Chapter 22

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Hey, My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛

I just wanted to say that this is a time skip to around 3 and a half years later. When Sophie and Keefe got out of Foxfire, they got contracts with singing companies for them to continue with singing. Biana has become a famous fashion designer with her fiance, Tam as one of her top models. Marella and Linh are together and own a bakery together. Marella also does some freelancing hair styling at times. Fitz and Dex are together. Dex is a DJ and Fitz does modeling with his sister. I don't really remember what I had for what they wanted to do so yeah. And for info about when they had the dance, Fitz and Linh went together as friends so were Dex and Marella. Marella and Linh and Fitz and Dex were not together at the time, but Sophie and Keefe and Tam and Biana were dating already.


We continue splashing and playing in the water for a few hours before we become tired and head back to our room and fall asleep holding each other in our arms.

~Time Skip to 3 and a half years later~

Keefe's POV:

"When are you going to do it, Keefe?" Dex, Sophie's Cousin asks. "I will do it soon. I'm just waiting for it to come in. It's not fully ready yet. I'm just waiting for them to call me back." "Did they give you a time range of when they might call you back by?" Fitz, Dex's boyfriend asks. "No. All they said was they were going to call me back when it was ready." "I hope they're ready soon," Dex says. "Me too. Me too, Dex."

I walk back to me and Sophie's apartment. We have lived here for around 6 months. I unlock the door and enter our apartment and take off my shoes. "Welcome home. How was your lunch with your managers?" Sophie asks. "It went great. They are thinking about releasing the new album soon." I hate lying to Sophie but I have to for my surprise to be kept secret. I did have a meeting with my managers earlier that day, so it wasn't truly a lie. It was just altering the timeline of when things happened.

~Flashback(A few weeks earlier)~

I have gathered me and my friends in me and Sophie's living room. Sophie was hanging out with the girls today because it was their Girl's Day Out. I didn't have to worry about Sophie overhearing our conversation because they would not arrive home for at least 2 more hours.

"Hey, Keefe. Why did you gather all of here together?" Tam asked. "Why? Do you have somewhere to be?" "Yes, I actually do. I have a photoshoot at 4," Tam says as he glances at his phone probably to check the time. "Well, I had a few things that I wanted to talk about with you guys."

~A Few hours later~

"Thank you guys so much for all your help. I really appreciate it." "That's what we're here for," Dex says as he walks out holding Fitz's hand. "We're here for you whenever you need it." Fitz puts in.

~A few days later~

I go to visit Grady and Edaline with Sophie since she wanted to see them. While we were there, I pulled Grady aside to talk to him. After we talked. "You better not hurt my daughter or you will know," Grady says threatening me. "Don't worry, sir. I could never hurt her."

A week later, I go out of the house and go shopping for groceries, but as I'm out, I make a stop. When I make it back to the apartment Sophie asks, "What took you so long to get groceries?" "I ran into one of my old friends from our third year at Foxfire. We got talking. That's all."

~Present time~

I get a call on my phone and look down at my phone to see who it is. I then take the call. "Thank you. I'll be in shortly. Thanks again." I end the call. "What was that about Keefe?" Sophie asks. "I'm needed to come back into the recording studio for final touch-ups. They forgot part of a song." "When will you be back." "I should be back by dinner. I'll see you then," I say leaning down for a kiss. Once I reach my destination. "Thank you again." I close the container.

~A week later~

No One's POV:

Keefe had the whole day planned out for him and Sophie. They ended the day with a walk on the beach as the sun was setting. Sophie stopped and looked out at the ocean, facing the sunset. The light hit the right way to make her skin glow. Keefe took that opportunity to grab the black velvet box from his pocket and kneel to the ground opening it. At that moment Sophie turned around. It seemed as if time itself stopped. 

"Sophie Elizabeth Foster. Will you marry me?"

 Will you marry me?"

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And done. 

That's the end of Fix Me Foster. I hope you enjoyed it.

Well, goodbye My Lightning Bolts✨⚡💛


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