Time For Action

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3 days later...

Hopper POV:

Today is the day that we are finally  saving Max. I got all the equipment we need together. I'm sitting with El in my truck on our way to the Wheelers household. My kid looks a bit worried so I tried to cheer her up.

"Hey listen El, we will save your friend and after we did that, I will make some Eggos for all of us. There's nothing to worry about." I told her.
Of course I know that there are many risks and someone might get hurt, but I believe that we can do this. We fought a monster from another dimension, so I think we can do this too.

At Mike's Place:
Everyone else already stood in Mike's driveway when we arrived, ready for the mission. After greeting everyone, all of us jumped in Steve's, Nancy's and my car. No one said a thing the whole drive to the lab wich I was very grateful of. We parked the cars near to the forest and repeated our plan.

"Okay so Nancy, Robin, Will and Dustin will go in first to turn the cams off. After you did that, you will get out of their immediately and wait at the end of the sewers. If it takes more than 30 minutes, call the police. When the cams are off, you will give us a signal and then I will go in with Steve and Jonathan to end off Dr. Brenner. Meanwhile El, Mike and Lucas will go to El's old room and hide there until we come to get you out. We will have a key card from Brenner at this point and will be able to get Max out. Is that clear? " I ask to make sure that everyone understood.

The kids nodded so we started making our way to the sewers. When we got there, Will got a plan of the sewers out of his pocket. I took it from him with a nod and started looking at it.

" We have to walk straight ahead for like 5 minutes, then take a left and after that we have to take a right." I said and started walking with the kids following behind me.

After walking like 15 minutes we reached the stairs to the lab.
"Group one you can go. Be careful." I said and handed both Robin and Nancy a gun. They nodded at me and left with Will and Dustin. Now it was time to wait til the contact us again.

10 minutes later:
"We made it to the electrical room. Dustin will turn the cams off now." Robin said through the supercom. "No one saw us getting in here. It seems no one works here anymire besides the guy who watched the cams. We had to knock him out." she continued

"I did it. The cams are off now. You can come in" Dustin said.

"Good job kiddos. Now get our before someone notices you." I answered and put the supercom back in my bag.

"Let's go"

Mike POV:

We walked through the halls of Hawkins lab now. I hold El's hand tight because this place brings up bad memories to her. Lucas walked in front of us with a gun in his hand. As we expected there were guards in the floor Max's and El's rooms were. El stepped forwards and threw them against a wall. We ran in her old room as fast as we could and locked it from the inside. I looked around and saw some drawings- probably from El from her time in this place. Besides that rheere was noting in the room except a bed wit a stiffed animal on it, a nightstand and a shelf. All the walls were white. El sat on the bed with a terrified look on her face and watering eyes. I quickly sat next to El and wrapped her in my arms, trying to comfort her.

Meanwhile by Hop, Steve and Jonathan :

3rd person POV:

The group quickly found Dr. Brenner sitting in his office after fighting their way through several enemies. They've got some bruises and scratches but besides that they were ok.

Brenner stood up and chuckled.
"Long time no seen, Shief."

"We are not her for fun, Brenner. We want the girl back. Oh, and we also want to finally end you off. You put us all through so much. You experimented on your own kid, you opened a portal to another dimension wich affected Will and almost killed him twice. And now you took another party member and also hurt her, so we gonna have to hurt you. "Jonathan shouted full with anger and pointed his gun at Dr. Brenner.

" You're just a kid, Jonathan. You won't be able to sho-" Brenner was stopped mid sentence by a bullet meeting his chest.

There was blood all over the place now as Brenner sunk to the ground. Jonathan took a few steps towards the body, took the key card from him and held it up.

" We have the card, let's go. " he said

Steve and Hopper were left in shock. They didn't expect Jonathan to snap like this. But they didn't say anything about it and followed him to El's old room.

When they reached the door Hopper gave El the signal and she opened it. She looked like she's been crying wich all of them understood.
They walked to room 13, where the guards that El threw against the wall, still layed on the ground. They opened the door to Max's room to be greated by an empty bed. Where else could the redhead be?

Here's chapter 7,enjoy it. I tried to put a lil cliffhanger at the end. I hope you like it. Please comment your thoughts on this book.
Word count is 975

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