The Zoldycks

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(Y/n's POV)

While I followed Kikyo, I got to see more of the house. It was big, for sure. I had lived in a smaller house, but only by maybe a floor. My dad had convinced my mom to get a big house only because we could afford maids and stuff to clean it and not force her.

I had refused to stay with them most of the time and stayed in my room. I don't like big, open spaces or big, crowded spaces. If I had to choose between those or a drawer, I would go drawer all the way.

We stopped in front of a door and Kikyo opened it for me, revealing a large man with hair the same color as Killua's sitting there quietly. "Honey, this is the girl that managed to get all the way here! She's so polite and kind! I wanted you to meet her!" Kikyo smiled at him.

"Ah... Hello. I am Silva Zoldyck. You are..?"

"I am Y/n Kai. Nice to meet you, Mr. Zoldyck." He seemed amused by my reaction to him. Just calm, quiet respect. I reflex of meeting important people back at home. I had made sure to hide my ears and tail just in case he knew anything of a reward of some sort from my father before coming into the room, so he wouldn't recognize me if he had.

"Kai, huh? What an interesting name... Y/n, too. It is a beautiful name. It suits you well." I shivered at his voice. It seemed to have a hidden intent behind it, but I couldn't figure out what. "I assume since you came here, you want to see my son, Killua?"

I hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding. He seemed even more amused by my honesty. "Ah. I wish to talk to him soon, but it may be a day or two before I can allow him to leave. After I've talked with him, you may see him again."

"But-" Kikyo started, but Silva gave her a look that made her stop and just pout quietly.

"Would you like to stay here for the meanwhile? My wife would love to spend time with you. You see, she has always wanted a daughter, but we only had sons. She would love to be around a little girl like yourself."

I thought for a moment and then smiled softly. "Sure. I don't see a problem with it." Oh boy would I regret saying that.

~Half an Hour Later~

"Tsubone, Amane, draw Y/n here a bath, will you?" I shivered at how strangely excited Kikyo sounded. The hairs on the back of my neck bristled at the word 'bath'. I hated them. My skin couldn't breathe. It was like I was drowning while my head wasn't even underwater. However, I knew it was better if I let it happen. Now... I just had to hope I wouldn't die in this woman's care.

(Killua's POV)

I was worried about Y/n. She had done her best to help me, and then distracted Mom with a side of her I didn't know she had. As far as I had known her, she was a timid, shy little kitten that was scared of people. But with Mom... she had attuned herself to her emotions and confused Mom, diffusing the situation.

But if she was going to see Dad... I was worried that her acting skills wouldn't help her there. I hadn't heard screaming so far, which was a good sign, but they could be hurting her in other ways... I itched to break the other chain and run to go find her, but I knew that would make things worse.

I became consumed by my thoughts, and soon enough I looked up to see that my father was there waiting for me. "Killua... welcome back." I felt my heart speed up. Had he hurt her? Was she okay? "I met that girl... she's interesting, isn't she?" He smiled.

My face heated up a bit as I looked at him and nodded. "Don't worry, she's unharmed. Well... physically... knowing your mother, she might get a mental beating with the grooming she's going to go through..." I winced at the thought, but then the idea of her in one of my mother's dresses made me curious... she would look good in one.

"I would like to speak with you, if you don't mind. Come with me." He turned and started to leave. I broke the other chain and rubbed my wrist, following him not too close or too far behind. I hoped this wouldn't be a painful conversation.

(Y/n's POV)

~Two hours Later~

I stood in front of a mirror, looking at the dress Kikyo had put me in. She had been doing this for the last two days. Surprisingly, it fit well. It was made of silk, too. I had never worn a dress this... strangely comfortable. I twirled a little bit, and the long skirt ruffled and licked at my ankles. I smiled and looked at my hair, which she had managed to tame and curl around my chin. My face had the smallest amount of makeup, just enough to make me look really pretty.

If I weren't me, I would so date myself. During our dress up session, Kikyo had asked me how I knew Killua and what I thought of him. I had told her how we met, but I hadn't been able to answer the second question. I told her I would get back to her before I left, and then she got really sad about me leaving, so I told her I would come see her again... probably.

I heard a knock on the door and lifted up my head to see who it was. It was Amane, one of the butlers who had helped me with getting ready. "Miss Y/n, the master is ready to see you." She smiled at me. I smiled back.

"Thank you, Amane." We walked back to the room I had first met Silva. When the door opened, I saw he was talking with Killua. I stopped for a moment and my breathing completely stilled. He looked so happy...

"Ah, there you are, Y/n." Silva smiled at me. Killua turned and saw me, then froze. I felt my face heat up and I had the urge to hide in a corner, but I knew that would be rude and ruin my original impression. "Come here," Silva waved his hand, gesturing for me to come closer. I swiftly moved over to them, my skirt swirling around my ankles as I stood a respectful amount away from them.

"Nice to see you again, Killua..." I said quietly, not being able to make my voice any louder without it sounding squeaky. He nodded and looked away. Silva seemed to get a kick out of this.

"Now, I know your father has quite the bounty on your head for your return, Y/n. However, I am not planning on taking you back." I froze up when I heard him mention my dad.


"Oh, I heard plenty about you from him. He tried enlisting our help to find you. Did you tell him you were leaving, or did you just leave like my son, here?" I knew that my face was plenty red at this point.

"W-well... I tried... but he never listens to me..." I whispered the last part. I reached up and pulled at some of my bangs, feeling really embarrassed.

"Ah... I had the feeling it was a misunderstanding. From what I heard about you, you are plenty polite, so I doubted you would leave with no word at all." I nodded and waited for him to continue. "I approve of your friendship with my son. I hope you two get closer. It would be good for both families. I also wanted to say that your father would enjoy a visit from you. I recommend you see him sometime."

I glanced up at him and sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm planning on seeing him after getting this idiot over here to apologize for leaving without saying goodbye and maybe hitting him a few times..." I stopped with the facade and leaned against the wall. "Scared the life out of me, and Gon misses him like hell."

Killua looked really red at this point. "Hey- I thought you were trying to keep up that act of yours, Y/n! What happened to that!?"

I wrinkled my nose at him. "You ran away, that's what. And besides, I'm tired." I heard Silva laughing and turned to look at him.

"Ah, I knew you were hiding something, but I didn't know it would be you just being uptight around us! You really are interesting." I stared at him blankly and then looked back at Killua, who was fuming. "Go, go. You two should get back to your friends. And Killua? Remember our promise."

Killua glanced back at Silva and nodded, then quickly left, obviously trying to get away from me. I hopped up and ran after him. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" I yelled after him. He turned and stuck his tongue out at me, making my face go red from anger and embarrassment.

"T-thank you, Silva, but I have to go... catch him... BUBYE~" I smiled and ran after him again.

End of Chapter.

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