I Still Need You

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3rd Person POV:

Deep down in the woods of Hawkins the displacer beast was lurking over a bloody body. When it finished its meal, the beast threw its prey on the massive pile of body's. The moonlight exposed the creatures face. Blood was dripping from its teeth and the left side of its face was covered in burns. The displacer beast licked its teeth and roared loudly before it moved away from the body pile and walked in the direction of the sherrifs cabin again.

Meanwhile the boys of the party met at Mike's place with their bikes to visit Max and El. When they were halfway through the forest a loud roar was heard.
"What the hell was that" Lucas asked.
Will who was standing next to him felt a shiver go down his spine and touched his neck.
"That was the displacer beast, it's not far from us. Let's hurry!" he explained.
The boys nodded and continued their way through the dark forest of Hawkins. You could already see the lights of Hoppers cabin when all of the sudden a giant black figure came out of the shadows and stepped in their way.

" Oh shit" Dustin spoke for all of them.

"What are we gonna do now?" Mike asked, pure shock filled his voice as the displacer beast came closer and closer to the group. The moment it was about to attack them, it got slammed into a tree. The boys looked at the beast in shock and then to the cabin to see El and Max on the front porch.

"What are you guys waiting for, come in!" Max yelled frustrated.

The boys didn't hesitate and started to sprint to the girls as the beast got up to its feet again, roaring loudly.

"Shit I think that made the beast even more angry!" Mike said

"Oh no shit Sherlock" Max joked "okay sorry bad timing for jokes, I get it"

"Dustin, you know everything about that beast, right?" El asked the curly haired boy who answered with a nod.
"Okay so do you know how to kill it before it kills us?" she continued.

"Yes, uhm basically you just have to burn it."

"Well duh last time I tried that it didn't really work as you can see" Max answered.  "How am I supposed to burn that thing to dead, if I barely burned its face the last time? I am too weak, Dustin."

"No Max, don't do that to yourself. You aren't weak, if anything you're the strongest person that I ever met. You can do it and I will be by your side to help" the slightly smaller girl shot back.

"Guys, focus! It's getting closer." Lucas shouted.
El threw the displacer beast against a tree with all her strength as her nose started bleeding. This action consumed so much of her power that the brunette couldn't hold her balance anymore and almost collapsed to the wooden floor. Max has caught her right before she hit the ground and helped her up to her feet again.

"El I need you right now, okay? I can't end that beast alone, but together we can do it."

"I'm giving my best to help"
The both girls smiled at each other before turning their attention back to the displacer beast.

The four boys gathered behind the two girls in front of Hoppers cabin. Hopper himself stood next to the group, his gun ready to shoot. The displacer beast slowly approached the party, it's eyes glowing red, the teeth still dripping with its victims blood.
Max took a step forward and held her tiny hands forwards. The girl breathed in heavily and closed her eyes. When the displacer beast was about to attack her, she opened her eyes and shoot a giant fire beam towards the beast. Max herself was surprised by her own power, she didn't know that she could use so much power at once. The displacer beast got slammed a few feet away but it got up to its feet again and came closer to the redhead. What the party didn't know was that the beast was in fact already right on front of Max, but it still looked like it was a few feet away from her.
Everything happened so fast. Next thing you know is seeing the girl with fiery red hair falling to her knees, crying out in pain. When the kids realised that the beast was already right there, Hopper shoot multiple times at it while El threw it against a tree again. While the father-daughter duo held the beast back, the boys checked up on Max. She seemed okay at first look but when the boys saw her face, their eyes widened in shock. A bloody slash was going from her forhead to her chin, the displacer beast has got in her face when it attacked her.

Adrenalin filled the redheaded girl, in a matter of second the stinging pain in her face was gone and she stood up. She walked right to the beast that was still hold back by Els powers and realised every bit power that was left in her with a scream and directed it to the beast that slashed her freckled face. Everyone around them covered their ears. The ear piercing scream was followed by a giant fire ball forming around the girl. It was so bright that everyone turned away. The scream lasted for a good minute until it suddenly stopped along with the bright fire ball. El was the first one to turn back to the love of her life. At first she didn't see anything but smoke but then she could make out a figure walking out of the smoke, it was Max.

"I did it, El! I killed the displacer beast." the girl said sobbing as she slowly sunk to her knees until she hit the hard ground. El started sprinting towards her girlfriend and positioned Max's head on her lap. The brunette stared to sob as she saw the other girls bloody face and carefully brushed her thumbs around the deep wound. Hopper came from behind her and picked  the unconscious redhead up from his daughter's lap. No one dared to say something, so everyone followed Hopper in his cabin where he put Max in Els bed.
El sat down next to the sleeping girl and placed a kiss on her forhead.

"Please wake up" she wispered into her girlfriends ear. "I still need you"


Heyyy, so as you can see I'm back at it again with a new chapter. I hope you liked it. It's like 1am at my place but I just had the idea so I started writing and this came out of it.
Don't forget to drink enough water today!
Word count is 1139

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