Chapter 9

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a/n: hey today I'm doing Biana's POV but otherwise the story is mainly going to be Sophie and Keefe's POV


I finish the live stream, go downstairs to eat dinner, come back upstairs, take a shower, and start think about all that happened today the major one being that Sophie Foster is now my girlfriend.

~Time Skip to 3 Months later~

Biana's POV

I'm waiting in the Level 1 Girls' Dorm Building lounge to meet up with my boyfriend Tam for our date today when I walk to the information board about events that are happening in the upcoming months. One of the notices catches my eye. I go and read it. It's about the Level 1 formal dance that is coming. I let out a loud shriek, pull out my phone, and open our group chat.

In the "We're ✨ Elves✨ 😙😝" Group Chat

Guys :B🐝 

Guys :B🐝

Guys!!!!!!! :B🐝

Get yo asses online😤😠 :B🐝

I let out a long sigh.

Everyone is online 

TammyBoi🖤🌑🧂: What babe

LihnyLihn🌊: Gurl calm down

Mar🔥: Yeah girl please calm down

Soph🌸: What do you need

HunkyHair💁: What's up

FitzyPoo😎: Bi what do you need

Decks💻: What's all the chaos

We're going shopping :Bi🐝

LihnyLihn🌊: you know I love a good shopping but why

the level 1  formal dance is coming up soon :Bi🐝

Mar🔥: yas gurl you know what that means

At the Same Time all 3 type 

shopping spree😁:Bi🐝

LihnyLihn🌊: shopping spree😁

Mar🔥: shopping spree 😁

Soph🌸: ohh no please no

HunkyHair💁: babe you'll be ok

HunkyHair💁: maybe we can set up a day where we all can go together

Decks💻: Soph you'll be fine

Soph🌸: not with those 3 no


LihnyLihn🌊: 😁

Mar🔥: 😁

FitzyPoo😎: Well I'll go I guess

TammyBoi🖤🌑🧂: I'll go

TammyBoi🖤🌑🧂: I'd just end up getting dragged along anyways

HunkyHair💁: I'll be there for you

Soph🌸:  Uuhg fine

 Soph🌸: where and when

How about tomorrow at 10 we meet by the gazebo :Bi🐝

TammyBoi🖤🌑🧂: that's fine with me

 HunkyHair💁: we'll be there

Soph🌸: sure

 FitzyPoo😎: It's fine with me

LihnyLihn🌊: can't wait

 Mar🔥: I'm probably not gonna sleep tonight

K well I've got to go now :Bi🐝

Everyone is offline

By the time I turn off my phone and look up, Tam is standing at the entrance waiting for me. I walk over, and he gives me a hug. "Hey, babe ready to go?" Tam asks. "Yup."

a/n: I know today's chapter is short. I will try and make sure the next chapter is on the longer side.


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