Chapter 1

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a/n: The song above describes how Keefe's life for the most part was like. 

This story starts out with you getting a view of what Keefe's life is like at home. I'm thinking that Keefe is telling the story at the age of 15 before him and Sophie meet up again. It will all make more sense when I write the rest of the story. 

Warning there is abuse.

Keefe's POV

"You stupid fucking bitch. How dare you talk back to me like that," my father says from somewhere down the hall. I hear the shatter of a glass bottle. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to," my mother says in return, whimpering in pain like a dog.

I used to have a happy family until my father lost his job as the company CEO of Neverseen Modeling & Music(NSMM for short). He was at work one day when the people decided that he wasn't eligible to be the CEO of FSMM. When he got home later that day he was drunk. Things just started escalating from there. He stayed home most of the time drinking. Then something just set him off, and he started hitting my mother. It wasn't too bad most of the time, but then there were the rare occasions where it became bad but not to the extent of killing her or me. But lately, it's been getting worse. I'm always afraid that one of these days he's going to end up killing us.

The neighbors below us are really worried about what's going on. There have been some times where my father was in the middle of beating up my mother when one of them would coming knocking on the door wondering what is going on. Usually, I say, "My dad accidentally dropped his bottle and it shattered," or "They're watching a horror movie." But lately, I think they're starting to not believe what I've been telling them. I wouldn't be surprised because of how often it's been happening.

The neighbors below us are The Fosters. They have two daughters named Sophie and Amy. Sophie is 8 just like me. She is one of my best friends. We have known each other since we were in daycare. She is the only one who truly understands me. She knows about my troubles at home and does everything she can to help me. I know when I'm older I will marry this girl. But I don't know if that's going to happen because Sophie likes Fitz, or that's what it looks like.

My other best friend is Fitz Vacker. He is 10. Just two years older than me and Sophie. We met one day when he was working on a modeling gig at NSMM. I was working on recording a song with Sophie when we decided to take a break to get a drink of water. I ended up running into Fitz by the vending machine, and from that moment on we have been best friends.

Our parents say that we were inseparable, but that all changed when the accident happened when we were 10.

~~ Flashback ~~

"Hey, Foster. Do you want to hang out today? Maybe practice our new song," I ask after we end the practice for the day. "Sorry Keefe. But my family and I are going on a trip. We're going to be gone for the weekend," she says. "Can you call me when you get the chance," I say begging. "Of course Keefe. I'll probably call you around 3. I'll call you once I'm done unpacking." "You better." "Well, I've got to go now Keefe," She says hugging me. "Bye, Foster," I say feeling my face heat up.

I walk back to the apartment to clean my mind. I was going to confess that I liked her, but I never got the chance to before she left. As I'm walking through the park, my phone starts ringing. "Uhg. Why now father," I say as I answer my phone.

"Hey, father. What do you want?" "Get home right now, you worthless piece of trash," he says yelling into the phone. "I'm on my way," I say trying to stay calm. "Get home right now. You have some explaining to do." "I'll be home in a few minutes," I say as I hang up.

Once I make it home, my father starts yelling at me for something that I did. I don't even know what I did, but he still didn't care. "How could you do that you stupid fucking child. You must not care that I helped you become a star, so I can take it away just as easily." "I'm sorry father, but I don't know what I did," I say. "Sure whatever you say you worthless piece of shit. Go to your room." "I was planning on going there anyway," I say.

As I walk towards my room, I pull out my phone to see if I have any missed calls or texts from Sophie. There were none. I sit down on my bed and turn on the tv to see if there was anything interesting.

The news turns on and I end up seeing this. . .

I try calling Sophie just to make sure. "Hey, this is Sophie Foster. I can't make it to the phone. Please leave a message after the beep." It was her voice mail that I got. "Damn it," I say throwing my phone across the room. Frustrated that I don't know if she is okay or not.

What I didn't know was that this was just the beginning of my life being messed up. 

a/n: I'm sorry about the cliff hanger, but I felt like that would make a good stopping point.


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