Chapter 17

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a/n: this is the last part of only Keefe's POV. I'm really surprised that I have created 4 chapters today. which is way more than I have done in one day even with all my other fanfictions.


After what feels like four hours later, a man with dark black hair and on the more heavy set side appears. "Alright kid let's get this done and over with. I don't have all day," he says. He then pulls out a red pathfinder like Kendric and Oralie's. He then creates a path and pulls me into it.

Keefe's POV

We arrive at the first scene that Oralie ended up showing me. "Why are we here?" I ask Bronte. "We are here because Oralie wants you to see this place before I show you anything else." He grumbles. "Now just watch." He snaps.

"Sophie, you will be okay," Biana says as she rubs Sophie's back. She lifts her head up from the pillow. "No, it's not." she wails. "Doctor Elwin said that Keefe's probably never going to wake up again." She starts crying again. "That doesn't mean anything Sophie. There is still a chance," Linh says trying to convince her. "Not really he has less than a month to wake up in before they unplug him." She starts crying even more.

"Time to move on Kid," Bronte says pulling me towards the path he created. Once we make it to the other side, Bronte says, "Now listen here kid, this is going to be really sad, but this is the most likely future that is to happen at this moment." "Okay." I then turn to watch what is going on.

The doctors unhook my body from the heart monitors and all the other machinery before they wheel my body out of the room. Once they make it out into the hallway, Sophie tries to run towards my body. Fitz is holding her back. She stomps on his foot as hard as she can getting him to release her. She automatically runs towards my body. "KEEFE! KEEFE! Please wake up. I need you. Please don't leave me." One of the doctors grabs her and holds her back. "Ma'am, please calm down. We know this is hard, but there is nothing we can do for him. Now please calm down ma'am." Sophie continues to struggle to escape until the doctor injects her with a sedative. She then goes limp in the doctor's arms. They take her away and put her in a hospital room.

Once she wakes up, she starts crying and screaming. They come in and give her another dose of sedatives. "Once she wakes up, she will need you guys for comfort," the doctor says to our friends that were in her room.

We then change to a different scene. "This one will be hard as well, kid." We are in a graveyard. A funeral is happening. I can tell that it's for me. I look around and see Sophie. She is sitting there emotionless. She lost her ability to feel and express emotions. Once it's time to put the roses on the casket, Sophie takes her rose and lays it down first. She then says, "I'm sorry. I love you so much." A single tear then slips down her cheek.

"She then goes on to never express or feel emotions ever again, kid, A few months after your funeral, she then goes and jumps off a cliff to commit suicide and ends up dying," Bronte says to me. "It's now time to go." We then walk into the light and end up in the white space again. "I have to leave you now kid, but it's time for you to make your decision." He then disappears.

A while later, a man appears in front of me. "I'm Mr. Forkle. It's now time for you to make your decision. Have you made one yet?" He asks me. "I think I have." "What are you going to do?" "I think I want to go back." "If that's what you want then that's what you'll get. I'll let you see your mom one more time before you go first." 

Mom then appears in front of me. "You made a good choice my baby. You need to go back to the one you love. That's where you belong. You don't belong with me yet. Now go back to her and finish off your life." I then run-up to her and engulf her in a hug. "I love you moma." "I love you too my baby." "It's time for you to go back now," Mr. Forkle says before he sends me back. "Have a safe travel is the last thing I hear.

I sit up quickly to hear the beeps of the heart monitor. "Where am I?" I try to say but my throat is too dry to say anything. A nurse then comes in to check on something and sees me awake, she then shouts, "Someone get Doctor Elwin into room 206e. Keefe Sencen is awake."

a/n: and that's how I'm going to end it. I don't think I'm going to start chapter 18 today, I already did 4 other chapters.

Once again, and I know it's getting annoying but if you have anything you want to ask me, I will answer on my 5k questions and answers. I might even do a face reveal. 

Also if you have anyone you think that might like this story please get them to read my fanfiction. 

This is coming to the end. I think I might only end up writing a few more chapters or at the most 5 more. Also if you want a book 2 please write that in the comments. If we don't make it to 5k views on this before it ends, I will add those views to the book 2 views and do the question and answers then.

until next time


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