Yule and Ball

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When I woke up on yule morning, packages were sitting under the tree for the children and me.  I got the ham started just before the kids came down.  "Let's sit down to breakfast before you open your yuletide presents."  We sat down for a small breakfast before moving over in front of the fireplace.  " This year we will celebrate mother magic.  She breathes life into our world and drives the cycle of life, from beginning to end.  As the year comes to a close, we shall celebrate this cycle."

I pointed to Austin who performed his part, " Rosemary, we will remember the year that has passed," he said, throwing it into the fireplace.  Then Maddie went, "Basil, to a wonderful new year." She threw it into the pit, and Daisy and Daffodil spoke, " A daffodil and daisy, for love and hope that will send us into the next year."  I then placed the yule log on top of it all and lit it, " The burning log, showing the end of the old year and our burning promise to each other and the universe to uphold the qualities of this burning fire." The fire flashed blue before returning to its original color.

We sat in front of the fire for a little while before we moved to open the presents.  Each of the children got two new sets of clothing, a toy dragon, a small selection of books, and a herbology kit.  The children got me an assortment of knickknacks, Neville sent a book on magical gardening, Hermione sent me a book on creatures and Hogwarts: A History.  The last present I opened was from Draco.  It was a necklace, with a nesting mother dragon that rested against my chest.

  It was a necklace, with a nesting mother dragon that rested against my chest

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I immediately put the necklace on before I spotted a present under the tree.  It wasn't signed but I recognized the handwriting.  What was Dumbledore doing with something that once belonged to my father?  I was immediately suspicious, so I had the cloak put into the bottom of my trunk until I could check it for any spells.  After it was locked away, I went back to play with my kids.  We played that their new dragons were trying to eat us, running away from the toys for the next two hours.  Then, it was time for lunch. 

We ate roasted ham, dressing, deviled eggs, and potatoes.  The smell of it alone in my mouth water but the food was so good, I almost cried with joy.  We spent the rest of the day playing with the dragons and chasing each other around the house.  The rest of the week went the same, until Saturday afternoon. I was excited about the ball and even more excited to see Draco again.  Everything in me screamed that I needed to see him, to be with him.  Only two hours before I had to leave, I was pacing my room, my tummy tied up in knots.  After a little while, I knew I had to get around.  The thought of not being properly dressed to see my mate, Draco, sent me reeling.

I put on a beautiful green dress with a lacy top. 

I put on the necklace that Draco gave me for Yule and a set of ruby earrings that matched the dragon's eyes

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I put on the necklace that Draco gave me for Yule and a set of ruby earrings that matched the dragon's eyes. I curled my hair and went downstairs to wait out the next twenty minutes.  When I got downstairs, everyone's jaw seemed to drop.  "What?" I asked.  It was Austin that answered, " Mama, I don't think I want dad to see you in the, lest he steal you away forever.  You look stunning."  My entire face flared red. 

Only a little while later I left through the floo.  When I arrived, the Floo room was empty, but I could hear the sound of everyone in the other room.  I walked toward the sound and was met with a party full of guests.  I looked around and soon spotted Draco over with his parents.  I went over to them and tapped him on his shoulder.  He jerked around and, as soon as he saw me, he hugged me and turned to introduce me to his parents.  " Mother, Father, this is Rowena Potter. Rowena, This is my mother, Narcissa, and my father, Lucius."

" It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy," I said politely.  They both had an odd look on their face when they heard my last name but Mr. Malfoy had a glimmer of recognition in his eye, so I look at his and said softly, " Thank you, sir, for helping my kitten at the train station, when she got lost."  That seemed to wake up his brain because his eyes widened and his expression settled into a soft, almost smile, and Mrs. Malfoy visibly relaxed.  I'm not sure what caused such a reaction but I know that it was best to mention my babies.

After talking with them for a while, we were approached by the parents of our classmates, and Draco and I were sent away.  We went to the snack table and talked about miscellaneous things.  Soon, the floor was cleared and music started to play.  I grabbed Draco's hand and said, "Come on, let's dance."  We were the first to hit the dance floor and all the other kids there had a jaw-dropping moment, their mouths seemed to become unhinged.  I looked up into Draco's eyes as we danced and we must have danced for two hours before either of us looked away.

When we finally stopped dancing, there were still people staring at us with their mouths open.  I growled at them as we went to sit down, causing them to scatter in fear.  It was almost midnight when everyone started leaving.  "Can I have one last dance before I have to go, please Draco?" I almost begged him, but he got up and went with me to the dance floor, even though he was beginning to look dead on his feet.  The song that played as we danced was Perfect by Ed Sheeran, who was well known in both worlds.

As the song came to a close, I laid my head on his shoulder and we spun in circles.  Once the song was over, we pulled apart and he kissed my cheek before he led me to the floo room.  " I guess I will see you tomorrow at school," I said, sad that I had to leave.  As I turned to leave, our lips met and my arms came around his shoulders.  When we broke apart he let me go and I left.  I got home and got around for bed.  I knew that we would have to talk about the kiss later but for now, as I lay in bed, I smile and brush my fingers across my lips, where I could still feel the ghost of his lips on mine.

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