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a/n: trigger warning on this chapter, and it starts right up with the intense part. I'll tell you when I'm done with that part.  Also, I do not know much about some of the things that are mentioned so I'm sorry if I end up getting anything wrong. I also just going to start right up in this chapter. 

Keefe's POV:

"What are you doing here?" I ask a bit more coldly than I should. I shake off the hand that is still holding onto me. "Why can a father not check up on his son?" He asks. "No. You are not my father especially since you made mom end up overdosing because of all that you were doing to her." "Keefe. You know that was an accident." "No. No, it wasn't. You didn't even love her!" I start raising my voice at him. "You know what. I'm sick of you talking back to me you stupid fucking brat. I never wanted you. It was just supposed to be a one-night stand until she found out she was pregnant with you." He says the last part in disgust. 

No one's POV:

"I told you to answer whenever I called you." He then slaps Keefe across the face. "You are a fucking disgrace to the Sencen family name. You shouldn't even be alive." He punches Keefe in the face really hard. You can hear the slap of his nose break. Blood splatters everywhere. He punches Keefe then in the stomach making him double over in pain. He takes that opportunity to kick Keefe in the gut. He coughs up blood. He then takes his leather belt off and starts hitting Keefe with it. He screams out in pain. "No one will hear you, Keefe. We're in a soundproof classroom and the music is way too loud at the party for anyone to hear you." He then starts whipping Keefe even more. 

Once Keefe is about to pass out, he decides to deliver one more kick to his stomach area breaking some more of Keefe's ribs. He then spits on Keefe. "You are a fucking disgraceful child. You should never have been born." The last thing he hears before he passes out is, "Such a useless waste of life." He then walks out of the school and heads to the hotel he was staying at.

a/n: it's over

~Back at the party~

Sophie's POV:

"Hey. Has anyone seen Keefe?" I ask our friends. We are sitting at one of the tables in the back of the room taking a break from dancing. "No, I haven't seen him for at least 20 minutes now," Tam says. They all say something along the same line. "Well can somebody go check the boys' bathrooms? Maybe we split up and look for him in other places and meet back here in 20 minutes." They all agree on the idea.

~20 minutes later~

"Has anyone found him?" I ask starting to get really worried. They all answer no. "Let's go look again. We must have missed something." "Don't worry Sophie, we will find him," Biana says trying to comfort me. "You guys don't know much about Keefe's backstory," I tell them. 

I know everything about Keefe because of how long I have known him. I know about the abuse and the cutting and starving of himself he has done in the past. I know about the panic attacks he has sometimes. He still has them sometimes. He calls me over then to help him. I know about his PTSD and his depression. I know how easily he can feel anxious in strange places, especially at night. We really need to find him. I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen.

We are walking down the hallway that leads to the closest bathroom when I notice one of the classrooms is partially open when they are supposed to be closed. "Hey, guys I think I might have found something." 

I then walk closer to the door and push it open a bit more. I then step into the classroom and turn on the light. I then notice a figure laying on their side in one corner of the room. I then recognize the blonde hair and rush over there. There is blood almost everywhere and I can tell that some of his ribs are broken. "Someone call an ambulance," I say to my friends. They just stand there in shock. "Now!" I yell. They then start fumbling to pull their phones out of their pockets. I turn back around and focus my attention on Keefe.

I check his pulse. It's faint but it's there. I then check to see if he is breathing, and he is."Keefe. . . . Keefe . . . KEEFE!" I finally yell. He then becomes somewhat consis. "So. . .Phie." "Save your energy, Keefe." He then grabs onto my hand.

By the time the ambulance arrives, the party has been canceled, and Keefe has passed out again due to blood loss. They then take him on a stretcher and put him into the back of the ambulance. I then get in after. They then start off taking him to the hospital. 

Once we make it there, they emedetally rush him to the emergency surgery room. Apparently one of his ribs ended up puncturing his lung and he has internal bleeding. They also think he might have some brain damage, but they don't know the extent of anything yet.

~Time Skip to around 3 hours later~

We are in the waiting room waiting for one of the doctors to come out and give us an update. "People here for Keefe Sencen?" the doctor asks once he comes out of the surgery room. "Yes?" I ask. "I have an update for you," the doctor says. "okay. How is he?" "Hi, I'm Doctor Elwin. So far he seems okay. He is physically in stable condition. With the amount of trauma he suffered, he most likely is going to be in a coma for at least two weeks up to 4 months. Though we estimate he might wake up after a month or 2. He should be okay for you to see though. He's in room 206e" Doctor Elwin says to us. "Thank you Doctor Elwin so much." "You're very welcome," he says before walking away. 

We then head to Keefe's room. He's laying there peacefully. I then go sit down next to Keefe. "Please wake up soon. I already miss you so much."

a/n: sorry if this chapter was hard for anyone to read. and as I have said before I don't know too much about this type of stuff, so I'm sorry if this chapter is crappy. I appreciate all the support I have gotten so far for this story. 

Also, once I have hit 5k views on my story, I will then have a questions and answers period for you guys can ask me any questions you have and get a shout-out if you want one. I might also do a face reveal if enough people want me to do one. We will see.

Untill then/ next time I update. Bye(I also changed my username)


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