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Max POV:

"You were a really bad girl, 13!"

"It's Max"

"You will pay for what you did to me. And quit talking back to me."

"I will pay for what I did to you? First of all it was you who kidnapped me and gave me those strange powers. And sind of all: What did you think would happen? That I would fall on my knees in front of you and thank you for what you did to me?"

"You should be grateful. The powers are a gift."  Brenner said and pressed a button that send shocks through my body. I started hearing someone screaming. When I realized that I was the one who was screaming, I was terrified. My troath felt like sandpaper was rubbed  against it from my screams. But I heard someone else screaming. I listened closer and quickly recognized that this voice belonged to El. She was screaming my name. Her screams sounded faded. Like they were far away. When I felt another shock going through my body I shot up in Els bed

"Omg Max, are you ok? You were jerking  around and screamed like hell. I tried to wake you up but nothing worked, so I literally had to scream at you. What happened?"

"Just a bad dream. I'm alright." I said that more to reassure myself than to answer El.

"Uhm okay... But you don't se-"

"I said I'm fine!" I said a little to harsh" sorry El, I didn't mean to snap at you like this. "

" It's okay. I'll make us some breakfast. You can stay in bed, I'll bring it to you" she offered with a smile. I returned the smile and nodded in response, so she left the room.

Now I was left alone with my thoughts once again. Every time that I close my eyes I see his evil grin and all those men that I burned. I see all the things he did to me, it's haunting me in my sleep. But at leat there's a good too. Billy's back and it seemed that he's changed a lot. His 'death' affected me harder than I thought it would. He has never been a good stepbrother, but in his last seconds he decided to do something good. And that changed everything.

I hadn't noticed that El was back with the breakfast til she tapped on my shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts and we started eating breakfast together. El made us some Eggos with strawberrys on top of it. When we finished I decided to go to the bathroom. Once again I faced my mirror reflection. I looked a bit better than yesterday at least because I took a warm shower to get all of the dryed blood and dirt off of my skin and washed my hair. My face was still messed up tho. A large bruise covered my forehead and my right cheek. My eye bags were purple-ish and a deep cut was visible on my neck. I guess it will become a scar. I sighed and started to get ready.
When I left the bathroom Hopper waited for me in the kitchen.

"Hey Max uhm... Have you thought about visiting your mom? I mean you don't have to, if you don't want to go back to this place. You can stay with me and El as long as you want. But I thought your mother would like to know if you're ok." he said.

"I think calling her would be better. But not yet, I want to wait a few days. Maybe she didn't noticed that I went missing. And even if she did, she wouldn't care. She only cares for Neil anyways" I answered. But it's true, she never cared. Otherwise things wouldn't have happened at our so called home. A home is supposed to be a safe place. But the place I was living in wasn't a safe place. It was the pure opposite.
Hopper nodded, seemingly understanding what I've said and turned on the TV. That was the moment El also came in with popcorn in get hands. We watched a movie together but were interrupted by some breaking news. There were about 6 missing persons here in Hawkins and a guy who went hiking found all of them dead in the woods. We all shared a glance.
The bodies were ripped apart and had teeth marks all over them, so the guy on the news channel said.
We all knew one thing for sure: That couldn't be an animal attack. It must be something bigger, something from the upside down.

The rest of the party must've also seen the news because not even 15 minutes later they knocked on the door.

"After researching everything about the bodies I came to the conclusion that it can only be one creature from the upside down. It's called the displacer beast. It relies on a light-bending illusion to make itself appear several feet away from its actual position. An attacter fighting an displacer beast becomes disoriented, struggling to determine where the monster is while it counterstrikes with terrible swiftness." Dustin explained.

"How do you know all of this? " I asked confused.

"It's a monster in Dungeons and Dragons. I recognized it and looked it up in the book." he answered proudly.

"Okay and how can we fight that beast, if it's so smooth?"

Here's chapter 11.
Drop your thoughts on it in the comments. If you have anything that you would like to happen in the story, you can send me a message and maybe I will consider it in the story.
Word count is 929

Sweet Misery~Max MayfieldWhere stories live. Discover now