Chapter 2

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a/n: This is still in the past. It's still the flashback. The song will make more sense later.


I try calling Sophie just to make sure. "Hey, this is Sophie Foster. I can't make it to the phone. Please leave a message after the beep." It was her voice mail that I got. "Damn it," I say throwing my phone across the room. Frustrated that I don't know if she is okay or not.

What I didn't know was that this was just the beginning of my life is messed up.

Keefe's POV

I tried calling her many times during the next few days. Then she eventually picked up her phone. "Hey, Foster," I say when her phone doesn't go to voice mail. "Hey, Keefe," she says sounding depressed. "What's wrong, and don't tell me something isn't wrong because I know something is." "Keefe. My parents and sister died in the accident," she says crying into the phone. "Do you want me to come see you?" "Please do." 

~Time Skip~

Once I make it to the hospital where Sophie was staying. I ask if I can go see her. One of the nurses led me to her room. "Knock, Knock. Can I come in?" "Keefe," Sophie says looking up. "Come on in." 

I walk into her room and sit down on the edge of her bed. "How are you doing," I ask even though I already know the answer. "Not well. It doesn't feel real." I hug her. She hugs me back, holding onto me tightly. She starts crying. "It's okay. Let it all out." 

She continues crying for a few more minutes. "Keefe there is more I need to tell you." I look at Sophie. "What is it?" "I'm not going to be staying here. When they release me from the hospital, I'm going to have to go live with Grady and Edaline. They are the godparents after all."

Sophie's parents were high school friends with a couple named Grady and Edaline. They lost their only daughter when she was 15. Sophie always thought of Grady and Edaline as a second set of parents. 

"Wait does that mean that we won't be able to continue The Black Swan." "I don't know," she says sadly smiling, "Maybe." "Promise me that we'll stay in contact." "I promise," Sophie says.

~End Of Flashback~

The Black Swan couldn't stay together because of the distance. She ended up becoming a solo singer known as The Moonlark, and I did my own singing. I created a youtube channel called Lord Hunky Hair. I used it for my own singing career. 

We tried to stay in contact as much as we could, but sometimes our schedule wouldn't allow us to talk to each other for a few days at a time. But whenever something happened with my dad I would call Sophie, and she would answer no matter what time it was. She always made room for my troubles.

But whenever I wasn't around Sophie, I became a totally different person. I didn't care what happened. I was detached from everyone around me. Music was the only thing that helped me besides Sophie. 

I don't know if I will ever be the same happy boy I once was, but I will try to do that to the best of my ability. Right now though I'm the broken boy with my headphones in to block out most of the world around me.

~Time Skip to 5 years later~

a/n: it now is in the present.

I'm walking around the campus of my new school, Foxfire, with my headphones in listening to music when I ran into the back of someone. She ends up dropping her books. So I bend down to help her pick them up.

"I'm so sorry. I should have been watching where I was going." "Sorry. It's my fault. I was standing in the middle of the pathway," she says as she brushes a strand of hair behind her ear. "You look familiar. Do I know you," she asks. "I don't know. I'm Keefe Sencen." "Keefe?? OH MY GOSH!!!!" She says really loudly. All of a sudden she is hugging me. "Sophie??" "Yup it's me. Funny that we're going to the same school." "Yeah. Sorry for losing contact with you." "It's okay. We must have meant to meet again."

We continue talking for 10 more minutes. "Sorry. But I've gotta go find my dorm," I say. "Maybe we can catch up soon." "Yeah. Maybe," I say walking away.

a/n: two chapters in one day. 


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