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Dustin POV:

"Shit, what are we supposed to do now?" I asked out loud.

"We'll simply search for her" Mike suggested.

"Mike, I love you but sometimes you're such a dumbass. If it would be that easy to find missing persons, the police wouldn't have anything to do. I suggest that we should go and tell Hopper about it. He'll take care about that and we could help him." El said.

" Sounds good to me" I agreed. Will and Lucas we're also ok with that. Lucas seemed very down and I wanted to talk to him but we have to get to Hoppers cabin at first. Riding a bike is exhausting. I don't wanna talk to someone while driving because I would get out of air real fast. So we all drove straight to Hoppers cabin. When we got there, we also saw Joyce's car on the outside. El opened the door and we all stepped inside to see Hopper and Joyce happily watching movies. That view made me smile because Joyce's last boyfriends were either assholes or dead, so I'm glad that she has Hopper now. But now we're about to tell her some really bad news. I'm sorry about that

"Hey Hop, hey Joyce, can we talk to you right now? It's an emergency!" El said to them.

"What is it sweetie? Is there something wrong? And where is Max?" Joyce asked

"That's the problem... We don't know where Max is. We think that she got kidnapped." Lucas said

"Why do you think that she got kidnapped? Have you searched for her?" Hopper asked, obviously not taking the situation seriously.

"Yes of course, everywhere. We looked for her at her place and around Mike's place. All we found is this cloth here. Also all her stuff is still at Mike's place. Even her scateboard. You can't tell me, that that's not sus." Will said angrily. Nobody expected him to get angry like that. Hopper and Joyce looked shocked.

"oh crap you are right kids. Okay uhm... Don't worry, we'll find her. Let's hang posters around, like we did for Will. And then we will solve that mystery. I promise" Hop said

Mike POV:

This whole situation is really messed up. Max is missing, Lucas is extremely upset and El is worried sick. She just talked with Max about what was going on with her and now she's gone. I'll go talk to El and ask her about yesterday.

"Hey El, uhm can we talk?"

"Yes of course, what is it about?"

"Did you talk to Max about all that weird stuff yesterday?

" Yea... Why? "

" What did she say? Was someone hurting her? "

" I don't know, if I can tell you. It was very hard for her to tell me. I could see that. She literally had a breakdown in the bathroom."

I looked El in her brown eyes which shone so bright before the events of starcourt. Now her eyes were without that joy. I pleaded her to tell me what Max said with my puppy eyes. After a while she finally gave in.

" It was Neil... He hurted her. It turned out that he's been doing it for a while now, but she was scared to tell anyone because he threatened her.
I feel so bad now. It has been going on for so long now and I didn't noticed. And now she's gone. She's probably so scared now. No one's there for her in that place--wherever she's trapped. "

" Yea I know... Wait, I've got an idea! You could find out, where she is with your powers. Like you did with us when you spyed on us. And you have a strong connection to her. So maybe you can communicate with Max somehow. "

" Michael Wheeler, I love you" El said with a bright smile on her face. Her eyes showed a flicker of hope now.
"We gotta go to the others and tell them about the plan" she said and took my hand. I followed her to her room, where her supercom was and we told Lucas, Will and Dustin to come over. When they all finally arrived we told them about the plan.

"Okay and you're a 100% sure that this will work? Lucas asked with hope.

" Yes, I can do it. I did this before and I'm sure that I'll find her" the brown haired girl said

El took a scarf out of her drawer and put it in front of her eyes. I put the supercom on static noises so that El could get into that dark space kind of thing.

Eleven POV:

I saw nothing but black at first. But after taking a few steps I heard soft cries from the direction I was heading to. I started walking faster and faster until a saw red hair in the distance. The redhead laid on the ground and as I stepped closer I recognized a man standing beside her. I couldn't see his face until he turned around. After seeing his face, I ripped off the scarf to see Mikes worried face.

"What happened El? You were saying something, but we couldn't understand."

"My... My father is with her. I think he took Max."


This was Chapter 4, I hope you like it.
It would be nice, if you could drop a comment. I'm sorry, if there are spelling or grammar mistakes.
Word count: 903 words

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