I Think I'm In Love

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Mike POV:

I haven't talked to El for a few days so I decided to give her a visit since Will told me that the displacer beast hurt her. He said that El will gonna be okay in a few days. Max is also recovering but it takes a bit longer. Also her pain is not only physically but mentally, so that will take a while. When I reached Hoppers cabin with my bike I placed it on the ground and made my way to the door wich was opened by Hopper himself.

"Hey Hop, I came to talk to El. Can I come in?" I knew exactly that he didn't like me at all so i smiled awkwardly at him.

"Okay fine but not too long, she needs to rest" he said and stepped aside, allowing me in.

"Thank you" I said and went to Els room where she and Max laid on her bed, reading comics. When they noticed me they both greeted me with a simple hi.

"Hey how are you both?" I asked them.

"We're ok so far, why are you here?" El asked me.

"I came to check up on you."

"That's nice, thanks for checking up. Can I talk to you in private?" El questioned.

"Yea sure, come on I'll help you up."

"No that won't be necessary, I have to go to the bathroom anyways, so you can talk here" Max said and got up on her feet. She looked literally like a ghost, it hurt to see her like this. I watched her as the redhead made her way out of the room, shaking the whole time. I thought she would fall but she made it to the bathroom without falling to my surprise.

"So what did you want to talk about El?" I asked the brunette.

"Well I thought a lot about us the last days since I had nothing better to do and I came to a realisation, I think I am in love with someone else Mike, I'm sorry but I had to tell you" she said. I took the information in and thought about what she said.

"I- Uhm don't know what to say El... I truly love you but if you don't feel the same there's nothing I could do about it I guess." I said as i awkwardly scratched the back of my head.

"So you're not mad at me?"

"No, you can't control who you love El, I understand that, we're good. But who's your love interest then?" she looked to the ground as I asked her that.

"I can't tell you but I think I'm in love with a girl"

"Wow ok I didn't expect that, but I respect that." I was a bit shocked but I am truly fine with her liking girls. There's nothing wrong about it.

"Thank you Mike" she said and hugged me. As I pulled back from the hug Max came back, a towel wrapped around her wet hair.

"Okay so uhm I'll leave know, see ya." I said and left the room after they both said their goodbyes.

Max POV:

"So what did you two loverbirds talk about?" I asked El after Mike left the room. Her face grew a bit red and she played with her fingers, avoiding eye contact.

"We're not together anymore, I ended our relationship."

"Oh uhm why's that?"

"Because I already love someone else" was all she said. I looked at the brunette in confusion.

"Wait you're in love with someone else? Who is it?"

"I'm in love with that beautiful girl, I met her in 1984. I didn't like the girl at first, but she turned out as a great friend. We've been through some shit together and we both didn't had a great childhood. But when I met her my life got a bit better day after day. She is so amazing, the most caring person I've ever known. She always is there to help others even though if that means she would get in trouble and I'm so thankful for every moment with her. I should have taken your hand when we first met, Max."

I'm confused, is she talking about me?

"Max, do you want to be my girlfriend?" her brown eyes finally met mine. I couldn't answer her question with words, but I always felt that feeling of happiness and of being save around her, so I cupped her face in my hands and pressed my lips against hers. The passionate kiss lasted for a good minute until we broke apart, taking the air in. Once again that warm feeling went through my stomach. El gave me the feeling of being home.

"Eleven Hopper, I'd love to be your girlfriend" I said and I was a hundred percent honest, I truly loved her with every flaw although she was flawless to me.

"I love you Max Mayfield" she said and blushed again.

"I love you too El" I said, forgetting all the pain that I felt earlier because of her.


Chapter 16 done. What do you think about it? I've been waiting to write this chapter for a long time because I just had to wait for the right moment and I think that moment was now. Thanks for reading the story so far. Word count is 891

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