First Day and Babies

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     I awoke early the next morning, around five.  I decided that today I would be going out to Hogsmede because it is Saturday.  However, there was a rule that no one was allowed to leave  school without permission.  I will have to be sneaky and think it through.  I could go to breakfast and say that I wanted to spend the day in my room.  I could have my elves cover for me in my room during the day so that the teachers won't know I'm not here.  I wouldn't bring the children this time so that I wouldn't have to worry about them while I explore the town.
    Once I had planed it out my day, I asked my elves to watch my children while I was out.  Then I headed down to breakfast to eat with the others, grabbed my schedule and went back towards my room.  Once I was far enough away from everyone I did a sharp turn and snook out of the building through a side door.  I continued to walk for about an hour before I finally reach the village.  It was beautiful in the morning light, it was only 7:30 when I got there so the sun was only just coming up.  The sunrise hit the rooftops, reflecting off the and lighting up the village.
    I looked around the village for a bit, checking out stores, scoping out the area, and making sure I knew where things were.  I went into a store that sold candies and picked up a couple of bags of various candies.  The shop owner was an elderly lady who didn't ask questions about me and let me do my own thing.  I left the store with a promise that I would visit her again.  She just smiled at me and waved goodbye.  She seemed so happy to finally have someone to talk to.  She was a lovely woman and I was glad to have met her.

  She was a lovely woman and I was glad to have met her

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     After I left her store, I went to a clothing store and started browsing around for cloth and some new blankets

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     After I left her store, I went to a clothing store and started browsing around for cloth and some new blankets.  I picked out some cute material that I thought would make cute dresses for the girls and a couple of premie outfits for their dolls.  I also picked up a couple of blankets for their dolls.  I looked around for some other basic necessities that the store might have had and I found a bag labeled 'needed' that I just picked up because it looked pretty and was light.  It all was rather cheap, only costing a couple of galleons.  The man who ran the store was elderly as well the husband of the elderly woman who owned the candy store.
     I left the store and started walking back towards Hogwarts because it was almost ten and I needed to be back by lunch.  I was walking past an alleyway when I heard it, cries.  I walked down the alley and looked around, I noticed a small alcove and approached it.  In the alcove were two tiny, naked babies and a couple of kittens.  The babies looked cold, so I quickly wrapped them up in blankets before calling Eve to pick us up and bring us to our room.
    The kittens instantly went with Eve and I took the babies downstairs to the room with cribs and grabbed some of the diapers that were stocked in there as well as some warm clothes to dress the babies in and a bottle for each of them.  They looked like a combination between me and Draco, which made my heart flutter.  Once they were bundled, warmed, and fed, I laid them down on my chest and rocked them to sleep.  Once they were asleep, I laid them down in their cots and told the kids about them.  Then I chose their names, Gianna Melissa and Asher Sarid, and filled out their birth certificates. 
    I continued with my day like normal until six, when I finally tracked down Draco.  I showed him the twins and he was immediately attached to them.  We sat and talked while I held Gianna and he held Asher.  Anyone who looked in on the scene would see a normal teen family.  We put the babies down to bed at 7:30 and he stayed around and helped me put the children to bed and he told Austin and Daffodil their stories before bed and I told the others their stories.  We hugged each other goodnight and he left.  I took the babies from their cots and laid to sleep with them on my chest, hoping that this year would go smoothly. 

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