"I'm Back..."

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(Y/n's POV)

As we pulled into the garage, I felt myself begin to shake. I wanted to run away back to Killua and everyone else, not come back to this hell-hole!

"I wish you luck, Miss Y/n... Mr. and Mrs. L/n have been a bit on edge since you left... good luck." The chauffeur told me, scaring me even more. Now I really didn't want to go see them. I shakily stepped out of the car and walked through the door into our house.

I took a deep breath and looked around.


No one was there...

Of course they weren't, they just want me back home for reassurance, not because they missed me. I sighed and walked back to my room, setting down my stuff and changing out of the dress Mrs. Zoldyck had dressed me in earlier.

After setting my stuff down, I walked to my Dad's office. That was probably where he was. When I arrived, I opened the door, and there he was. He was sitting there, clicking away at emails and reading through papers.

"U-um... Dad..? I'm back..." He lifted up his head and turned to look at me.

"Ah, Y/n. Welcome back home. Your lessons are being prepared at the moment, I'll have one of your sisters come get you when they are ready." He announced. I stood there, waiting for him to say something else. After a few minutes, I turned to leave, but then he stopped me. "Y/n..."

"Y-yes, Dad..?"

"Did you do it? Become a Hunter, I mean."

I was silent for a moment before nodding. "I did..."

"Ah... good job."

I felt my heart speed up for a moment. He was... congratulating me..? Was he... proud of me..? I wondered things along the lines of that for a few more moments before he said something else that shattered my hopes.

"I guess we can introduce you to our clients, then. They were interested in you, especially if you got your license, and requested to meet you. We'll be having them over for dinner tomorrow. Be prepared."

I stood there for a moment before saying, "I will be..." and leaving to hide in my room, falling quickly back into my old habits.

~The next day, after meeting with the clients~

Dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit! Why the hell do I even try these things! Ugh! Humans suck! I thought after returning to my room.

I had put on the dress from yesterday again. It was probably the nicest thing I had at the moment. It had been cleaned and I had gotten my mom to help my with my hair. I looked presentable. But of course, the moment they arrived, I lost any composure I had. It was a boy maybe a year or two older than me and his parents. They had come with a marriage proposal.

I wanted to scream and start throwing things. Of course Dad would come up with something like that. Get me to marry another rich family with history to make sure we would stay at the top no matter what happened. He wanted connections, not to show what I was capable of. Or course.

I heard my door open and span to meet whoever decided to fuck with my mind today. "Y/n, what was that!? All I asked was that you keep your head and treat them with respect, but instead you go FERAL!" Dad shouted at me.

I froze. It was him. Not one of the demons here to mess with me or make fun of me. Not mom to help me get changed. It was him. "I... I'm sorry... it's just-....." I fell silent. Whatever I was going to say would only make him more mad.

"What? It's just what? Come on, tell me." He spoke with a threatening tone. I wanted to go and curl up in my closet or somewhere else he couldn't get to me. Somewhere quiet. Alone. That's what I wanted to be. Alone. No one to scare me. No one to hurt me. No one to pretend to want me.


"We're lucky that their offer is still in place! If they had withdrawn the offer, we would have been screwed, do you understand that!? I want you to go and apologize to them, and accept their offer. It would be best for all of us."

"But I..." I said quietly.I don't want to accept... OR apologize...

"Poor Eli was scared half to death by your sudden transformation. For goodness sake, you can't just turn into a tiger like that no matter how upset you get! I don't even know why you got so mad, it wasn't something you need to get that mad about!"

"I don't want to- I didn't mean to-" I'm sorry you sprung a fucking MARRIAGE PROPOSAL on me. I'm sorry I wasn't exactly prepared to deal with that right now. Especially after just returning and being in a fragile enough state already.

"Now, hurry and go apologize before they leave. And don't forget to tell them about your acceptance of the marriage proposal."

"But I don't want to accept!" I nearly shouted. I quickly realized what I had done and silence enveloped the room. I felt tears building up and was hit with the sudden fear that he was going to hurt me. I had raised my voice at him.

He dealt with me raising my voice at my sisters sometimes, but...

I looked up into his eyes and saw they were filled with pure anger. "Is it because you prefer one of those boys you met at the exam? Is that it?" He retorted. I felt all of the blood drain from my face. No... don't hurt them... please...

"N-no- it's not that, I just-"

"Is it that you want us to fail? Do you want to go back to living in poverty and losing all of the comforts you have here? Is that it?"


"THEN FIGURE IT OUT! I WANT TO KNOW THE GODDAMN REASON YOU WANT TO REFUSE!" I shivered and stepped back. He couldn't even see how scared I was, he was that angry. He wasn't the type to stop the closer he got to physical harm. He raised his hand and I turned into a small cat and hid under my bed.

Please go away! Please don't hurt me! Please don't hurt them! Please!

I shook underneath the bed for a moment before I heard him growl and walk out again. I stayed under my bed for another half an hour out of pure fear before I heard the door open again slightly.

"I told them you would think about it. Get your damn head on straight before they come back in five months. By then you need to have figured yourself out." He then closed the door again, leaving me alone in my terror.

I stayed under the bed for about another hour before finally getting the courage to get up and attempt to find Mom so I could get out of these uncomfortable clothes. After she helped me I turned into a cat again and curled up on my bed, trying to imagine Killua was there with me. I missed him so much already.

End of Chapter.

Kitten 💜 (KilluaxReader)Where stories live. Discover now