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    Time passed rapidly and soon it was time for us to load the train.  The kids and I were very excited to go to Hogwarts.  The elves had even agreed to allow the kids to travel around Hogwarts under disguise.  I got up at four that morning and got dressed.  I packed everything into the trunk, making sure that all of the kids' clothes were packed into their rooms.  I went through the clothes that we had and picked out what would be worn today.

  I went through the clothes that we had and picked out what would be worn today

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     I decided that we would wear casual t-shirts and a pair of jeans

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     I decided that we would wear casual t-shirts and a pair of jeans.  I put on a blue t-shirt and grabbed the kids each a blue t-shirt as a marker, just in case we got separated.  I prepared lunches and prepared breakfast.  I even made sure that I packed extra lunches for whoever needed them.  I really didn't want anyone to go without eating, especially if I could help it.  That is just how I am.
     I got the kids up around eight and made sure they were showered, dressed, and fed.  I gathered all of the animals and made sure they were ready to go, snuggly in their cages.  It was almost nine thirty and caught a bus to kings cross.  During the hour-long bus ride, I talked with the kids.  " Who here is excited to go to school with me?"  " We are." the kids said.  Daisy started bouncing in her seat and said " Mama, I am really excited to go.  I get friends and my mama.  I can't wait, love you, mama."  Daisy was the smallest child, smaller than her twin.  She was still tiny and still replaced her g's and c's with T's. 
     When we got to the station, I decided I was lucky that our elves had the trunk.  The place was jam-packed with people.  I grabbed ahold of Maddie's hand and had the kids all grab ahold of hers.  We walked all the way through the station and just as we crossed onto the platform I heard a voice saying " packed with Muggles."  I pulled the kids all the way to the train before looking back for a head count.  Instantly I noticed the problem, Daisy was gone.
     Instant freak out mode.  My smallest was gone, my baby.  I ordered Austin to find an empty compartment and stay there with the others.  I didn't wait for a response, I instantly started searching for my little girl.  Something within me took over and soon I was running towards a tall blond man and his son, who looked my age but was tall.  In the son's arms was my little girl, as he tried to comfort her.  I ran up to them and jerked her from his arms before hugging her to my chest.  The males looked startled before the son told me, " This girl must have gotten lost, especially with a mother like you, no way you left her behind.  My names Draco, Draco Malfoy."
     I instantly snapped my attention up to him, realizing this boy, this man, saved my baby.  I started thanking him profusely before stating, "  My name is Rowena, thank you for saving my littlest, my Daisy.  You should sit in our compartment, my babies would love to meet the man who saved my littlest."  I wasn't exactly sure what came over me but soon I had Daisy crushed to my chest and I was pulling Draco along behind us.  I pulled him along and pushed him into the compartment my children were in.
     I introduced him to my children and told them about how he had found Daisy.  The children, as shy as they can be, all climbed up upon him.  Daisy, herself, curled up between the two of us.  I felt so much joy with my children and so much gratitude to my new friend.  I talked with Draco about my family and even jokingly called him Hero.    We talked about everything.  With him, I felt comfortable, unlike with other people my age.
     About halfway through the train ride, a strange boy with red hair came in to our compartment.  He started asking where Rowena Potter, stating she was his best friend.  I stated that I hadn't seen her and sent a glare at Draco that made him stay quiet.  Not very long after, A girl came by, asking if we had seen a toad.  My heart went out to the girl.  Everything in me could tell that she didn't have friends and she had a good heart.  She was ignored by her parents but not hated.  I got up and told her to bring her stuff into here and the other kid's stuff before going down a few compartments and asking a perfect to summon a toad named Trevor.
     Once I got Trevor, I brought him back to my compartment and gave him a bowl of water to play in.  The girl, Hermione, and the boy, Neville, were in the compartment, talking with the kids.  They were great with kids, although they were opposites.  Hermione was loud and talkative, but shy underneath.  Neville was quiet and shy, but really let go of himself near the kids, as always.  We all sat together for the rest of the ride, playing and talking.  Hermione and I talked about her life and her parents, who were always working and rarely had time for her.  She became a fast friend and was very comfortable around my god-brother.  I knew that, in time, she would be my sister.
     We all talked about everything.  We talked until an announcement came saying that we should get changed, as we would be pulling into the station soon.  Draco, Neville, Hermione, and I all went and got dressed before I called the elves to come to pick up the children.  Eve came and got the kids, promising that she would bring the kids to wherever I would be staying in the castle.  I thanked her and waited as she took my kids away to a safe place.  Not even ten minutes later, I was getting off the train and heading down into boats.  The boat ride was amazing and the view of Hogwarts was even better.  From the lake, we were staring at an ancient castle that glowed with magic and the soft lighting of flickering torches.  All I could think of as we climbed the stairs was that it was amazing to finally be there.

  All I could think of as we climbed the stairs was that it was amazing to finally be there

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Age: 15

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