Failure to success! (Pt8)

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Kyudai/Ujiko's POV

Days had passed, Kyudai was still working on the perfect way to get what he needed, but with every test, and experiment NOTHING was working as efficiently as he needed it to be. Some of the fulfillment needed would take 10 years or even longer, he didn't have that much time.

Kyudai was working as swiftly as he could to make it work in the time that he had. But you were the key to make it successful. Kyudai sat in his chair while going over the data, all he needed from you were those flowers you produced.

After all the testing it seemed pointless, you were too fragile to undergo the torment of any kind. Pulling up his goggles, rubbing his eyes before pinching the top of his nose, sighing, he was irritated at how difficult that was going to be, even so, the result would be worth it to him and his master.

"Ugh, what can I do that won't kill the person I need. Everything so far has been useless." Kyudai said, standing up and walking over to his computer and pulled up more of the data he collected.

"Let's see..." he murmured. Pulling up the data and went through it, humming lightly as he did so.

A few hours had passed as Kyudai was still looking over the data, reading it over and over again, jotting down notes of each test done, whether it was a physical, blood, or flower. Soon enough he figured it out, jumping from his chair, and smiled. 

"I finally figured it out! It's so simple and was in my face the whole time! Why didn't I connect the two from before!" Kyudai laughed before he paused.

"Hmm, I can't let them stay in my lab or a cage..." Kyudai says to himself while placing his fist under his chin.

"Where could I put them so they can't escape or can't get hurt... Oh! I know the perfect place, the old apartment master use to live in!" Kyudai chimed.

Grabbing his clipboard and made his way over to the infirmary where he was keeping you, he knew you couldn't escape with such a weak body and could safely keep you there without being watched. Well, he did have cameras in the room just in case you wanted to pull anything. Humming as he was excited to get this going.

Once Kyudai got to the infirmary, he looked over towards your sleeping body, being covered with wires along with bandages. Walking next to the bed as he checked your vitals and overall being. You've been asleep for 2 days, the constant testing for the past 3 days was exhausting your body to extreme amounts. 

"Hmm, I guess you won't be waking up anytime soon. Which transporting you while your unconscious would be better." Kyudai said, reaching over and taking out the wires you didn't need anymore.

Finishing up and soon called in one of his nomus to help transport you over to the apartment area.

Finishing up and soon called in one of his nomus to help transport you over to the apartment area

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"Hello, Kurogiri, I need some assistance with this specimen. They'll be transported over to the master's old apartment. Along with making sure there is no way for them to escape, understood?" Kyudai said while putting his hands together, grinning.

"Yes, understood, Doctor Ujiko," Kurogiri says, looking over at your sleeping body.

"Friendly reminder, Please be careful with them, alright? And after you drop them off you can go back to Tomura and the others." Kyudai said as he waved them off and left back to his lab to continue other projects.

Kurogiri's POV

Kurogiri nodded, walking over towards the bed, picking you up in his arms, looking down at the flowers that covered your face. Having an off feeling when looking at you, moving his gaze and created a warp gate to the apartment. Walking through and entering into the living room, it was dark and dusty as no one had been here for a long time not since the incident that occurred with his master.

"This place needs to be cleaned, and so do you," Kurogiri says looking down at you.

His priority was to get you in bed until he could deal with you later on. So, he headed out of the living room, down the hallway to the master's old bedroom. Opening the door and walked inside, going to the bed, and laid you down.

"Dusty..." Kurogiri muttered.

"It will have to do."

Now, Kurogiri went ahead and started cleaning the place, making it less stuffy and well-protected to keep you safe, making sure you couldn't escape either. He planned to make this old apartment feel new again, once everything was cleaned you'd be next for cleaning as well.

Kurogiri started with the kitchen, opening the fridge, a lot of old food, he stared blankly at the horrifying mess. Sending shivers down Kurogiri's spine just looking at it, as the smell was repulsive.

"Did they really forget about all of this food? Ugh, disgusting." Kurogiri says, crossing his arms before opening a warp gate outside.

Like any sane person would do, Kurogiri had pushed the fridge into the warp gate, no way in hell was he touching anything in that fridge. He was gonna ask Dabi to burn it later on. Luckily there was a fridge he could use and installed that. Let's just say Toga and Twice bring back the most random things when the two are together. 

Now he went ahead to clean the rest of the kitchen and move on to other things while keeping a close eye on you when he worked on the apartment.

Ujiko's POV

Ujiko was sitting at his desk, having some doubt about how he would accomplish the goal. Muttering to himself and thinking, he needed to talk to his Master about helping him out, this would benefit his master in the long run once he got what he needed.

"Hmm, What do you think Johnny?" Ujiko asked, leaning down and picking up Johnny who was his company nomu or his children he likes calling them.

"Hmm, What do you think Johnny?" Ujiko asked, leaning down and picking up Johnny who was his company nomu or his children he likes calling them

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"Errgh arrh.."

"Eh, I'm not sure, it's a possibility," Ujiko said, patting Johnny's head as he smiled.

"Arrrh eer.."

"I suppose I will have to, there isn't anyone else that can help. I don't trust Tomura or any of the others around the new specimen. Besides Tomura himself is very busy." Ujiko says, sighing, placing Johnny back down and standing up.

"Come on Johnny, let's go on a walkie, doesn't that sound fun?" Ujiko says with a happy expression.

"Arrh Arrh!"

Ujiko laughs as he felt a bit better about the whole ordeal, he knew it would succeed in the end, no matter what he needed to sacrifice to get to that goal, it was all for his master to achieve the goal together, and this new development will truly show that.

//Heya Cub Reader! Hoped you enjoyed and stay tuned in for more!//

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