The letter

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                             9:00a.m, 6/23/1991
"Kids, come on, we are going to the zoo." I said, yelling up the stairs. Five kids came running down the stairs, trying not to trip over each other. It had been almost six years since I found them. They had grownup fine since then. The girls enjoyed their dance lessons and pets. Austin loved to read and play with his kitten, Author. Author was one of Merlin and Morgana's four kittens.

  Author was one of Merlin and Morgana's four kittens

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     The kids were all in t-shirts and jeans.  They all got on their tennis shoes on and went outside.  Today, my kids, Jasmine, and I were all talking the bus to the zoo.  I got my shoes on and we started our walk.  We walked two blocks to the bus stop and got on the bus, having bought a bus pass four years ago.  The zoo was about an hour away so we got an early start.
     When we arrived, it was ten.  We go in line for our tickets.  I spent a total of thirty pounds to get us in the zoo. We went into the zoo and I turned to the kids, "Where do you want to go first?" The kids looked a each other and said simultaneously "Monkeys!" And off we went to the monkey island. We walked around for a couple of hours before sitting down to ham and cheese sandwiches. I bought us all ice cream before we went to the snake house.
     Of course, I had forgotten one major thing about today, it was Dudley's birthday.  I only realized this as we rounded the corner and heard "Make it move," and I froze.  I knew that voice from anywhere, it was Dudley.  I knew I couldn't stop for long so I gathered my courage and walked forward.  They had move on so me and the kids had stopped to look at the snake.
     It was huge, but to me it looked upset.  "How are you?" I whispered asked the snake.  It, She by her looks, raised her head and jerked it toward the lower sign.  "Bred in captivity, antisocial creatures."  I immediately knew what was the problem, she was lonely and it was mating season.  Before I could say anything else, I was being pushed aside by Dudley who was yelling, "Daddy, you can't believe what this snake is doing."
Of course, uncle Vernon had to lumber his way this way. I tried to stand and hissed in pain. This caught the attention of the kids, who ran over yelling "mama." By the time they got to me, I had forced myself onto my feet. I turned to Dudley, who had his nose stuck in the glass and said "Young man, that is not how you treat a lady!" He turned towards me and got a little frightened. Uncle Vernon went red in the face, until he saw her standing 158.5cm tall and surrounded by kids, then he went purple. "Who are to tell my son how to act!" He yelled, startling onlookers.
"SIR, you are making a scene, kids go look at the crocodile, I'll be over there soon." I said, turning to my kids, who rushed to the other side of the exhibit. "Now, your son was quite rude, pushing me out of the way. And I would call Sensei Kogetomo, so he could teach the boy respect. Now, excuse me while I find the caretaker of this place." They stormed off and another man walked up to me. "Ma'am, I am the caretaker of this fine establishment, you said you needed me."
"Brazilian majestic cobalt cobras are endangered. Why isn't she paired with a mate?" He looked at me and looked closer at the snake before stuttering, "Y-you're right. She is, do you know of any place to send her, we cannot have her here." " Yes, I have one coming into my possession at the end of the week, she WILL come with me." I turned on my heal and went back and opened her cage. Once I opened her cage, she wrapped herself around me and the kids and I went through the rest of the exhibit before leaving for home.
     When we got off the bus, it was already 2:00 and Jasmine's mom got off at 3:00.  I told the kids to go wash up and I went outside to my snake house and put the snake, Sasha, inside the fourth room.  Then I went and washed my hands.  I got Jasmine's overnight bag together and went upstairs to get Jasmine.  "Come on, your mom will be here in the next five minutes." And we all went downstairs.  As promised, Venessa, Jasmine's mom, was there in five minutes.  We said our goodbyes and they left.
     I cleaned up the kitchen and started dinner, lasagna, and told the kids to clean their room.  I feed the animals and watered the plants.  Dinner got done around six and we all sat down to eat, commenting on how the day went.  After dinner was dishes, bath for everyone, and off to bed at eight.  Tomorrow, we were all going to the beach for a week, along with Jasmine, who's mom would be gone for two weeks to drive a tour bus in France.
     After putting the kids down, I went upstairs to my room.  On my bed was a letter.  The letter said,
                           "Ms. Potter,
                           Circle room,
                 Number 7, Cherry drive,
                       London, England"

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