Before the year: part 1

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The next morning I woke up and got everything ready for Jasmine to go home. When all the kids were downstairs and ready for the day, 9:00, we went to the park until noon before heading home and eating lunch. Venessa came to pick up Jasmine around one and I set out writing letters to many places. While the kids played, I wrote Gringotts and started each kid a trust vault for school, with 2,000 galleons each. Then I grabbed my books and searched for magical elementary schools. I couldn't find any so I decided to do something else.
     I went downstairs and called the kids.  When they got there I started talking, " Okay, we need to find a place for you to go school while I'm in Hogwarts.  However, since there are no magical elementary schools, I want an opinion on wether you want to get taught by a private tutor or in a pureblood house."  I let the kids talk it out and we decided that we would contact the Longbottom family because Neville was my god-brother.
I enjoyed the thought of getting in contact with him before remembering one key detail. They didn't know me or my kids. I would have to find a way to get in contact with them and explain things without others knowing. I sent the kids off to play outside before sitting down to think. I weighed the pros and cons of all my options before determining the best course of action. After thinking on it for awhile, I decided what to do. I was going to owl Neville.
I went upstairs and sat at my desk, trying to determine how to go about this before writing it. It said:
Dear Neville,
I don't know if you remember me but I will send this anyway. Nev, it's been a long time and I'm finally able to contact you. Last time I saw you we were both still in diapers. I wanted to see how you were doing. Hows Gran and aunt Alice and uncle Frank. I heard what happened to them but I have hope that they will get better. Do you think you and gran could come for dinner this saturday, the thirteenth? I would love to see you again.
Rowena Potter
A.K.A best god-sis ever
Number 7,
London, England
    Once I finished the letter, I sealed it in an envelope and gave it to hedwig.  Without any prompting, she spread her wings and flew out the window.  I let out a breath when she was gone and kept repeating 'I'm only doing this for my kids' in my head.  After that letter I went down to the basement and started re-organizing the stock, trying to keep my mind off how hectic my life was about to get.  I swear, I have stress knots from just raising these kids and normal school.  How am I supposed to add magical studies and keeping the kids secret to that list.
    I spent the next two hours cleaning the house before I called the kids in.  " Alright, I'm going to be starting dinner so I want all of you to go upstairs and clean your room.  You haven't had to do your chores for almost a month so hop to it."  The kids groaned but headed upstairs to do the work. I quickly set out chopping potatoes, husking corn, and grilling steak.  I also started cutting apples for a surprise dessert, apple pie.  As I was chopping potatoes, a thought hit me and I yelled, " And Austin, feed all the animals, including the new puffskins your sisters got."(A puffskin is a breed of slightly larger pigmypuffs.) 
    It was almost five when the mashed potatoes, gravy, and corn was done and I set everything on low and went outside to grill the steaks and water the new chrysanthemum bed.  I took me almost an hour to grill all of the steaks and set the table.  But in the end, it was worth it as those steaks were simply divine.  After dinner, the kids were in aw at the treat in front of them.  I even added extra cinnamon and a little lemon meringue to the top for extra flavor.

  I even added extra cinnamon and a little lemon meringue to the top for extra flavor

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