Return to school

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The next day, we were on the train back to the school.  It was an uneventful ride. Well, other than my thoughts. I kept going back to that kiss I shared with Draco. It wasn’t a kiss on purpose but I still couldn’t get this feeling of rightfulness out of my head. I swear, it sounds like there is a kitten in my head right now. But at the same time, I couldn’t help the feeling that something was going to happen, something bad.

I shook myself, this was not the time to be losing myself to my thoughts. Not on the train, not while my kids were out playing. Just for myself though, I sneaked a peak over at Draco, who was holding Giana. I released a small purr at the sight before sitting up straighter. What was THAT! I did not just purr, I thought to myself, glancing around. I felt relieved that no one was looking at me. Probably just my imagination.

After that little incident,that didn’t happen, I turned to Hermione and Neville and we just talked about our vacations the rest of the way to school.

 Draco’s POV

OMG. OMG, OMG! What has been happening to me. I was supposed to be the perfect Pureblood son. What is going on? Ever since I met Rowena, things have been going so off course. I was supposed to hate her, and think of her only as “the Potter Brat.” But now I get this weird feeling in my stomach everytime I look at her. 

Last night was amazing, but thinking about it just makes me panic a little more. I kissed her. I kissed her! What if she didn’t like it? What if she hates me now? She can’t hate me.I started to tense up and Giana started fussing . I took a deep breath and started to rock her. I truly let my head get away from me. After I calmed down for a second, I remembered what Father told me yesterday.


Ten minutes after I heard the last of the guests leave, I got a surprise visit. “Father!” I exclaimed when he walked into the room. “ Droconis, I need to talk to you,” Father said sternly. I gave a jerky nod and moved to sit on the sofa in my room. “ Now, Draconis, we will not pretend, even for a second, that I did not see you kiss that Potter girl, understand?” Father said harshly. I flinched and said, “Understood.”

 “I will only ask this once Draconis, and you will not lie to me. Why did you kiss that Potter girl?” I stared at Father blankly, but only for a second before answering. “I am not sure why Father. I feel as though something is driving us both together. That same thing caused a feeling of rightness in our every interaction.” That was the truth, though I wasn’t sure what Father would do with the information.

Father rose hastily and started walking quicky toward my wall before turning. Over the next twenty minutes, he wore a hole in my carpet pacing and mumbling. I only caught the words magic, bond, and creature during all of this mumbling. After twenty minutes had passed he sat back down next to me and took a deep breath and there was a moment of silence.

“ The most likely cause of this is a creature inheritance coming into play. If this is so, then we have been led to believe something very wrong. A creature inheritance, and the consequential mate bond that would follow it would not allow our families to be enemies. And if this is true, then the light side has led us to believe that such a strong member of the dark is light. This leaves me no choice but to allow you to keep your friendship with Miss Potter. I trust that you will let me know if there are any further developments in your relationship.” Father said thoughtfully, a very pensive look on his face.

I nodded and said “ Of course, Father.” Father proceeded to make a rather hasty exit from my chambers. Though he left, I couldn’t get what he said out of my mind. It took me hours to finally fall asleep, though it was not a very restful one.

(End Flashback)

I still wasn't exactly sure what he meant by the entire conversation. However, looking over at Rowena holding little baby Asher and then down at Gianna, I decided that I really wanted to figure it out. With Maddie, Austin, Daisy, and Daffodil all playing on the floor around us, I couldn't help but feel like I was surrounded by family.

It wasn't long until we were pulling into Hogsmeade Station, and by that time I had decided to just take my father's advice at face value. No rushing, no questions, just letting it be and seeing where we go from here. So when no one was looking, I pecked Rowena on the cheek.

I might only be 11, and figuring out the world outside of my home, but at least I'll always have her by my side. Because, while I don't understand any of these romantic notions my father seems to have in his head, I do know that I never want to lose her. Because, if nothing else, I know that whatever we have is simply magical.

P.s. I'm pretty sure one of these days I'm going to make that girl my wife, although that's still in the very distant future.

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