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It was a warm winter day in Musutafu, located near Tokyo Japan. The snow slowly falling from the sky and covering the hard grey concrete, You, on the other hand, were in your cozy apartment, near the window with a cup of hot cocoa and a blanket covering up your flower-filled body. 

Looking out and watching the snowfall, smiling calmly with flowers falling gently onto the window sill. The flowers were all different kinds of yellows that sprouted to life, they all surrounded your body, but the flowers were all mostly covering your eyes to make it harder to see, and to be flourishing in your hair.

It was a beautiful day out, if you could, you would go out and enjoy the snow. But, with your condition it was hard to do so, it was hard for you to breathe when cold air entered your lungs that were filled with vines and flowers. You could do a lot of things normally but some things were harder, even if it was a simple task.

Looking out and saw kids playing at the park that was near your apartment complex, it was lovely to see the kids play and have fun with each other. It warmed your heart to see something so pure. You wished humanity was pure, happy, and safe. Now there's only violence and more violence that occurs every day. 

Hero's never got a break from dealing with the villain that terrorize the city you grew up in. Hoping one day that would all change, where the world could be a happy place for everyone, so no one needed to be scared or alone anymore.

Soon enough, there was a knock at your door, looking over while placing the cup down onto the window sill, getting up, and walking over with the blanket covering your shoulder. Flowers fell with each step you took towards the door. Reaching your hand over and opened the door, a soft smile crossed your face as it was the one and only Mirai Sasaki or his hero name, Sir Nighteye.

 Reaching your hand over and opened the door, a soft smile crossed your face as it was the one and only Mirai Sasaki or his hero name, Sir Nighteye

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"Oh, Hello Mirai, please come in," 

you said with a friendly smile as the man's face soon relaxed, not having such a strict or serious expression, as he walked in you closed the door. Once you did, the man grabbed you by the hand and spun you, Letting out playful giggling before Mirai spoke. 

"How are you, (Y/n)?" Mirai says with a lifted brow.

"I'm doing well, thank you for asking." 

The flowers fluttering your face, glowed a bright yellow, some coming off and falling onto Mirai's arm. 

"Good, but from the last time I saw you, (Y/n), you had fewer flowers crowding your face."

When Mirai pointed out that more flowers had sprouted on your face, he wasn't wrong. 

"Oh, it's because it's wintertime, Mirai. The flowers grow more to keep me warm. But, also causes some problems with my lungs during this time." You said with a small frown.

Then, Mirai let out a sigh, picking you up into his arms and brought over to the couch. You were surprised by the sudden movement, looking up as they gave off a genuine smile. 

"Don't frown, you know I don't like when people frown, especially you, (Y/n)" Mirai said as you nodded. 

"I know you don't like it..." 

You said, lifting your hand and placed it against Mirai's cheek.

"But...I always like it when you try and make me smile." 

Right as you said that he lays you down onto the couch and got right on top of you, his actions made you lift your hands and cover your flushed, embarrassed face.

"w..what are y-"

Mirai attacked you with tickles to your sides, smirking that soon escalated into joyful laughter. 

"Hahaha! Nooooo!" 

You said through your laughter. Mirai smirked, continuing to tickle you for a little bit but not for long. He didn't want to get too hyper, With the flowers glowing brightly with each joyful laughter you disbursed.

Soon enough the laughing died down, he finally stopped and looked at you, laying his body down on top of yours as you let out soft giggling. 

"r-rude- you didn't ask me f-first.."

Softly panting as you huffed your lightly tinted cheeks at the man that was now resting against you, taking off his glasses and placed them on the coffee table beside you.

"Didn't think I needed to, to make you happy, as you did ask me to do so. And you did get what you received," he smirked.

Okay, he had a point as you huff towards Mirai once more. Both of you making eye contact for a split second.

Mirai looked into your future at that moment, his face went pale, it was obvious he was staring into your future just by the way he froze so suddenly, it seemed every time he looked into your future, his expression always worsened. 

"Mirai, are you looking again...my future? It's okay if you are it's just...Nevermind"

You decided not to finish that, He nodded in a slow manner. Looking at him through the thick yellow flowers that covered your eyes, wrapping your fragile arms around the spooked male. 

Mirai responded back, hugging you, placing his chin against your shoulder with a soft sigh, closed his eyes, his body, shook against you. Was he, scared..? worried? You didn't know but to lift one of your hands and placed it on top of Mirai's head. 

"It's alright, Mirai. I don't mind what you do. In a way, I'm glad you can, it's comforting in a way, you being the one to see my future." 

 Mirai stayed quiet, he didn't believe what he was hearing. Yet, he was happy to hear it coming from you, it was nice. The rest of the time, both of you we're drained staying quiet before falling asleep peacefully.

'I'll be okay...'

((Heya Reader, as you can see I am doing a restart of this story, it will still look a little the same but it will change as time goes on. For the ones who read the old story that is. Even so, I hope you enjoyed, and stay tuned in for more!))

A chance at love- (AllForOne x Reader!) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now