The Twins

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     A few days later, I ran into another surprise.  I was out with the babies when I saw twins, on the church's door step.  They couldn't have been very old.  A couple of hours at most.  I grabbed them up real quick before heading home.
     Once I got home, I laid Maddie and Austin down for bed before checking on the twins.  Their body temperatures were low and they were underweight.  I knew they were premature by three weeks.  I put them into diapers and laid them on my chest to sleep.
    At two I awoke to the twins and Maddie fussing.  I made them all bottles and fed them, making sure the twins drank it all. Then I laid Maddie back down to sleep and gave the twins a diaper change. We laid on the carpet as I tickled their bellies. When they got tired, we laid back on my bed and went back to sleep.
Around six, they were up again, fussing. I took them down to the living room and put them in bouncers. Then I made the bottles for Maddie and them before getting more adoption papers. I filled out the paperwork naming the blue eyed on Daisy Ann and the green eyed one Daffodil Ann Potter.
     Then I started breakfast, making pancakes and apple juice for Austin and I.  Around seven thirty, I feed the twins, changed them, and got them dressed.
Daisy clothes

Daffodil clothes

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Daffodil clothes

     After dressing the twins, I went upstairs and changed Maddie and got Austin up

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After dressing the twins, I went upstairs and changed Maddie and got Austin up. I fed Maddie and put her in her bouncer before feeding Austin and eating myself. I put Austin in the playpen and went downstairs to grab the movie Bambi before going upstairs and putting it in the DVD player.
I cleaned the kitchen and living room, before painting a wooden sign to go on the door.

     I cleaned the kitchen and living room, before painting a wooden sign to go on the door

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I smiled before whispering "mea est unum, grata domum suam."
Translation: mea est unum, grata domum suam.= my family is one, welcome home.
Sorry for being slow, school has had me busy.  Thank you, my loyal death-eaters, for being patient and following me when I came back.  Muhahahaha

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