Problem to the solution (Pt10)

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Ujiko's eyes widened, the glare to his goggles disappeared. Standing in the doorway was his master, All For One. His presence at the time wasn't as menacing. All For One wore a loose buttoned-up shirt while holding onto an IV pole with IV bags hanging from the pole and connecting to his face and body.

 All For One wore a loose buttoned-up shirt while holding onto an IV pole with IV bags hanging from the pole and connecting to his face and body

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Ujiko paused, looked down, and noticed Mocha standing by his master's side. Sighing in relief that Mocha was alright and didn't wander far. When looking at All For One, he seemed to be looking better than he was a few days ago.

"I see that you're up and looking better, sir. How are you feeling?" Ujiko asked.

"I'm alright, Doctor." All For One said in a raspy voice.

"Mocha had come to me, begging me to follow. So I did and ended up here." All For One says, lifting his hand and lightly itching the skin around the tube in his neck. 

Ujiko sighed, smiling with a chuckle.

"I see, come along, we do have something to discuss," Ujiko says.

With that, Ujiko walked back over to his computer with All For One following. Sitting down and showed a screen with you sleeping in the master's old bedroom. Upon seeing this, All For One's interest increased, looking down at his Doctor.

"It seems you have been busy, Doctor~" All For One cooed, grinning.

"Yes, But we have a problem," Ujiko says, pulling up all the data he collected as all of the files had in red bold letters 'Failed' on them. 

"Doing numerous tests, none of them will lead up to our expectations. You know how I am with keeping things efficient~" Ujiko cooed.

"With each test, I thought I was getting closer to the solution, but in reality, I was getting farther from it. Intentionally cutting them open, taking blood, testing flowers, saliva, skin, Anything that would give us the most amount of these little flowers." Ujiko sighed, putting his fingers together, and closing his eyes.

All For One hummed, looking at the screen's data and reading over some of them while he listened to his doctor.

"I found out I can't forcefully make them create these flowers, and the only way is to keep them...' Happy' you could say, it needs to be pure happiness, along with the torment of their body attacking itself." Ujiko chuckled.

"Either way, hurting them isn't the answer, and I've learned my lesson with such a thing. What I'm trying to say is that they are fragile and weak. I may or may not have accidentally almost killed them with the experiments I was doing." Ujiko chuckled nervously, opening his eyes and looking back at the screen.

All For One looked over at his doctor and had a few questions to ask.

"Have you tried duplication these flowers?" All For One asked.

Ujiko nodded, sighing.

"Yes, but any time I did so, they just wither. So, the flowers themselves strictly have to come from them. I tried twisting the DNA of the flower, nothing happened, and the flower itself stayed the same." Ujiko says.

A chance at love- (AllForOne x Reader!) BNHAWhere stories live. Discover now