Displacer Beast

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No one's POV:

Not so far away from the cabin lungers something in the shadows of the woods. It resembles a sleek great cat covered in blue- black fur. However, it's otherworldly origins are clear in its six legs and the two tentacles sprouting from its shoulders, both ending in pads with spiked protrusions. It's also much bigger than a normal cat, almost 9 feet long.
The beast chrouches over something else. On closer inspection you can see that it's a human, ripped apart.
The beasts teeth are covered in blood and it's roaring loudly.

Eleven POV:

"Did you hear that?" Will asked in the group.

"No, what do you mean?" Mike asked confused.


A knock was heard on my bedroom door. It was Joyce.

"Hey kids, I just wanted to let you know that Max is awake now. You can come to the living room." she said to all of us.
I immediately stormed out of my bedroom to the couch Max sat on.
She embraced me in her arms and I hugged her tightly. When I felt her wincing, I quickly pulled away to make sure that I didn't hurt her. She just gave me a weak smile and pulled me back into the hug. I'm glad that I can support her now that she's home.

"I'm so glad to have you back here Maxie" I cried.

"Well I'm glad you all got me back here. I don't think that I would have made it another day." she said, tears were starting to form in her eyes.

Behind me I heard Lucas clearing his throat. After a few seconds I let go of Max and offered Lucas some space on the couch to sit next to Max. He didn't hesitate to take the offer and let himself fall on the couch, hugging his girlfriend.

"How are you, Madmax?"

"I'm fine now that I'm here, Stalker." she said with a small smile.

"It's good to hear that"

Wait did he truly believe that she is fine? Wow, what a boyfriend.

Will and Dustin also talked to Max and even made her laugh a bit.
Mike stood a little away awkwardly. I slightly bumped my elbow in his side and nodded in Max's direction, so he would also talk to the girl he used to despite. That changed at the night at starcourt mall, when him and Max had to work together, trying to help me. She stepped in Billy's way in attempt to protect Mike and me and since that moment Mike finally accepted her.
Now he stepped forward and cleared his throat to get the redheads attention.
"Hey Max uhm I just wanted to let you know that I am truly sorry about what happened to you. And I'm also sorry for my behavior the whole time. I really was a d!ck and I'm sorry for that. Is there any possibility that we could start over?" he let out. I'm glad he finally did it.

"Thanks for your apology Mike. It means a lot to me. And I would also like to start over."
They both shake hands and smiled.
The peaceful moment was interrupted by loud knocks on the door. Hopper who's been in the kitchen the whole time walked to the window, looked through the curtains and gasped
"That is impossible" he said.

"What is it, dad?" I asked him.
When he didn't answer I decided to look myself. I stormed to the window and looked through it, now seeing why Hopper was so shocked. In front of our door stood no other than Billy Hargrove all alive.

"How is that possible?" I asked in disbelief.

"What, who is there?" Max also wanted to know.

"Don't worry about it kid, I'll handle this." Hop said, got his gun and stepped outside quickly shutting the door behind his back. I watched the two of them talking, still not believing what I'm seeing out there. How can he still be alive? Thats not possible, we all saw him dying in Maxs arms.
My train of thought was interrupted by the door getting opened. Hopper stepped in, followed by Billy. I quickly looked over to Max, who's eyes were watering up.
"B-Billy is that really you?" she asked in disbelief.
"Yea dipshit, it's me, for good now." he said, walking over to her. They shared a long hug, both of them were crying.
"I thought you were dead" Max sobbed in his shoulder.
"I thought that too, but here I am.

"How is that even possible? " I asked him. I needed to know that.

"The night I got this host kind of thing, I met my doppelganger. It sounds weird, I know, but he looked just like me. He controlled me, made me do bad things, you know that yourself I guess. Anyways, when my body died that night at starcourt, I found myself alive in this other dimension. How did you call it again? The downside up? "

"It's upside down" I interrupted him.

"Okay, then it's the upside down. However, I was trapped there since I 'died' and searched for an exit. A few hours ago I finally did. Look, kiddos, I'm so sorry for what I did and I can't turn back time. I wish I would've been a better brother, but I will be one of the good guys now, I promise. " he nearly cried out.

"It's okay Billy. I'll need some time, but I will forgive you. " Max said. She was glad that she had her brother back, even tho he kind of used to abuse her. But if she trusts him now, I will too.

"I think it could be true what you said, but we'll keep an eye on you, Billy. " I said with confidence.

"I won't disappoint you guys anymore, for sure... But I have a question. What exactly happened to you, Max? I'm sorry but you look terrible"

"I don't want to talk about it now. I think I could use some rest actually."

"Uhm okay. I'll go home then."

"Okay, be careful. Neil's got worse." she said. You could hear the fear in her voice. Everyone else also left to get home. Now it was just dad, Max and me.

"Come one let's go to bed then" I said and helped her up. I said my goodnight to Hopper and went into my bedroom.

"Do you want a pajama or something like that?" I asked the redhead because she still wore a blood stained hospital gown. She just nodded and waited for me to give her something to change into. I gave her grey sweatpants and a marine blue t-shirt which she changed into. I got in bed and lifted up my big blanked to let her slip under it.
"Yes Max?"
"Can you please come closer, I'm really cold."
"Oh yea uhm of course" I stuttered
I put my arms around her shivering body in order to keep her warm and safe. My chest was also getting really warm. Why is that?
I didn't know how tired I was until I closed my eyes. I immediately fell into a deep sleep with Max right in my arms.

Thanks for reading chapter 10.
The last 2 days were kinda stressful, so I didn't really had time to write.
It's past 12pm at my place and I have online lessons at 8am... So yea, wish me luck.
Word count: 1245

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