Sweet Dreams

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Max POV:

I was waiting for Brenner in the room where the experiments were done on me. Suddenly a few gunshots where heard. That has to be the party. El said that they would come for me in 3 days. And now it is exactly that day. I wanted to scream for help so that they would know where I am, but I was too weak. I screamed so often the last days that I couldn't get any sound out. The room wasn't as cold as my room so I could use my fire powers at least a bit. It was enough to burn the roaps that tied me onto the chair. When I stood up, my knees gave in and I  immediately fell to the cold ground. I managed to pull myself up again and got to the door. I pushed it open and stumbled through the long hallway burning everyone who got in my way. I was heading straight to Brenners office. I wanted to end him so badly. It was foolish of him to let me alone in a room that's not freezing cold and now I will kill him with the powers that he gave me. How ironic, I thought to myself. On my way to him I found a lot of shot people. That has to mean that the party was already here. The door to his office was open, so I stepped in to see Brenner laying on the ground. He got shot in the chest but he was still alive. I kneeled down next to him and whispered on his ear

"Sweet dreams, monster"

I stood back up and looked him dead in the eye. With all the strength that was left in me I stared to burn him. I released all the pain and turned it into strength. The whole room was on fire now, so I stumbled out of it. I turned around one last time to see his body slowly falling to ashes. It's finally over now. He can't hurt anyone anymore. I wanted to find the party now, but I just couldn't stand any longer. I sunk to the floor and fell unconscious.


Shit, where could Max be? Where did this asshole took her?

"Is it just me or got it really hot here?" Jonathan asked.

"No I'm also very hot. But seconds ago it was extremely cold here" Steve answered for all of us.

"Guys, that has to be Max. Her power is fire, right? So we will have to go where the heat comes from." Mike said.

"Mike is right. We gotta go, now" I said and stormed forward. "Come on, what are you waiting for."

On our way we found a lot of burned bodies. It looked like a scary horror movie. After taking a left turn we found the redhead laying on the ground. She seemed to be unconscious and a few meters behind her was papas office on fire. Hopper walked to the fragile figure and picked her up easily. She lost a lot of weight. You could see that. My eyes started watering and I could also hear a cry from Lucas. When Hop reached us he said that we have to leave now and started walking again. We made our way back through the sewers and the forest to our cars. Hop placed Max in his backseat while everyone else hopped in the cars. Lucas sat next to Max hand held her hand thight with tears in his eyes. The drive to our cabinet was silent. Nobody dared to say a word.

When we got home, Hopper placed Max on the couch and put a blanket over her. Steve and Jonathan made a fire in the fireplace.
Will, Dustin, Mike, Lucas and me sat on my bed in my bedroom.

"Do you think she'll be fine?" Dustin asked

"Yes. She's the strong one. She has always been." Mike answered. Everyone nodded.
A few moments later Joyce came in and gave us all a warm tea and cookies with a warm smile. We returned the smile.

After she left Will spoke up

"I have to tell you something. I know it's a bad timing but I think that this can't wait any longer."

"What is it Will?" I asked

"I think the upside down is still active. I have this unsettling feeling like last year again. I think something is still here in Hawkins... I don't know what it is, but I don't feel good about it. What if a part of the Mindflayer is still in our world, with a new host? "

" Since when do you feel that kind of stufd again, Will? " Lucas asked

" The feeling never left." he sighed" I didn't want to tell you because I thought that it would go away. I thought that we defeated the upside down and it's creatures for once and all.
But I guess I was wrong... "

Have fun with chapter 8. It's a bit short but yea... I kinda like it. What do you think about it? Please let me know in the comments. Also a big thank you to the people who voted for this story. It means a lot to me :)
Word count is 878

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