Splitting Up

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(Y/n's POV)

After reuniting with Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio, we discussed what we were going to do next. They talked about Hisoka or whatever and I spaced out while thinking about what I was going to do. I didn't want to go home! That place sucks. Besides... I have friends now and they are so much better than being stuck at home like a prisoner.

After a moment of the boys continuing to talk I heard Leorio comment, "And Y/n, what's with the fancy get up? Not that I mind, hehehe..." I felt my face heat up and prepared to hurt him in whatever way I could manage, however Killua punched him before I could get there.

"DON'T LOOK AT HER LIKE THAT, NASTY OLD MAN!" He yelled in Leorio's ear, making me blush a little.

"Thank you..." I muttered. Killua gave me a small smile and walked over.

"You probably should at least put something on above that, though... i-it is a little... distracting..." I blushed more and covered my chest, and then quickly scampered behind a tree.

"I don't have anything else, so you're gonna have to deal with it until we-" I fell silent for a moment. "Split up..." Everyone was silent for a moment before I spoke up again. "I-I'll just stay as a cat until I can find some clothes..." I quickly shifted into a small cat and hopped up onto Killua's shoulder.

He smiled at me, but there was a tiny bit of sadness in his eyes. I felt really bad. I didn't want him to be sad... but like Silva had said, I needed to see my family before they sent people to find me. Hopping onto Killua's head and snuggling up in his hair, I listened to my friends talking. I cared about them all... I didn't want to leave... all of them had a place in my heart, even Leorio... I guess.

I soon fell asleep with these thoughts still plaguing my mind.

~Later, after arriving at the airport~

I felt someone gently lift me out of my amazingly comfy spot on top of Killua, and set me down on their lap. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Killua blushing while staring at Gon. "Y-you don't need to do that, idiot! She was still sleeping, and I don't mind it when she does that..."

Gon just grinned back at him. "Yeah, but it has to be a little difficult, and besides... you can pet her like this." Killua blushed more and looked down to me. I quickly shut my eyes and was careful to not change my breathing and calm my heart so that he didn't know I had woken up.

"I-I guess..." He hesitantly moved a hand down to my bag and started stroking my fur. I had the irrepressible urge to purr, and made the mistake of doing so, startling Killua. As he pulled away his hand, I opened my eyes and lifted up my head, my eyes clearly conveying my longing to be pet by him.

His face went completely pink and he looked away, but his hand returned to my back and he continued stroking me. My eyes fluttered shut and I purred again, very happy with this advancement. Gon smiled wider and I heard him say, "See? She likes it."

"O-oh, shut up!" Killua stuttered. Soon after, Kurapika announced he would be leaving to get a job as a Blacklist Hunter. For some reason, I wasn't exactly surprised. I had heard what his goal was, and it would be the best way to get to it. Well, not exactly best, but... you know what I mean.

I sighed and decided to explain myself some too. "I'm going to be leaving too..." Killua looked away while the other three looked surprised. "I promised my parent's I'd come home as soon as I could..." I gave them a fake smile, hoping to convince everyone I could that it was going to be fine.

I glanced towards Killua, and he seemed pissed. "Why the hell do you have to go back to see someone who doesn't give you the time of day?" He asked, surprising everyone further.

"Killua, you only know of this because of your dad. Don't just blurt out that information to everyone."

"Y/n, by the sound of it, you hate his guts. Why would you want to keep that information secret when it could mean that we could help you!" He nearly shouted. I kept calm due to experience in situations of frustration such as this one and smiled.

"You two are planning on training, correct? My father will be allowing me to do the same once I return home. And now with my ability to turn into bugs or even a mouse, escape will be much easier than before. If you really are that worried, I could give you the address so you could maybe try and come see me when your training is complete?" I said quietly, all without losing the smile on my face. Gon looked sad and came over to give me a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you..." He murmured.

"I'm gonna miss you too, Gon..." I hugged him back and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck with your training." I turned to Killua to see he was practically fuming.

"Fine! Just give me the damn address... I'm not gonna let him keep you there for too long..." He muttered. I smiled and grabbed a small piece of paper I had prepared before leaving the Zoldyck's estate.

"Here," I held it out to him. He took it, our hands touching for just a moment, but it was enough for me to have to try and stop myself from blushing. "I'm gonna miss you too, Killua..." I stepped back and clasped my hands together behind my back. His anger faded as he looked at me and he stepped forward and pulled me into a hug.

"...I'm gonna miss you too, idiot..." He whispered. I smiled and felt my face heat up. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before pulling away and smiling at them. Killua looked surprised and everyone else was a mixture of emotions as I pulled out my phone.

"I'm gonna call our driver... see you guys later..." I gave them one last smile before turning to walk away. After I was sure that they couldn't see me anymore, I stopped and let myself cry. I didn't want to go home! I wanted to stay with them! I didn't want to stay there for- I don't even know how long!

I stayed there for about half an hour, waiting for the chauffeur. I had stopped crying about ten minutes ago after running out of tears to cry. When the chauffeur arrived, I stepped inside the car and curled up, attempting to fall asleep one more time before I got home. But it seemed that without Killua nearby... I just couldn't do it.

End of Chapter.

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