Getting somewhat acquainted... (Pt12)

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A day had passed, you were still in the bedroom, avoiding All For One. You still couldn't believe someone like him was here. The more you thought about the rumors, you were terrified, knowing the man was only a room over.

"Come on, (Y/n). You're better than this; even with all the rumors, you need to, at least try and get to know the villain you'd be staying with." You said to yourself, hugging your knees.

Soon enough, you had gotten up from the bed. You were quite hungry from staying in the room for a day with nothing to eat. Walking over to the door and opened it, looked around, and stepped out of the room. So far, you didn't see All For One when looking down the hallway.

Walking down as you watch your surroundings, tracking the flowers that fell from your body down the hallway. 

Once you made it between the kitchen and the living room, you were taken back by All For One sitting on the couch, with his back facing you. Staying quiet as possible, so you didn't disturb him. 

Yet, you were curious about what he was doing. Shifting close to the back of the couch, peering a few feet away from his shoulder, he was reading a book with his legs crossed. You were surprised he could read with such a bulky mask; it didn't look like it could be seen out of.

"You know, it's rude to spy on someone, (Y/n)" All For One says out of the blue.

You jumped back from his sudden voice. Backing away from the couch as a sense of fear overwhelmed you. How did he know you were watching him, of course; you didn't mean to, but you couldn't help the thought of him being passive to an extent.

"M-My apologizes, Sir..." You quietly spoke, bowing your head.

All For One hummed in response, uncrossing his legs, closing the book, and setting the book beside him. Standing up from the couch, and went towards you. Fixing his sleeves and straightening his suit jacket.

You watched All For One fix his clothing, taking a step back while he got closer to where you stood. Clenching your fist; not wanting to show fear. But, you couldn't help but admire his appearance, someone who was a villain was surely sophisticated. Clean and tidy, wearing a dark navy blue suit with a white dress shirt underneath; black dress shoes, and to top it all off was the mask that covered his face, matching the outfit he wore.

Suddenly, All For One was right in front of you, making you take a step back.

"Hmm, I assume you came out to get something to eat?" All For One says, his demeanor was powerful, yet strangely pleasant when he spoke towards you. His voice was soft-spoken and polite. He was also sophisticated by the way he dressed.

"Oh, I'm not hung-" You were interrupted by your stomach growling, tense up with a soft red spread across your cheeks from embarrassment.

"You're a horrible lier, (Y/n). I'll make something. But, in the meantime-" All For One back over to the couch and grabbed a set of clothing that was neatly folded, picking them up and walking back to where you were.

"Take these to wear than my trench coat." He muttered, handing you the neatly folded clothing.

You look up at the man, your cheeks stayed a light red that became darker when he mentioned the trench coat you wore was his. You nodded, taking the clothing from him, bowing your head, and soon going off to the bathroom to get changed as flowers followed behind you.

All For One watched you go off to the bathroom, looking down at the flowers you trailed behind as he tsked lightly.

"You'll be an utter pain to deal with, but your flowers are vital." He says as he would clean up the flowers later. Soon, All For One looked over to the kitchen and headed into it as he thought about what to make for you until he started making food for you.

After a few minutes, you finished up, leaving the bathroom, and made your way over to the kitchen. You could smell something being made, getting closer and closer, peering into the kitchen as you saw All For One cooking, it was weird to see a villain cooking of all things, sighing softly with a gulp. Walking out and went over to the island table, sitting down.

The clothing you wore was a pair of shorts and a long-sleeved sweater. Usually, you'd also wear a coat, but there weren't any you could wear at the time. Looking over at All For One, you were skeptical of why he was here, but it was nice to have company.

"So, you cook? That's interesting..." You said, trying to start up a conversation with him.

"Of course, how else am I supposed to feed myself, (Y/n)," All For One says, finishing up the food he was making. It was a simple rice bowl with teriyaki chicken and broccoli. Serving it in a bowl and walked over where you sat, placing the bowl down in front of you with a pair of chopsticks.

"There, enjoy." With that, he went back over, and clean the pots and pans he used to cook your meal.

Your eye's widened as the food is given to you. But, it smelled delightful. You notice he only made just enough for you. You lifted a brow from underneath the flowers, frowning at the sight of it.

"Wait, aren't you going to eat? I wouldn't wanna leave you out," you said, not wanting the man to go hungry just because you were out here. Though, you did wonder if he could eat.

All For One paused for a moment in his cleaning, he found it odd that you would consider him. But, he expected as much considering your personality. He sighed, looking over his shoulder.

"I'm good, I'm not hungry." He says, Looking back over towards the sink as he continued cleaning. He wasn't in the mood to eat or eat in front of them, he would probably wait on showing them what his face actually looked like underneath. Besides, he needed to think logically about showing you things. He didn't need you to run off scared and ruin his plan.

You simply nodded, letting All For One be so you didn't end up upsetting him. You continued eating for the time being, you enjoyed every bite, this food was absolutely amazing.

Once you finished your food, you licked your lips, feeling full of good as you let out a sigh. There was quite a lot of food, but you didn't mind considering you loved food so much.

"Ah, thank you for the meal, Sir. It was delicious." You said, getting up off the stool with the bowl in hand, and bowed towards All For One.

All For One had finished the dishes and had cleaned up a bit of the kitchen. Looking over at you and simply nodded. He knew he made very good food, considering he taught himself how to cook during all these decades of being alive, he needed to do something to pass the time, of course he had his plan but he wanted more.

"Yeah, here let me take your bowl-" He was cut off by you shaking your head no.

"No it's okay, I can do it myself, but thank you." You said, walking over to the sink, and started washing your dirty dishes you used. You didn't want him to do all the work, he's done enough for you so far.

Finishing up cleaning the bowl and chopsticks, you dried them off and put them away, sighing softly as he turned around, as you did All For One was standing right in front of you, making you jump a bit with how close the man was to you.

"Oh- um are you alright?" You asked, looking up at the masked man.

All For One seemed to just stare at you blankly for a few more seconds, shaking his head as he nodded.

"Yes, I'm fine. Your excused if you want to be." He says, backing off to allow you to pass.

"Oh, thank you, Sir. And thank you for everything you've done so far, it's been appreciated." You says, bowing once more before making your way out of the kitchen, and back over to the bedroom. Thinking of how kind the other has been to you, it was a but odd though it was nice in a way.

All For One said nothing as you left the kitchen, once you were out of the vicinity, he sighed. Being acquainted with one another was the first step in his plan, he was surprised you took it so well. He thought for a moment of that the next step would be, hopefully this acquaintance would spark something between the two, allow you to fully trust him so he could get what he wanted in the end.

//Hello cub readers, sorry for the long wait, but I hoped you enjoyed and stay tuned for more!//

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2022 ⏰

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