What The Hell Was That

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3rd person POV:

Not far away from Hoppers cabin a couple walked through the forest, the sun slowly going down. It wasn't until they heard a low growl coming from the bushes.

"Did you hear that?" the women asked anxious.

"Yes I heard that too, wait up" he said and took a few steps towards the bushes where the weird sound just came from. Eventually he didn't get any closer. In a matter of seconds a big black- blue creature jumped out of the bushes and ripped the man in pieces. It was the displacer beast. The women still stood there in shock, not being able to scream. She was frozen in fear from what she just saw. The creature licked its bloody fangs with its long tongue as it was walking towards the woman. The displacer beast appeared right in front of the women although she was sure it was a few feet away seconds ago and  ripped the women apart with its fangs. The couple was just a small part of the body count. There were already 12 dead bodys found, 9 persons were still reported as missing but somewhere in the forest that was dark by now, they are also dead. The displacer beast roared loudly and came closer and closer to Hops cabin, leaving a trail of dead bodies behind.

Max POV:

El and I sat on her bed, my head layed on her lap.
I couldn't get my mind off of Neil. I mean he definitely deserved to die but I never thought that I would be the one to kill him. I also thought a lot about Lucas lately. He never came around to ask me how I was or just to spend time with me. Even Will, Dustin and especially El cared more for me. He knows exactly what happened all so often with Neil, he knows damn well that I used to hurt myself because I felt like my dad leaving us was my fault. But he obviously doesn't care about any of that anymore. I think that I should take a break from him and our relationship for a while. It just doesn't feel right anymore.

My thoughts got interrupted by a loud sound coming from outside the cabin. I looked up in Els dark brown eyes to make sure that she heard that too, and she did.

"What the hell was that?" she asked confused, her eyes widening.

"I don't know, let's have a look" I suggested and stood up, offering El my hand. She took it and we both walked to the front door. Due to the fact that it was almost 11pm, Hop was already asleep on the couch. I cracked the door open a bit and stepped out on the front porch, El close behind me.

"I can't see anything Max, let's get back in. It's so cold out here."

"No wait, do you see that?" I pointed to a bush that slightly moved just seconds ago.

"Max, nothing is there, let's go" El said again, but froze seconds later.
A really big creature stepped out of the shadows, it's eyes glowing in a bright red.

"Omg El that has to be the beast Dustin told us about. Watch out, it could be right in front of us already and we would still think that it's over there!" I yell-whispered to her.

"What do we do now?"

"Go back in." I suggested, so El and I slowly stepped back. But like I told El, the displacer beast was already right in front of us. El and I were frozen in shock as the creature jumped up the porch and went for El with its spiked tentacles. Until she could even react to threw it away with her powers, it hurt her badly on the left side of her waist. She screamed out in pain and threw the beast a few feet away with her power, falling down to her knees. But the beast didn't give up like that. It got up again and came towards the cabin again. I quickly came to the decision that El would have to wait and used all my strength to set the monster on fire. I managed to burn its right side of the face. The displacer beast roared loudly at me and disappeared into the darkness of the trees again.
I fell to my knees in exhaustion. My head was throbbing but I couldn't think about that now, I had to get El inside. She layed on the floor, holding her left side in pain.

"Its gonna be ok El, I got you!" I reassured her as I opened the door wich woke Hop up.

"Jeez what happened!?" he asked in shock.

"That beast, it got me, dad" El whispered. I gulped at her words. I hope that she'll be okay.

Here's chapter 14, I hope you like it.
I'm going to get tested for Corona tomorrow bc my dad has it and I have symptoms, so yeah... Wish me luck.
If you have anything that you want to happen, let me know in the comments.
Word count: 861 words

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