Hogwarts: Halloween

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A/N:  I got some help on this from my little brother.  If you notice any random letters, its because of him.   

Life at school was relatively normal for the next month and a half.  I spent my free time with my kids, Draco, Hermione, and Neville.  Professor Snape glared at me in every class, Professor McGonagall was always stern and fair, and everyone else avoided me like the plague.  Occasionally I heard whispers about my friends and I couldn't resist the urge to growl.

However, now, on October 31st, things started to get crazy.  The day started out normal enough but at lunch, it seems that Weasley got some sort of shot of bravery in his cowardly self.  He came up to us and said, " Potter, you have to be my best mate.  Drop the inbred and mudblood and come hang out in Gryffindor."  Oh Lord, his voice annoyed me.  His words set me ablaze with fury.  I hate it when anyone calls my friends, MY PRIDE, a profanity, a derogatory term, or anything even semi rude.  And I despise being called mate, I am not his mate, HE IS NOT MY MATE! 

Before I knew what happened, a growl ripped through my throat and Weasley went flying.  He flew straight into the wall behind the Gryffindor table.  The entire hall quieted as I growled out, "YOU ARE NOT MY MATE!"  "POTTER!"  Uh, Oh.  Professor Snape had walked in just as the commotion started.  He looked extremely angry.  He waved someone to help out Weasley before motioning for me to follow him.  He led me down to his office and sat me in a chair.

"What was going on in there?"  He questioned, his eyes softening and filling with worry.  "I'm sorry, sir.  I'm not really sure what happened.  Weasley just makes me so angry and when he starts in on my pride (not sure why I call them that), I blow up and he ends up across the room."  Professor Snape just nodded, not quite understanding what was really going on.  " You are truly like your mother.  I have a few theories but we will have to wait, as I can't prove them just yet."

I nodded and he sent me out once again.  I spent the rest of the day avoiding everyone I could, only talking to Hermione, Neville, and Draco.  People seemed scared of me and avoided me like the plague.  Good, I thought, it makes my life easier.  It wasn't until dinner that things started to go strange.

    We were all eating dinner when Professor Quirrell came in shouting "Troll!  Troll in the dungeons!" He fainted and I growled, this guy just rubbed me the wrong way.  Everyone started screaming before Dumbledore shouted "Silence.  Now, Prefects will lead their house back to the dormitories.  Teachers, follow me to the dungeon."

        Everyone started to file out until I stood back up and growled.  "Hufflepuffs and Slytherins, please follow the Ravenclaws.  I don't care about your opinion here, you will be safer up there."  The Slytherins didn't even try to protest and the Hufflepuffs just followed everyone.  I glanced around and noticed something was missing.  "  Where is Hermione?"  I asked the nearest student.  " Oh, she's in the girl's bathroom.  Ron said that she was a know-it-all without any friends."  The Gryffindor smirked as if he was proud to hurt her feelings.

    I nearly slapped the smirk right off his face but decided to run to Hermione.  She doesn't know kept running through my mind.  I can't even imagine something happening to her.  She was a part of my pride and nobody hurts my pride, my family.  I darted through the halls and around the corners until I came upon the bathroom she was in and I freaked out.  Standing in the doorway was the troll.  The sent of rotting meat hit my nose and made me gag.

The troll was a horrible sight. It was twelve feet tall, granite grey, and built like a boulder, with a small head to hold its even smaller brain. It had short, thick legs and flat, horny feet. It was holding a club, which dragged along the floor because its arms were so long.  Altogether, it was ugly, smelly, and stupid.  Probably Weasley's cousin then I thought.  It moved into the bathroom and I heard a scream.  My mind went blank.  That thing was after Hermione. 

I rushed into the bathroom and pulled Hermione behind me.  I growled at the dumb creature and it did something that surprised me. It lowered its club and backed down, cowering.  "GO"  I growled, and it- he- back out of the room and ran straight into the teacher, stopping at the sight at them.   He let out a soft growl at Quirelle before turning and walking toward the exit, heading out into the forest.  The teachers' jaws dropped as they watched the creature retreat from the castle.  They turned to us and began to lecture us.

"What are you doing here?" Professor McGonagall questioned.  " I went after..." Hermione started before I interrupted her.  " Ronald Weasley was bullying Hermione and she came in here crying.  She didn't know about the Troll.  When I found out that she was here, I rushed to get her.  I already had to direct two houses to Ravenclaw because the entrance to their houses is in the dungeons" I shot a glare in Dumbledore's direction.

"I will deal with Mr. Weasley later, for now, its twenty points to Ravenclaw for quick thinking and loyalty to a friend.  Please, go back to your dorms and go to bed while we clean this mess up." McGonagall said, shooing us back to our rooms.  "Excuse me, Ma'am.  Can Hermione stay in my room tonight?  I think it would be beneficial to us both to know the other is safe after this. PLEASE."  I begged her, mostly for my sake because something deep inside me was trying to tear its way out. I need to keep her safe something inside me growled.
    Professor McGonagall agreed and sent us up to our room.  With a worried glance from Severus, we went up to my room and check on my babies.  Once they were all tucked into bed and asleep, I tucked Hermione in, who didn't even try to fight it.  Once she was asleep, I went back downstairs and sat down, rocking with Gianna and Asher against my chest, calming the instinct deep inside me and settling me into a gentle sleep.
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This kid can hack my computer and he is only 3.

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