All wrapped up~ (Pt9)

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After long grueling hours, the apartment was fully cleaned from top to bottom and all done by Kurogiri himself. It was hard work, clean out an entire apartment all by one's lonesome. Even so, it would definitely be worth it for the one staying here. Kurogiri was sitting at the counter having a glass of ice tea, he was proud to finish cleaning, but now, he had one more thing to deal with, the so-called specimen Ujiko needed.

Standing up and stretching, groaning. Kurogiri was tired from cleaning, yet he still had you to deal with. Finishing his ice tea and cleaned up his area before making his way to the master's old bedroom. 

Opening the door and poked his head inside the room, noticing you were still in the same position he left you in.

"Hmm...Interesting. Let's hope you're alive, hm?" Kurogiri whispered.

Walking over to the bed and leaned down, moving his hand, and felt your pulse. It was normal, assuming you were just tired from all the testing that took place. Scooping your body into his arms and walking over to the side bathroom. Placing you down next to the tub, grabbing a towel and got down on his knees, turning on the water and letting the tub fill. 

"Now, time to strip your clothing. I apologize in advance." Kurogiri said.

Kurogiri began undressing you, as well as taking off the bandages. Looking at the cuts and wounds as tiny flowers were growing from the wounds. Lifting his hand and taking a few of the flowers out of your hair.

After the tub was filled, rolling up his sleeves and lifted you, placing you into the warm bathwater. Kurogiri stared, looking at the flowers on your face and hair. You looked peaceful and beautiful to look at. Even when looking like a mess.

"Ugh, come on focus," Kurogiri muttered.

Leaning over the tub and started washing you, cleaning you up, and making sure you looked your best and didn't smell like a hospital and blood.

Minutes had passed, finishing up and wrapping you up into a warm fluffy towel. Carrying you back over to the bed and lays you down, now he needed to find some clothing for you to wear, hopefully, to find something to wear and not just be walking around naked. 

Heading over to the closet and opened it, looking inside, and only saw suits. Shrugging and grabbed something, it would have to do for now till they could find appropriate clothing. Walking back over and puts you in his master's old trench coat and a pair of boxers they could wear for the time being.

 Walking back over and puts you in his master's old trench coat and a pair of boxers they could wear for the time being

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"It will have to do for now," Kurogiri says.

Laying you back down under the covers, looking at the flowers, and picked one up off the floor. Chuckling lightly and opening a warp gate back to his bar, Looking over his shoulder towards you before bowing.

"I hope to see you very soon, darling," Kurogiri said, backing into the warp gate and leaving the area and back to his bar.

Ujiko's POV

Ujiko was sitting in his chair, and the whole time he had observed Kurogiri and you through the cameras he had set up around the apartment. Ujiko chuckled at the sight of them, Kurogiri may be a villain, but he was kind-hearted. That was a feature Ujiko kept when creating Kurogiri. Ujiko kept the kind-heartedness just so Tomura had someone to go to, to depend on when his master was absent.

"Seems your kind-heartedness is spilling out, Kurogiri. Maybe too much, hahaha...But, it doesn't matter, as long as you can fight and protect Tomura and do your job." Ujiko said, grinning.

"But if you can't...I'll have to get rid of it. For good~" Ujiko laughed, writing down a few notes.

As Ujiko sat there, he was thinking about how to tell his master about the project. Of course, his master knew. Ujiko always told his master everything, no matter how bad it may be. But this was going to be different than anything his master has done.

"Hmm, telling him upfront wouldn't hurt. He's quite understanding of the situation." Ujiko says, smiling.

Ujiko hummed, a glare hit his glasses while staring at the screens in front of him. Standing up, looking over beside him, and noticed Johnny sleeping. Awwing at the sight of it, smiling while leaning down and patting the top of his head.

"What a good boy~" Ujiko cooed.

"Come to think of it, where is Mocha?" Ujiko says, now worrying that mocha ran off somewhere he isn't supposed to be.

Ujiko decided to look for his lost nomu, thinking of places where Mocha might be and knowing Mocha never went far from him, Johnny, or even his master if he was present. Moving past his chair and walked towards the exit of his lab.

Before reaching the door, the door itself opened. Ujiko's eyes widened, the glare to his goggles disappeared. Standing in the doorway was the one and only:

All For One...

//Heya Cub Reader! Now thing's are really getting interesting, Hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned in for more!!//

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