It's time...(Pt7)

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A couple of days went by, you were still here, sitting in the hospital bed. You had to stay quiet and wait for the Doctor to come and get you. You were worried about what he was planning, who knows, it might be good. So you tried not to overthink it. 

It was dark out, snow falling softly against the window, you smiled at the sight of it. Then, looking down at the bed that was covered with a few flowers. Shifting the blankets to reveal bandaged leg, sighing. 

"So, reckless...Yet, I saved lives and that's all that matters to me." You said, smiling. 

The flowers glowed lightly, you were happy with that. It was a warm feeling to know other people were safe from that villain. Looking at the flowers, picking them up, and placing them in a small pile on the bed. 

Soon, there was a knock at the door and soon came in that one doctor, Kyudai Garaki, with a wheelchair. You tried not to show fear, you simply smiled and looked back down at the flowers and tending to them.

"Good evening, Doctor," you said quietly.

Kyudai hummed with a smile.

"Good evening to you as well, (Y/n). It's time." Kyudai said.

You look up and nodded, you were ready, even if you are nervous, you weren't sure what was going to happen. Moving the flowers off your lap and moved them to the side. Your leg still hurt as you shifted your body slowly to the edge of the bed. 

Kyudai walked over and grabbed your arms lightly, looking at the wires as he took out the ones you didn't need anymore. You were hesitant to let him touch you, but you didn't resist. Even with Kyudai threatening you, he was gentle. You didn't think he would do it anymore after the event. 

Once Kyudai finished he grabbed the wheelchair and scooted it close to the bed. Moving back over and put out his hand. You looked at his hand and grab it. It was strange, Kyudai was extremely gentle with moving you over to the wheelchair. 

It was like he didn't want to hurt you. After all, you are quite fragile if not handled carefully, you tried not to think about it too much while being set in the wheelchair.

"There, before we leave, I need to collect all the flowers," Kyudai said with a smile.

"Oh, alright?" you said in confusion.

Soon, Kyudai had grabbed all the flowers he could see, placing the flowers in your lap. Shifting your arms, and held the flowers so they wouldn't fall on the floor, looking up as Kyudai chuckled. 

"We need all the flowers we can get, they're important," Kyudai said smiling, pushing the wheelchair, and left the room.

You wondered why they were important, the flower you made weren't special, were they? Honestly, you didn't know. Sighing and closing your eyes, thinking of all the possibilities of what could happen, even thinking of it worried you.

Kyudai hummed and greeted other doctors that went past the two. You kept quiet and said nothing as you still had your eyes closed. Both of you made it to the elevator, going in and going down to the level floor, as the elevator went down. Kyudai pulled out a syringe as he leaned down close the side of your head and whispered:

"This may hurt a little...~"

Before you could react he stuck the syringe into your neck and administrated the substance. You felt dizzy, passing out in the wheelchair with an escape of breath. Kyudai smirked and put the syringe back into his pocket.

"Hehe, That was easy, poor thing, you have no idea. It's for the best, maybe your pitiful life will end sooner than you expected." Kyudai says a soft glare came to his goggles.

The two of you made it to the level floor, pulling out a cloaking device, leaving the elevator undetected by anyone, it was as easy as that. Now, all he had to do was get you to the lab and he can begin.

A few hours had passed, you began to wake up, fluttering your eyes open and exhaled calmly, looking around as you noticed you were strapped down onto a table. Your heart began to race, rapidly looking around, trying to get loose from the straps.


Your eyes widened, peering from the flowers that covered your face. It was Kyudai with a grin on his face.

"Hello, (Y/n) It's so wonderful to see you finally awake, haha." Kyudai chuckled.

"What is this...Why am I strapped down!?" You said, panicked.

"Oh, (Y/n) this is part of it, I need to do some...experiments before I truly do begin this wonderful adventure with you!" Kyudai said, laughing.

Kyudai moved the scalpel to your face and cut your cheek, flinching as he did so. Taking some of your blood and put it in a few vials for later tests.

"I promise, it will all be worth it in the end, Just be a good little pet, Okay?" Kyudai asked in a sweet perky voice.

You didn't know what to say, you didn't like the way he said that it made you feel uncomfortable. Looking away as you gripped one of your fists, shaking as you let out a shaky sigh.


"Haha! Marvelous! Even if you said no, I would have done it anyway! But, I'm glad you're so obedient, you're doing so well." Kyudai said cheerfully.

Soon, Kyudai pulled out another syringe, flicking it lightly, and looked over towards you.

You looked back and saw the syringe he held, it made you nervous, let alone not liking syringes of any kind, as well as the threat with the syringe prior. 

Kyudai leaned in close to your face, and whispered:

"Oh, (Y/n)~ We'll have so much fun together~," Kyudai said sadistically, before sticking the needle right into your neck. 

You went out cold before you could do anything, was this how you'd die? You had so much more to go for...

You were so scared.

//Heya Cub Reader! Hope you enjoyed and stay tuned in for more!!//

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