Out Of My Mind

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Lucas POV:

I felt devastated. Like I'm out of my mind. Since Max went missing I can't think clear anymore. It's like I can't catch a breath without thinking about her. If she's okay and when I will be able to see her again. My supercom interrupted my train of thoughts.

"Lucas, do you copy?" Mike spoke

"Yes Mike I'm here. Do you have any news on the whole Max thing?" I asked with hope in my voice. My heart racing.

"Actually yes" Mike answered " well kind of... El had a dream but it seemed real. Like a vision. If what El saw is really true, Max is experimented on in Hawkins Lab. Brenner gave her powers and uses her for experiments now."
I felt like someone just stab me with a knife. My lungs felt like the air I breathed in wouldn't get there.

" Hey Lucas are you alright man? "

"Not til we find her. We have to get Max back. Now." I sobbed

"Don't worry, we'll get her out of this hell hole. You will get her back. Let's meet with the rest of the party and Hopper to plan the rescue. El says we can't lose any time. I'll inform the others. Come to my place, over and out."

I quickly packed my bag and went to Mike on my bike. God I hope we can save her before its too late. I need her.

When I reached Mike's house only Will was there. The rest seemed to take longer. I noticed dark circles under his eyes.

" Hey Will are you OK? You look tired"

"Yes, I guess I had just a lack of sleep. I keep getting this nightmares."

"Oh that sucks. What happens in those nightmares?"

"Well I kinda got this feeling that it has something to do with the upside down. I feel those shivers like when he was activated a few months ago. Maybe it isn't over yet" Will said with a sigh.

"But we killed this monster. There is no chance that it's back. We won, Will."

"Yea I know but it feels... just strange."

Before I could say anything else the rest of the party arrived with their bikes. Behind them came Hopper with Steve, Robin, Nancy and Jonathan in his police car. After greeting all of them we headed in Mike's basement to make a plan to save Max from Brenner.

"So... Does anyone have an idea how we could get into the lab?" Steve asked.

"Well the last time I got in through the main entrance but I got caught. I tried to find another way in but there was absolutely no other way to get in" Hopper said

"We could try the sewers. I guess they are linked with the lab" Nancy assumed.

"Yeah you could actually be right about that. They won't see us coming." Hop answered.

"But we need an actual plan. We can't just walk in there" Jonathan said

"Okay El you know that place the best. Where do you think is Max?" Hop asked his daughter.

"She is in the same floor as my room. I saw it in a dream. I have room eleven and she was in room 13. But we need a key card to get through the door." El answered in a low voice

"Okay who of you is capable of using a gun?" Hop asked

Nancy, Jonathan and Steve raised their hands. I thought about it and said:

"I can use a gun too. I would kill to save Max. I can do this."

Everyone around me looked surprised but I was absolutely sure about it.

"Good so we'll make some groups.
Steve and Jonathan will come with me searching for Brenner to finally end all of this. He probably has the key card to her room so we will take it and meet Lucas, Mike and El in front of Max's room to get her out. Nancy, Dustin, Will and Robin will go in first to turn the cameras off so no one knows where we are. Is this plan clear to everyone? But It will take me some days to get all the guns together. We have to wait 3 days til we cyn go" Hop finished his plan

" Yes it's actually good" Robin answered for all of us" but how will we communicate? "

"Every group can take a supercom with them so if there are any problems we can inform everyone." Dustin says.

"Wait so you're telling me that we just have to sit around for 3 days without doing anything to save her" I exclaimed frustrated.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. I'm sorry but we don't have another option, Lucas." Hop answered

"But if Max has powers now, I can talk to her in my subconscious. I could try it." El offered

"Okay then let's do it" Mike chimed in.

El put a blindfold in front of her eyes and Mike put the TV on static.


The first thing I saw was darkness. In the distance I saw a door with something in front of it. It was the door to Max's room as far as I remember, so I started walking. When I reached the door I recognized the a man on the ground. His body was burned. The ground also looked like there was some kind of fire. The door vanished into dust and revealed a fragile figure laying on a bed. The room was freezing cold and so was Max. When she noticed me her head turned to face me. A tear escaped my eyes along with a sob. Her once so shining eyes wich reminded me of the ocean were faded into a lifeless stare. Her wrists were tied to the bed. But now whit metal chains instead of leather cuffs. Oh God what did he do to her?

"Max, can you hear me?" I cried out
She just nodded in response.

"What did he do to you? And who is that man outside?"

"I'm so sorry El. I- I didn't mean to..." she managed to choke out. " I can't control it. Brenner gave me those fire powers. I didn't want them. I just wanted to protect you. This man was supposed to bring me to him. Fore some of Brenners experiments. All of the sudden he was on fire. He was screaming for help but he was dead real soon. I killed someone El... Im a monster. " a soft cry escaped her lips.

" Well not all monster do monstrous things" I answered

"Yea but I killed him. I killed someone El!"

"But he deserved it. He wanted to hurt you. Nobody should ever hurt you, Max. You don't deserve any of this."

" Thanks El, that means a lot. But I can't use my powers in here anymore. It's too cold. It's blocking my powers. Brenner will send another man soon and then he will torture me for killing this guy out there." the redhead replied sobbing.

"Did this happen before? Did he hurt you? " I asked, my voice trembling.

"Yes" Max said with a shaky voice.

"Oh God I'm so sorry Max. We will get you out of here ok? In 3 days we will come to get you out. Promise me to hold on." I begged

"I will. For you" she said with a sad smile.

I gasped loudly and took the blindfold off of my eyes. My nose bleeded so I put a tissue under it.

"How is she?" Lucas asked immediately.

"She's alive" I answered dryly

"What kind of powers does she have?"
It was Will who asked

"Fire" I said "she can control fire.

That's a wrap on chapter 6. I hope you enjoyed it. Please comment, if you like the story and if I should keep going. It would also be nice to tell me, if you see some grammar or spelling mistakes so I can correct them.
Word count: 1331 words

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