(NPOSL) I was so worried!

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//Heya Reader! Hope you enjoy this (NPOSL) story. I decided to do something cute with a sprinkle of fluff, Enjoy!//

It was a long day today for everyone, you, on the other hand, were about to go over to the hideout to hangout with Toga and Magne for a while. Your husband- I mean 'close friend' that loves you more than torturing people, he's been out doing his usual business, like plotting evil things with Dr. Ujiko or finding ways to get himself stronger. 

Anyway, you grabbed a bag and got a few items to bring along, as well as a few items to give back. Getting what you needed, you put the bag over your shoulder. Smiling calmly while making your way over towards the bedroom door, golden flowers followed behind as you walked.

"Phew, Maybe I'll have a good day after all." 

You softly chuckled to yourself, you always had a good day no matter what kind of day it was, you always made it a better day than the previous day.

Exiting the bedroom, you looked each way of the long hallway. Leaving towards the right and went towards the kitchen, shifting the bag and looped it over your head to make it more comfortable to hold. 

Entering the Kitchen you glance around and noticed a note taped to the fridge, it read: 'Good evening my little flower, I'll be coming home early. Please don't go out today, Okay? Love you Sweetheart~ From, The Evilest Husband.'

You smirked, Blushing at the end of it. 

"The Evilest Husband, hehe, cute...." 

Then it hit you.

"W-WHAT! H-Hu-husband!" 

Your face lit up like a Christmas tree ornament. You didn't know if he was joking or not. Butterflies filled your stomach as a nervous, yet a smile spread across your cheeks. 

"T-That, dork"

You let out a sigh, huffing and taking a flower from your hair, and placed it on the counter. Grabbing the note from the fridge and a pen from the drawer. Flipping over the note and drew a little picture of Shiga. Giggling lightly while you made a flower crown on Shiga's head. With a small note that read: 'I'll be at the hideout, you do remember that I was going out, correct? Anyway, I'll be back soon.'

After you had finished, you placed the flower next to the picture. 

"I...I love you..you dummy." 

You whispered to yourself, soon walking out of the kitchen and then left for a few hours to hang out with the league of villains. 

Hours had passed as the day came to an end, the moon shined softly while you had started making your way back as Dabi had come with you. Your vision wasn't the greatest at night, and to have Dabi along was nice, still, you wondered why he excepted to take you home.

"Thank you, Dabi for walking me home, it's quite kind of you to do so." You spoke with a smile across your cheeks. 

Dabi shrugged with a tsk. "Sure, whatever you say flower face." Dabi snickered.

"H-Hey, what did I say about calling me that!" You huffed while crossing your arms.

"Eh, I don't care, so deal with it shorty." 

"HEY! Don't tease, it's not nice," you said.

The two of you made it to the building, you turned around and faced Dabi with a smile. 

"Thank you, Dabi." You said while doing a bow.

Dabi said nothing and rolled his eyes, waving himself off and left you by the entrance of the door. You lifted a brow before lightly sighing. Turning back around and opened the door and entered the place, stepping inside while looking around with a small yawn and stretch.

A chance at love- (AllForOne x Reader!) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now