sitting down on the stool and ate up, you were gonna need to regain your energy.

Minutes had passed as you finished only 2 out of the three onigiri's, you cleaned up the area and putting the left over onigiri in the fridge wrapped in Saran wrap. Taking the plate and put it in the sink. You would would clean it later. 

Before you could turn around, you felt a sudden presence behind you. Standing there for a moment before turning around, there was nothing. You had a sense of worry wash over you, shaking off the feeling.

Sighing, and decided to explore the area you were in. As you explored, you noticed the windows were unable to be opened, including the front door. You had no intentions of escaping; even if you did, you'd die from the cold in a matter of minutes. Going around the apartment and noticed stairs going up, looking around, and decided to go up; slowly and carefully.

Reaching the top and there was a locked metal door, assuming that it was the rooftop with a draft coming in. You decided to leave the door and back downstairs.

After some time of exploring, you were in the bedroom reading a book, like before, you weren't interested in TV that much. Letting out a sigh, closing the book, and got up from the bed. Looking over at the clock on the nightstand as it had been a few hours since you last ate.

"Hmm, Might as well eat the last of the Onigiri I saved." You said, taking the book with you.

Walking over to the bedroom door and opened it, as you did, you tensed up. Your eye peered from the flowers. A tall, masked figure, wearing a suit, looked down at you from the doorway. Something about his aura made you have panic and fear. The color faded from your face, backing away as your heart began racing.

A chance at love- (AllForOne x Reader!) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now