Diagon Alley

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7/7 at 7:00 a.m
     The next week flew by and tomorrow Jasmine was going home.  I decided that today would be the day we went to Diagon Alley.  I got up and took a shower, then I got changed into a blue shirt and a pair of skinny jeans.  I went downstairs and got the kids up for breakfast.  We ate a quick breakfast before they took showers and got dressed.  The girls wearing little purple dresses, except Maddie, who wore a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt, and Austin wearing a green shirt and jean shorts.
     I got a backpack and packed the kids an extra pair of clothes along with a few bottles of water.  Then we walked to the bus stop.  The bus was loading when we got there so we got on the bus and went to the stop on charing cross road.  I looked around and noticed the Leaky Cauldron at the other end of the block.  We took a short walk and went inside.  Once inside Daisy started pulling at my shirt, when I looked down she asked " Mama, where are we?"  And I smiled at her.
" Baby, remember when I told you about the magic place," she nodded, "this is the magic place entrance." I finished, loving the adorable look of recognition on her face. I walked the kids up to the barkeep and asked for help getting into the alley. He said " Names Tom, little lady, and sure I'll help." And walked out the back. He tapped his wand in code on the bricks and suddenly the bricks sprang apart. He turned to us and smiled " Have a good day little ladies and laddie." And he turned to leave. Just before he left I said " Names Rowena, Sir."
     We walked through the entrance into a bustling area.  Children running amuck, students shopping, parents trying to keep up, and people just shopping or spending time with old friends.  We swerved in and out of crowds and towards the bank.  As we neared the bank, crowds started to thin.  On the door to the bank, their was sign that said

"Enter stranger, but take heed
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn
Must pay most dearly in their turn.
So if you seek beneath our floors
A treasure that was never yours,
Thief, you have been warned; beware
Of finding more than treasure there."

     That phrase sent shivers up my back.  We walked into the bank and towards the only open teller.  As we approached, I saw a plaque that said " Teller Griphook."  When we were in front of the teller, I cleared my throat.  " Excuse Sir, can I get into my vault, my names Rowena Potter."  " And does Lady Potter have her key?" The teller, a goblin, sneered.  I had never gotten my key, so it was probably with Dumbledore.  " Sorry, teller Griphook, but I have no key.  Is their another way for me to get into my vault."
     He sneered at me and said "Follow me."  And we all set off into a dark, long passage.  As we walked, Daisy and Daffodil clung close to me, while Maddie, Austin, and Jasmine held hands and walked just in front of me.  After a while, we came upon a door that read "Steelclaw, inheritance office" and Griphook opened it.  The room was flooded with light.  In the middle of the room was a stack of papers, a chalice, and a blade, all on top of a stone desk.
     Griphook pushed me towards the desk as another goblin walked up to the desk.  " Steelclaw" Griphook said before bowing, the other goblin did the same.  Steelclaw turned towards me and said " put fifteen drops of your blood in the chalice, then we shall see if you are who you claim."  So I cut my palm and allowed the blood to seep from the cut.  Once the chalice had the blood it needed, my cut healed.  Steelclaw took a piece of parchment and dropped it in the chalice.  Once it had soaked, it rose out of the empty chalice and started to grow. Once it was done growing, it read,

"Inherence Test Results:
Name: Rowena Lily Potter
Birthday: July 31, 1980
Mother: Lillian Maria Potter nee. Evans
Father: James Charles Potter
Godfather- Sirius Black (in Azkaban)
Godmother-Alice Longbottom (incapacitated)
Heiress to:
Potter (by blood, father)
Peverell (by blood, father)
Gryffindor (by blood, father)
Emrys (by blood, father)
Ravenclaw (by blood, mother)
Hufflepuff (by blood, mother)
LeFey (by blood, mother)
Slytherin (by blood, mother)
Black (by godfather)
Graunt (by concur)
Magic core (986)
Wandless Magic
Eidetic Memory
Natural Legilimency
Natural Occlumency
Animal shifter
Healing Magic
Grey Magic
Duel wielding
Notice- me- not charm (places by A.P.W.B.D., subconsciously fueled by own magic)
Marriage contract to Ronald Weasley (A.P.W.B.D. and Molly Weasley)"

"Well Sir, Can we annual the marriage contract, please. I don't know this Ronald Weasley." I said. The goblins talked back and forth for a while. Eventually Steelclaw said "Yes, mí Lady, I shall deal with it immediately. Griphook shall take you down to the Potter vault." And hurried out of the room. We followed Griphook through a doorway on the main floor and into a mine cart. We raced up and down the rails and past forks and curves. We eventually made it in front of a vault in which Griphook unlocked and gave me the key, telling me not to lose it. I grabbed four thousand galleons for a bag and gave each kid five galleons.
We went back up and out of Gringotts. The first store we went to was Madam Malkins. A lady said " Hogwarts I assume, and the others?" and she pointed at the kids. "Ma is having me watch them. I am a first year, just tall." I replied. She nodded before setting off to work. I told the kids to look at clothes. It took an hour for her to do the fitting and then we all got five day robes and two sets of formal robes. When we were done, it was noon and time for lunch. I shrunk the bags and put them in my pocket before going to the leaky cauldron for lunch.
After lunch, we went and got my potion supplies and went to get my books. At Flourish and Blotts, I picked up my books, a book on household charms, and the tales of beetle The bard. Then we went and got food for the animals and a subscription to the daily profit. The next stop was for a trunk. After talking to the owner of the shop, we settled on a five hundred galleon trunk that had a school compartment, a library compartment, a full furnished, three bedroom house with a study, and a compartment training room.
Then we went to Ollivanders.  At Ollivanders he had me try wand after wand until we came upon it, "holly and phoenix feather, eleven inches, nice and supple." He said.  The wand warmed in my hand and made me feel partially complete. "Oh, bravo! Yes, indeed, oh, very good. Well, well, well... how curious... how very curious..." "Sorry," I said, "but what's curious?" "I remember every wand I've ever sold, Ms. Potter. Every single wand. It so happens that the phoenix whose tail feather is in your wand, gave another feather -- just one other. It is very curious indeed that you should be destined for this wand when its brother -- why, its brother gave you that scar."
     That frightened me but before anything else could be said, another wand flew into my left hand and both wands glowed, making me feel complete.  " ah, a duel wielder, this is an apple and ivy with a core of dragon scale and fur of a lioness, flexible."  And I payed for them and we left, to the toy store where each of the kids got a toy.  Austin and Jasmine each got a fire breathing dragon, the twins each got a puffskin, and Maddie got a training broom and gloves.  Maddie was my little tomboy.  Once that all was paid for, we left Diagon Alley and headed home.
     It was five when we got home, so I had the kids go feed the animals while I made dinner.  After dinner, we played twister before taking showers and going to bed.  I read the kids the tale of three brothers before going to my room.  Once in bed, I read another chapter of Tiger's Curse before falling into a deep slumber, knowing I would need to prepare for the upcoming year.

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