The Home

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                           (Rowena POV)
     I gathered all my animals and we sat and decided where to go.  Salazar said that their was a bus leaving for London in an hour.  They decided they were going to travel in my bag, which was magically extended.  So I put Godric, Helga, Merlin, and Morgana in my bag.  When they were in the bag, I turned to Salazar and Hedwig and said, "Why don't you go to London and find us a place to stay."
     They both nodded there heads and off they went, to find a nice place to call home.  When they left I turned and headed to the bus stop, where I paid for a ticket to London.  The guy in the booth had seen me before, when I went to sell my flowers in London.  After I got my ticket, which was seven pounds, I went sit down. Just before I sat down, I caught a whiff of something foul, drugs. I turned my head to see a man in all black sitting three seats away from me.
I had seen his face in a new report saying he was a drug dealer. I moved back to the booth and tapped the ticket guy on the shoulder and whispered, "Sir, the drug dealer from the news last night is here. I suggest you cal the police." He looked over to see the man in all black. Once he caught a glimpse of him, he quickly called the police. In ten minutes the cops were there. When the guy went to grab a hostage, a two year old boy, I ran and tackled his legs, causing him to fall.
The cops moved in quickly and had him hand-cuffed and in their car within minutes. The cop turned and asked "Who caught the man?" Everyone pointed at me and the cop smiled at me. Then he asked me, "How did you know?" To which I replied "I caught a whiff of sweet smoke and the smell of burnt plastic, when I looked over, I caught a glimpse of the guys face, which matches the guy on t.v yesterday."
The cop smiled and said "Well, there is a cash prize, 2,000 pounds, for catching him, sweetheart." "Can you put all but two hundred pounds in the London bank." I asked. "But what about the other money?" He asked with a frown, probably thinking I would just blow all of it on games. "I would like it to go towards the education and healthcare of the children in orphanages." I said with a bright smile. He looked shocked, but then he broke out into a smile.
     The bus was being loaded when we finished talking.  I quickly got onto the bus and gave the driver my ticket. I moved to sit in the far back seat. I always sat in the back on my way to London. When I sat down I noticed a girl who was maybe two, she had red hair and blue eyes.
I turned to her and asked "Where is your mommy?" She pointed towards the front of the bus. That when I noticed the similarities between her and the bus driver. We sat together and played games with the dice she had.
About ten minutes from the stop in London I asked "Would you like to see my puppy?" She nodded her head yes. I opened my backpack and let Godric pop his head out. The little girl giggled and went to pet him. I smiled when she did this. She seemed to like my dog.  I would love to see her again.  Maybe when I get settled in I can babysit her.
When we got to the bus stop and started getting off the bus I turned to the driver and said " I will watch your daughter if you ever need it." The bus driver said "Sure, but only if I see your home." I smiled at her and said "Sure" and walked off the bus.
     When I got off of the bus I spotted Salazar and Hedwig.  They were on a tree, hidden in the leaves.  I walked over to the tree and leaned against it.  Salazar crawled down and slid across my shoulders.  "Where are we staying?" I hissed.  "At a house at the end of laku lane, near the edge of the woods.  It belonged to your mother and I heard it was yours."  Salazar hissed.  We started traveling towards the house.  When we got there we were amazed.  The house was beautiful, it was white with purple roofing.

  The house was beautiful, it was white with purple roofing

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