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The next major thing happened on the twenty second. It had started out like any other day. I got up at 5:00 a.m and took a shower, humming some of my favorite, more recent tunes. After my shower I got dressed and got a bottle around for Maddie. She was a growing little girl and needed food and a diaper change when she got up. I grabbed an outfit for her to wear today, it was the cutest thing ever. It was one that my mom had in the basement from when I was a little baby, it was from the Wizarding world.

  It was one that my mom had in the basement from when I was a little baby, it was from the Wizarding world

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     Around 7:00 a.m, Maddie woke up fussing.  I quickly got her bottle and fed her.  When she was done eating, I put her over my shoulder and she gave a large belch.  I changed her little diaper and slipped her into her outfit and we went downstairs.  We rolled around with the pets for a while, until the sun was high enough to go outside.  I brought Maddie into the backyard and set her on a mat before pulling weeds from the garden.
Once I was done weeding, we went back inside and packed the diaper bag and grabbed the stroller. I set her into the seat and snapped her in. We went out the front door and went to the park. At the park we played on the swings and went down the slide a couple of times. Around 11:00, we started heading back home. We had lunch, a diaper change, and we both down for a nap. At 2:00, we both got up and Maddie was changed and fed again. We played around the house until 4:00 when we got back around the go out.
We left around 4:10 and walked down the street towards the market. When we got to the main street, my gut started tingling. My magic flowed to the left, so we went left. Around 5th street, we followed my magic into a back alley. The alley was crawling with spiders and the shadows seemed to growl at us. From the furthest corner came a whimper that made my heart break. There in the corner was a baby, a little boy. I pushed Maddie closer and picked him up. He was wet and cold. I could see that he wasn't well taken care of.
I quickly wrapped him up in an extra blanket and headed to the nearest market. When we got to the market, I grabbed three packages of diapers in his size and a bottle of baby nutrition formula. I quickly paid for them and changed the baby boy. After I changed him I gave him a bottle. We all went back to the house, so I could make a decision. By the time we got there I had decided, I was going to adopt him. I called Hedwig and had her go get the adoption forms from the wizard bank, Gringotts.
     Upon getting the adoption forms, she put his new name on it.  Austin Liam Potter, my new baby boy. I sent it into Gringotts and immediately started tending to the babies.  I went upstairs to the boys nursery and got out a warm pajamas for Austin.  They were the cutest little pjs I had ever seen, for a boy at least.

     I changed his diaper again, he was messy, and put him into the pjs

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     I changed his diaper again, he was messy, and put him into the pjs.  We played until seven when he started to become drowsy.  I took him upstairs and laid him down for bed.  Once he was asleep, I went to Maddie's room and rocked her to sleep.  Then l tucked her into bed and flipped the baby monitor on.  I went to check on Austin, turned on his monitor, and tucked him in before going up to bed.  Life was getting more exciting every day.

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