The Return

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Unknown POV:

I don't know how I got here. It's cold and dark. My surroundings are full of veins, spreading along the ground and walls. I've been in this place for months now, searching for an exit. It looks like home, but it's not home, its worse. I did a lot of bad things and I'm so sorry for what I did, but I just can't stop. It's like a drug that consumes more and more of me. I regret my behavior but I just can't help. I had to do it. For him, for the mindflayer.

In the distance I recognized the Hawkins Middle School and decided to get in. Maybe there's some food in the cafeteria. Or maybe even a way out. I stepped through the main entrance and searched for the cafeteria. After 10 minutes I finally found it. And I also found some chocolate pudding. I ate it all up and continued my way through the school halls. I looked in one of the classrooms to find a blackboard with black ashes and some slimy substance all over it. The desks were scattered all over the place. It looked like a fight had happened in this room. In the middle of the slimy substance I could see some kind of red light behind it. I stepped forward in stood right in front of that weird thing. I slowly raised my hand and longed out to touch the substance. I felt my hand going through a kind of peel, so I put my other hand through it and my whole body followed.
I was soking wet from the slimy stuff but now the place I was in wasn't dark at all. I made it. I finally made it home. I have to find the kids...

Max POV:

I shoot up from my laying position and gasped for air. My head hurted like hell and everything around me was a blur. It took me a few seconds to realise that I was in Hoppers cabin on the couch. The first person who came into my view was Joyce. When she noticed me, she came over and kneeled down next to the couch.

"Hey honey, how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, just a lil headache." I lied. My head was throbbing really hard, my whole body ached and it hurt to breath, but I didn't want her to worry about me. She's been through so much, I don't want to be another burden in her life.

"Do you want a tea, sweatheart?" she asked with a smile .
I just nodded in response and returned the smile.
She stood up and walked over to the kitchen sink to grab a cup of tea. She came back and handed me the cup.

"Your friends and Hopper are asleep. It got pretty late, it's almost 3 in the morning. I decided to stay up just to make sure you're ok."

"Thank you, but that wouldn't have been necessary."

"Well I think it is necessary because the last time you were alone, you got kidnapped by the government."

"Yea ok you're right" I said with a chuckle. "Can I use the bathroom?"

"Of course sweety, you know where. Do you need help with walking?"

"No im fine, thank you" I said and stood up shankingly. When I started walking, I got a bit dizzy. Joyce semmed to notice that, placed my right arm around her neck and helped me over to the bathroom.
After I closed the door I turned around and saw something terrifying. My mirror reflection. I stepped forwards to grab the sink and looked closer. There were big purple eye bags under my eyes along with red marks scattered over my face. I must have got them from the punches from Dr. Brenner. My hair was also a mess. It was totally greasy and shaggy. My skin was nearly as pale as the white walls. I looked like a sceleton. Just skin and bones. I leaned over the bathtub to wash my hair and wrapped it in a towel afterwards.

After I got out of the bathroom I layed back on the couch. When I sat down, I noticed how tired I was and decided to sleep a bit. I fell into sleep really fast...

Flashback/ Dream:

"I said burn him, are you deaf?" Brenner shouted

"No, I don't want to kill him." Max shouted back

"Do it, 13!"

"No! Fuck you."

"Good, if you don't want to listen, I'll have to punish you." he says, straps the girl to a chair and attaches wires to her arms.

"You're sick!" she yells

"Am I? Ouch, that hurt my feelings, 13.
I'll have to push that button here." he says and pushes the butten that is connected to the wires on her arms. He turned the level higher and higher until she started to scream in pain.

"Ahhh stop it!"

"What did you say? I couldn't hear you!"

"Stop, it hurts. Please!
Please, I beg you. I'll do it, ok? I'll burn him. But please stop it."

"Alright, but no tricks, 13."
Brenner takes Max to another room with the guy she is supposed to burn alive.

"Do it, 13"

"I hate you!" she screams and started burning him instead of the other guy.
Some scientists came in and put out the fire that nearly killed Brenner. One of the scientists pushed a needle in Max's arms, causing her to fall uncouncious.

Another chapter done :)
Who do you think was the unknown POV and did you like the chapter?
Thanks for all the support btw.
Word count is 939

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