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     After looking around the house, I decided to have breakfast and then take Godric and Helga on a walk.  When I finished my apple and granola bar, I grabbed the leashes that were hanging by the front door and we went out.  The morning was beautiful.  The weather was perfect for a walk.  We walked towards the center of town.  We walked down the street to meet the neighbors.
     Two houses down there was a boy, my age, playing with gardening tools.  I walked up near him and asked "Are you supposed to be doing that?"  He looked at me nervously and said "No, but I wanted to surprise mommy with her garden."  I smiled and put the leashes on the fence so my dogs didn't try to explore.  "Would you like some help?" I asked.  He smiled and nodded his head.
     So we went to the front garden and I showed him how to pull weeds and what to feed them.  We got the garden done in fifteen minutes.  When we were done, I took my dogs and started walking again.  We walked down two more streets before we stopped again. An older lady, who looked to be sixty, was having trouble all her groceries into her house. She would drop the cans and boxed goods. I put my dogs on her fence pole and went to help. Just as a box started falling, I caught it. "Do you need help, ma'am?" I asked. "Yes, please, Dearie." She said. I carried her groceries into the house and set them on her table.
After I helped her I took my dogs and walked to the nearest shopping district. At 10:00 I arrived next to a strip mall. I looked around a few shops and tied my dogs to a pole outside of the grocery and I bought some seasonings, beans, nuts, oatmeal, berries, whole grain bread, and tea. I also picked up some kid vitamins. Then I checked out and went out and got my dogs. Now it was 11:00, and time to start heading home.
On my way home I stopped at a house were the mom was trying to get her daughter to help her in the garden. I tied my dogs up to the fence and walked up to the girl, a blonde seven year old, and asked "Why don't you like gardening?" "It isn't fun." She said.
I smiled and sang "In every job that must be done. There is an element of fun. You find the fun and snap! The job's a game. And every task you undertake. Becomes a piece of cake. A lark! A spree! It's very clear to see that a Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. The medicine go down-wown. The medicine go down. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. In a most delightful way. A robin feathering his nest. Has very little time to rest. While gathering his bits of twine and twig. Though quite intent in his pursuit. He has a merry tune to toot. He knows a song will move the job along - for a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. The medicine go down-wown. The medicine go down. Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. In a most delightful way. The honey bee that fetch the nectar. From the flowers to the comb. Never tire of ever buzzing to and fro. Because they take a little nip. From every flower that they sip. And hence (And hence). They find (They find). Their task is not a grind. A Spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. The medicine go down-wown. The medicine go down.Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down. In a most delightful way." And she smiled and looked at the garden. "Find the fun in your work." I advised before going towards home.
     I was walking past an alleyway when I heard it, a soft cry.  Acting on instinct I walked towards the noise.  I couldn't see anything when I got into the alley, so I turned to leave.  Then I heard it again, a soft cry coming from just behind a bush, out of site.  I rushed over to see what it was and I couldn't believe my eyes.  A baby girl.  I sent my magic out to scan her and found she was starving and wet.  She had been out here for six hours.  My magic said she was two days old.  I picked her up and rushed towards home, my dogs behind me.
     When I got home I rushed to the girls nursery.  I started looking in drawers until I found newborn diapers and diaper wipes.  I laid the little girl down and changed her.  When she was dry I grabbed a baby blanket

  When she was dry I grabbed a baby blanket

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and wrapped her up.  I went downstairs and called for Hedwig.  "Hey girl, I forgot my groceries in the alley at the end of the block, can you get them?" I asked.  She hooted an affirmative.  I then started looking for bottles and formula.  I found there was one bottle of formula under stasis in the fridge.  I grabbed the bottle and put it to the baby's mouth.
     As she ate, I was thinking. Should I hand her to the authorities, Should I keep her. That thought kept popping up. Should I keep her. I thought on that idea. It would be good to have someone to raise and I would know she was being cared for. So I decided to adopt her. I remembered how to summon a birth certificate and summoned one. I wrote it out quickly.

      After writing up the birth certificate magically, I took the bottle to the sink and then burped her

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After writing up the birth certificate magically, I took the bottle to the sink and then burped her. I then dressed her in an outfit I found in the nursery, an onesie that was pink and white with a floral pattern and a little matching hat.

  I then dressed her in an outfit I found in the nursery, an onesie that was pink and white with a floral pattern and a little matching hat

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When I was done dressing her, I brought her to the living room and called for my animals. Hedwig had put all the stuff away already. When they got there I smiled and said " Guys, say hello to the new family member. To Maddison."

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